three ways to break partner gridlock in an accounting firm

when one-partner, one-vote isn’t working. 

by marc rosenberg, cpa
author of how to bring in new partners

most firms vote on a one-person, one-vote basis despite varying ownership percentages.

more marc rosenberg practice management trends and guidance: what partners are entitled to, and what they’re not entitled to | how to make partner?  |  why accounting firm partners are “popping prozac like m&m’s”  |  the 15-item checklist for your next partner retreat |  five key responsibilities for a new partner  |  planning a partner retreat for real results  |  6 steps to get your business to the next level  |  the 10 biggest mistakes in reading map statistics  |  re-engineering partner accountability  |  marc rosenberg: why cpas aren’t making more money [video]  |  marc rosenberg: slow learners need not apply  |  10 to-do’s for a partner buyout

but is that always the best way? here are three better ways.