the managing partner’s secret weapon in change management

august aquila

by august aquila
author of “leadership at its strongest”
and “how to engage partners in the firm’s future

research shows that managing partners and marketing directors are still facing some major challenges when it comes to getting their firms to implement change. why?

here are four key issues firm leaders today face.

1. getting partners to buy in.
2. creating a firm vision that gets all partners on the same page.
3. helping develop a culture of accountability.
4. being asked to accomplish too many goals.

when the managing partner and the chief marketing officer work together they have a better chance of being successful in these areas. you may ask what do these four factors have to do with the marketing director? and i would answer – everything.

overcoming these four issues will make the firm more competitive, efficient and profitable. here’s how the best managing partners work with their marketing directors: