marchternity: just say ‘no’

whether marchternity continues depends entirely upon you.

more on marchternity:
the solution is community, by liz farr

by seth fineberg
at large

after nearly three years of what many tax pros consider one of the longest tax seasons on record –- a.k.a. ‘marchternity’ –- one would think this season would be different.

more fineberg: what bogs down accountants | your classic business model won’t allow growth

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to be sure, plenty of tax practitioners in late 2022 did indeed call the end of marchternity and look forward to some sense of normalcy, as much of what caused the extended tax season in the first place appears to have subsided. so, do tax pros expect this season to be different?

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don’t let clients dictate tax workflow

// the right questions and stick to your processes.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

who makes the errors in your firm? staff obviously, but that’s half of the answer. clients are a major source of tax return errors. clients cause errors in three ways:

  1. errors of omission
  2. errors of commission
  3. errors in attitude

more: make fewer mistakes, increase revenue and capacity | how small firms can win the talent wars | easy ways to avoid ‘done but’ tax returns | six ways to create a millennial-friendly firm | do you know your turnaround time?
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every tax season, we finalize and deliver returns only to hear from the client, “i think i might have forgotten to tell you that we had a baby last year.” does this happen to you? this is a client error of omission. unintentionally, clients withhold important information.
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make fewer mistakes, increase revenue and capacity

businessman horrified by what he sees on computer screentackle the four error categories.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

determining the workflow harm that errors cause should be second nature now. errors cause rework. rework adds to work in progress (wip) and, thus, increases turnaround time.

this happens in two ways: as wip increases, capacity decreases. it’s a double whammy.

more: how small firms can win the talent wars | easy ways to avoid ‘done but’ tax returns | six ways to create a millennial-friendly firm | do you know your turnaround time?
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when a reviewer spots errors on a tax return and sends it back to the preparer, the preparer wastes at least 15 minutes, and probably more like 30 minutes, fixing the errors. the return then goes back to the reviewer, who spends another 15 minutes re-reviewing the return. we have added 30 to 45 minutes to the wip for this tax return. we know that adding to our wip numerator increases turnaround time.

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how small firms can win the talent wars

three young people working in an officegetting creative can bring in better talent and better clients.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

one afternoon, the partner group of our outsourced accounting practice met for a state of the practice meeting conducted by our director of outsourced accounting. our prior director left and we were looking for someone when one of our newbies asked if he could be considered.

more: easy ways to avoid ‘done but’ tax returns | six ways to create a millennial-friendly firm | do you know your turnaround time? | why hiring out of school works | leadership growth is a two-way street | quiet quitting: are employers culturally aware? | how to guide students into accounting | three strategies to keep emerging leaders engaged
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the 25-year-old had one year of experience, and we were chasing a controller-type person. the whole outsourced practice was in shambles. revenue was nil and any clients we had were unsatisfied.
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easy ways to avoid ‘done but’ tax returns

meeting of six peoplechange mentality and ask better questions to eliminate bottlenecking.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

a project hung up in process is one where there is a disagreement between people involved in a project as to the status. for example, a client thinks he has answered your tax return questions, while you believe he has not. another example is when a tax return preparer believes a return is ready for review while the reviewer does not believe it’s ready.

more: six ways to create a millennial-friendly firm | do you know your turnaround time? | tax season client meetings: kill them now | leadership growth is a two-way street | 12 subjective factors for pricing your next engagement | the six pillars for finance transformation | three strategies to keep emerging leaders engaged
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the result of a hung-up project is a dead project – one that’s not moving to completion.
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six ways to create a millennial-friendly firm

your firm’s future depends on successfully engaging younger clients and younger staff. here’s how.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

do you know why millennials can’t buy houses? avocado toast is expensive. how many millennials does it take to change a light bulb? none. they accept it for what it is. buy me a craft beer and i’ll tell you a half-dozen more.

more: do you know your turnaround time?
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

now, here’s why you need millennials as clients and how they increase the efficiency of your firm.

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five people to keep out of partnership

businesswoman opens door to brick wallyou’ll resent them later.

by marc rosenberg
how to bring in new partners

many firms make the mistake of admitting to the partnership someone who will not be a strong contributing member of the group. they miss the signs that this person will be a bad fit.

more: nine ways to woo a prospective partner | tell potential partners what it takes
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the following red flags may signal a potential future challenge in the partnership. consider whether your candidate
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stop tax return review shortcuts

frank stitely the main item we have causing internal issues is preparers not thinking through the irs matching process. in other words, will this return keep the irs computer in…