need a laugh?
okay, maybe just a chuckle and the occasional groan?
we’ve done our best to compile all the (mostly) decent jokes we can find about accountants. (some are even funny!)
not available at amazon — for good reason.
need a laugh?
okay, maybe just a chuckle and the occasional groan?
we've done our best to compile all the (mostly) decent jokes we can find about accountants. (some are even funny!)
not available at amazon — for good reason.
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the reviews are in!
- relevant and funny. well, most of them. there are a few groaners.
- was a fun read
- most are old jokes but good to see them all in 1 place
- i’d give it a 10 but that’s reserved for the 7 wonders of the world and those who walk on water
- most of them made me just groan but some were clever
- it’s good to laugh at ourselves once in a while…
- many will be useful to spice up presentations and amuse my spouse! thanks for sharing!
- i thought the jokes are pretty accurate, i’ve worked with accountants for 9 years now.
- most of the jokes i’ve heard before.
- i think i have heard some of the jokes before.
- funny stuff, some a little too corny
- didn’t like the dirty joke about husband and wife age 54.
- made me laugh all morning!
- not all jokes are funny, but then i am not an accountant.
- more good than really bad!
- some of the jokes i already knew but it’s great to have them all together in one file. my students love them!!
- pretty good…a few were very good! thanks
- some funny jokes in there, good job!
- some lame, others a good chuckle. our stereotype continues to flourish!!
- it certainly is for those in the business. the public would not care or understand.
- the “jokes” are really bad!
- i’m an accountant, but i do have a sense of humor
- it’s funny, just not side splitting funny
- it compiles many of the profession’s jokes and helped relieve tension and boost morale. who says the only creative accountants worked for enron and arthur anderson?
- many of the jokes caused just a smile, but 18 into 54 was very funny!
- a couple of good ones. most of them are old. heard it all before.
- i enjoyed most of them but there were a few groaners in there!
- it’s funny, and cpas need to laugh sometimes.
- i enjoy the humor and it is always interesting how accountants are perceived by the public.
- great to have for speaking engagements
- it was funnier then hell! i can’t believe you guys (and i’m guessing it’s more guys than girls) put in the joke about the 54 and 18 year old.
- most of the jokes were pretty funny, because they were true.
- nothing is perfect!
- very cute humor.
- some made me chuckle, some made me laugh out loud and all made me forward a copy to other accountants and to my family. thanks very much!
- most were pretty funny, only a few missed the mark
- some of the jokes are older than the hills eg the 2+2
- cute but not side splitting.
- it made me laugh.
- these were cute jokes to tell fellow cpas
- loved the pricewaterhousecoopers line.
- some good jokes, some not so good.
- the jokes are clean and just fun!
- some i’ve heard before, some were twists on other jokes i’ve heard, some were new.
- some of them are way too accurate!! :)
- the jokes are funny and entertaining. none of them made me ‘cringe’ for being in bad taste.
- i laughed at about 70% of the jokes or 69.95%.
- love that all the jokes are in one place, but some of them are really bad or take too much explanation!
- some pretty funny jokes, though some were very old.
- always a stress reducer to laugh at yourself or a group you’re associated with!
- many classics, but also some new ones.
- some jokes funny some old some bad
- it was funny, but some of the jokes were a little to dry for my sense of humor.
- brightened my day!
- got a real kick out of it. but some of them were just so bad, i couldn’t quite give it a 10. some of them are so on point it cracks me up i printed it out and my colleagues are enjoying it right now. we saw our boss in several of these!
- it was funny? i passed to my ph.d. in accounting candidate son and he thought it was great as well.
- good clean jokes that poke fun at us accountants.
- it made me chuckle out loud!
- i thought it was funny but as an accountant, i didn’t love it.
- can i send it to select clients for xmas? they agree with the most of the jokes. thanks!
- because us older accountants never die. we just lose our balance
- most of the jokes were terrible, but i had a ball reading them!
- i haven’t been able to read through the whole thing, but was entertained and thought that it was a good idea!
- i shared it with my staff and it helps ease some of the stress we are going through after one of our co-workers passed away.
- cpe: not applicable. (are you kidding?)
the accountant’s (bad) joke book