post-covid: not your usual summer to-do list

how will you spend your “vacation” time?

by bill penczak

in normal times, summer was the respite between tax and audit busy seasons, a pause in marketing activities, the time to take it easy and to catch up on cpe, and to conduct personnel reviews and other administrative duties delayed from the beginning of the year.

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this summer is different, on so many levels. the sunlight filters through your bedroom window a bit earlier, and these days, if you’re even driving to the office, the roads are strangely less crowded.  the general mood is more tenuous, as we all speculate about the new normal.

most cpa firms will continue the same pattern of waiting until september to ramp up their go-to-market efforts. but two or three out of 10 firms will use this summer to get a head start to make up for lost opportunities, and revenue, caused by the covid crisis.