the three new business models delivering significant profits for accounting firms

businessman sitting on stacks of paper currencyhow to upgrade your practice with successful, wealthy clients.

by anthony glomski and russ alan prince
your $5 million high-net-worth practice

competition for high-quality accounting clients is intense, and the current environment is making it harder for many accounting firms to excel.

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if you’re ready to serve successful business owners and wealthy individuals, then there are three practice models you should consider. each of the three models shares specific characteristics that make them especially attractive, including:

  • high demand from accomplished prospects
  • high fee structures which these clients pay
  • high margins
  • high realization rates
  • high probability of needing the expertise of various accountants at the firm

because all three practice models are relationship-based, many accountants are already well-positioned to provide new, high-caliber advisory services these highly coveted clients.