what clients need now, more than ever

hand holding light bulb against purple backgroundproviding client accounting services gives them your best.

by hitendra patil
client accounting services: the definitive success guide

an accountant in practice in germany sent me this message after purchasing “the definitive success guide to client accounting services:”

“i only began reading your book today in the morning before work. when i browsed through the content, i already was blown away. being 60.5 years old, i try to stay fit body- and mind-wise. sometimes i doubt, a little bit, whether i should carry on. but when i read your soul-touching intro, i felt the fresh energy flowing. thank you so much for showing the shining of true potential!”

more: 15 services that cas clients need |  a job description for client accounting services | why cas is great for revenue growth
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yes, i felt a sense of fulfillment. but the bigger reason their message is more important for me is that professional accountants’ experience and expertise are so much more vital and necessary than ever before.