how to stay in the present

business meeting of a woman and two menthis goes for both your business and personal lives.

by bill reeb

have you ever caught yourself daydreaming and realized a significant amount of time has passed while you were on autopilot and you can’t remember any details in between?

more: don’t use only your strengths | work smarter, not harder | why we risk change | learn to embrace failure | what would make you happy? | do you have a goal or just a speed?
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in the beginning, when i was driving back and forth between austin and arlington when michaelle was earning her ph.d., i found that there were times when my mind would get immersed in a topic and when i came back to the present, i might have driven between 50 and 100 miles. i couldn’t remember passing through cities. i did make the drive often, so the road was familiar, but what a scary thought that i was driving a death machine at 70 miles an hour on a crowded freeway and had no recollection of my navigation for such a long distance.