5 radical ways to be social and strategic

plus specific tips for each one. you know we wouldn’t leave you hanging.

man's hand writing social media strategies on a whiteboard

by jody padar
the radical cpa

so you want to get on social media? good! define your strategy. when i started using social, i was having fun and didn’t have a strategy, except to see what was happening — and it evolved. jump in, get started and you’ll formulate a game plan naturally.

jody padar, the radical cpa
jody padar, the radical cpa; learn more

more on radicalism: how social media transforms firms to their core | 10 radical steps into the cloud | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa | radical customers are on their way | the market is moving toward the radicals | 5 radical transparencies; are you ready? | 4 questions radical firms must face | being radical is all about your customer | why start being radical now? | going radical: the 4 tenets of a ‘new firm’ | why should cpas be radical? | the roots of ‘radical’ cpas | the first 3 questions i should have asked before starting my own practice

here’s some help in five phases: