small firms can make workers feel special

by kristin backhaus

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question: what steps can i take to make my small business employee-friendly?

answer: many organizations vie for the “best place to work” title, and for many large companies, becoming an employer of choice allows them to attain a competitive edge within their industry.

small businesses can also profit from being employee friendly. large companies tend to highlight their big-ticket perks to earn their titles, but being a good employer is really about consideration for the employee. here are some things a small business can do to earn their own reputation as a local “employer of choice.”

listen to your employees: your employees have a lot to say. first, they can tell you what they need in order to do their jobs well. ask them if they have the tools, the space, and the working conditions that will enable them to work at their best. be open to suggestions about product or process changes.

their ideas may help you to improve your business, and your willingness to listen makes them feel like they matter. second, be aware of your employees’ needs. people are motivated in different ways. for some employees, the promise of a wage increase may spark excellent performance. for others, an additional day off, or the possibility of a promotion in title may motivate. you’ll never know unless you ask.

be fair and consistent: while everyone is different, employees need to see you as a fair and consistent boss. if they believe that the “favorite” employee gets different treatment, their commitment to their job will likely be affected in a negative way. maintain a uniform set of policies, and enforce them evenly across the entire staff.

have fun: fun, laughter and a relaxed atmosphere go a long way toward making a business employee-friendly. even the most serious enterprise can benefit from a joke or a laugh from time to time. schedule time for breaks or lunches together, provide dessert or snacks or some other treat that makes your employees feel that they are special and valued.

kristin backhaus is an assistant professor of management at the state university of new york at new paltz. she teaches and conducts research in the areas of human resource management and leadership.