the art and science of hiring: three essentials for the covid age

after covid, recruiting may never be the same, according to bill carroll, hoops hr ceo.

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with matt solomon

bill carroll, ceo of hoops hr, reveals the three keys to smart hiring for accounting firms, in this conversation with matt solomon.

“we look at retention in really three key areas,” carroll says. “it’s security for that person. a lot of that has to do with income, but a lot of that has to do with how they’re treated internally as a person. how does the organization engage in conflict? how do they solve a conflict? is there ultimately a resolution? there’s a security aspect to that, and pay is just a portion of that.”

“care is another,” carroll adds. “security plus care. we look at care as benefits packages or access to benefit packages. then there’s retirement and perks, which should really be aligned with your core values.”

the third element is appreciation. “appreciation will ultimately lead to retention. we all know that experiences drive beliefs, beliefs drive behaviors, and behaviors drive results.”


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