and 25 best practices to make a merely good managing partner into a great managing partner.
by marc rosenberg, cpa
author of “cpa firm management and governance.”
an increasing number of firms are asking: do we want the firm managed by a leader, which for a cpa firm is the managing partner, or managed by one or more committees of partners? the fact is, most firms are choosing a strong leader – the managing partner.

more on cpa firm leadership and management: what a managing partner is… and is not • when is it time to shift your firm from partnership-style to corporate-style governance? • de-bunking the myth about niche marketing for tax and accounting firms • practice development is no longer an optional activity • 10 good ways the achieve partner accountability • pick your partners right to begin with
but too many firms still lack a clear understanding of what a managing partner is. based on years of research, we have compiled a comprehensive managing partner job description. and we’re including the 25 best practices that make today’s best managing partners great.
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