16 tech tools for working through the coronavirus

the apps and platforms we use, and why.

by sandi leyva

maybe you were thinking about taking your practice virtual sometime in the future. but with the novel coronavirus, the future is now. we’re lucky we’re in a profession where we can deliver our services virtually.

more tech for the coronavirus crisis:  three tech solutions for protecting client data |  top tech choices for the virtual firm  |  5 questions to evaluate new tech tools  |   innovate for the right reasons  |  how to leverage app technology for streamlined services   |  cyber security at a virtual cpa firm |  how core values affect remote work culture |  the hidden costs of running a virtual cpa firm

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our office became fully virtual in july 2019. meanwhile, here are the main 16 tools we use, sorted into 11 categories:

  1. appointment-setting
  2. conferencing
  3. data collection
  4. client portal
  5. shopping cart
  6. client emails
  7. customer support
  8. task management
  9. employee messaging
  10. phone calls
  11. cloud storage

note, some vendors are offering free services for the pandemic. now i’ll tell you exactly what we’re using and why…