the 3 types of partners you need

two men shaking hands as woman stands with oneyes, you need new clients, and new business from old clients. but there’s another key player.

by august j. aquila
what makes a great partnership

it seems like no matter what the topic is at partner meetings, it always reverts to compensation. there isn’t a partner out there who is not interested in his or her compensation, and maybe even more interested in what the other partners make.

more on great partnerships: 6 focuses for managing partners | 13 points of a good compensation plan | 5 ways to keep your edge | the toughest job in the world: managing an accounting practice | how to become the firm of choice
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compensation is also a topic on which all the partners can never agree. each partner likes the compensation system that most favors his or her strengths. hence, non-business developers favor production while business developers favor origination.