[video] brian falony on tech trends in accounting marketing

if traditional marketing is dead, then what’s next?

brian falony, marketing director at habif arogeti & wynne in atlanta, explains how technology is changing the game for accounting marketers. once a broadcast model, under which marketers sought to reach as many people as possible, now marketers need to target their prospects very carefully. and a host of new technologies makes is possible and inevitable — linkedin, facebook, twitter, webcasts, and ways to use the website to begin a dialogue with prospects.

recorded at the association for accounting marketing annual summit, austin, texas, june 3, 2009.

little-known fact: there’s no “beef” in “habif.” “habif” is the most frequently mispronounced name at the firm. many people incorrectly say “ha-beef,” but the correct pronunciation is “hay-bif!”

2 responses to “[video] brian falony on tech trends in accounting marketing”

  1. twitter trackbacks for [video] brian falony on tech trends in accounting marketing : 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 [www.g005e.com] on topsy.com

    […] [video] brian falony on tech trends in accounting marketing : 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 www.g005e.com/2009/06/04/video-brian-falony-on-tech-trends-in-accounting-marketing – view page – cached brian falony, marketing director at habif arogeti & wynne in atlanta, explains how technology is changing the game for accounting marketers. once a broadcast model, under which marketers sought to reach as many people as possible, now marketers need to target their prospects very carefully. and a host of new technologies makes is possible and inevitable — linkedin, facebook, twitter, webcasts, and ways to use the website to begin a dialogue with prospects. — from the page […]

  2. brian swanson

    i believe his comments are accurate. we now have access to a world of technology that allows firms to develop the brand, educate prospects and define our value propostion. moving forward older lead generation and marketing tactics will not go away but this new medium will change the game and the balance in the overall marketing mix.