why vc is a bigger threat than ai

how big money could change everything.

by seth fineberg
at large

here is some truth, at least that i believe, accountants need to know: accountants in practice today, particularly firm owners, should be more afraid of venture capital entering the profession than ai or any like form of automation. a bold statement, i know but stay with me and see if you agree.

more seth fineberg: what does taking control of your firm mean? | accountants need each other more than ever | marchternity: just say ‘no’ |

some thoughts on in-person events | so you think you know accountants? | what bogs down accountants

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at the core of this viewpoint is how i believe the two will, respectively, impact the profession at large. the major difference, to me, is that one has the potential to help the profession move forward while the other could change its dynamic for the worse.

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why bos calls for flat rates

timesheets are used, but for tracking productivity.

by penny breslin
it’s not just the numbers

let’s get to the big questions that confound professional service providers of all types in today’s tech environment:

  • how do i charge my client for these services?
  • how do i continue to get paid?
  • how do i charge hourly for processes that will be taking less and less time because of the application of technology?

more: four steps for controlling source documents | why you need standard naming conventions | how to develop internal procedures | workflow tools can deepen client relationships | going viral: today’s top marketing strategies | which kind of team do you have? | meet the new bos | why ai is not the enemy
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fixed pricing

flat-rate billing is the logical choice for back office support (bos) services. this fixed pricing is typically used for monthly recurring work. we can do this by knowing how long it takes to create any given transaction. there will be swings in time, but the idea is that the fixed monthly rate considers the busiest season or months for the business. that way, on less heavy months, you receive the same rate and it makes up for the times when the workload increases.
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four steps for controlling source documents

woman typing on laptop in front of windowcharge less for more efficient methods. reward your clients.

by penny breslin
it’s not just the numbers

permissions are key. in our company only three people have a connection to their local c drive from our managed server. also, we can track who is logged in, from where, how long and what they accessed.

more: why you need standard naming conventions | procedures require regular revisiting | why federated search matters | tips for getting clients started on bos | the best tech for your team and clients | marketing? know your goals first | eight things to stop doing now | you don’t have to do everything | why ai is not the enemy
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if documents are in our cloud storage, the permissions to download them can be turned off. viewing is done from within the document storage app. nothing is perfect. they can still take a screenshot but we attempt to keep things as closed as possible while still allowing for work and efficiency.
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tax pros offer advice for small businesses

specific tips from your colleagues.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

when the 2023 cpatrendlines busy season barometer asked practitioners what advice they’d give small businesses, most of the responses boiled down to two essential messages:

  • don’t be afraid … but be careful … and ready.
  • hang on to your cash.

more: busy season barometer finds many cpas in transition | more cpas see worsening economy | marchternity: the solution is community | why we all hate the tax code | tax season 2023: better or worse?
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

a little trepidation

looking at these early responses to the survey – which is still open for responses – we are sensing a little trepidation over the near future.
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busy season barometer finds many cpas in transition

join the survey. get the results.

dropping services … and clients. help wanted.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the 2023 cpatrendlines busy season barometer generally looks for the status of firms as they dig into this year’s tax filings. practitioners tell us how things are going, how well they’re doing, what their main concerns are and what they see happening in local and national economies.

more: more cpas see worsening economy | has early tax season optimism peaked? | marchternity: just say ‘no’ | marchternity: the solution is community | why the irs is still doing data entry by hand | news on irs is maybe sort of a little bit good | why we all hate the tax code | how bullish are you this tax season? | accountants’ top problems for tax season 2023 | tax season 2023: better or worse?
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

at the end of the survey, we ask what else we should know about their firms. this year, we’re receiving hints of firms in transition – slowing down, branching out, shifting gears, moving on, revamping business models and generally looking for a better business life.
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why time tracking still matters

if your team dismisses timesheets as old school, you may want to rethink that strategy.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

pen ready to fill in blank timesheet

because capacity is the denominator in the lean six sigma equation, and employee productivity is a big factor in capacity, employee productivity becomes a big factor in determining turnaround time.

more: business owners face one of three exits | don’t let clients dictate tax workflow | make fewer mistakes, increase revenue and capacity | how small firms can win the talent wars | easy ways to avoid ‘done but’ tax returns | six ways to create a millennial-friendly firm | do you know your turnaround time?
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first, let’s dismiss all the consultants who tell us time tracking and productivity metrics don’t matter. for the most part, these consultants have never managed or owned cpa firms. rarely have they worked in firms for any length of time. they have never known the struggles of meeting payroll the first pay period in february, when employee hours are up but the tax season money is not rolling in yet.

here’s an example that shows why time tracking and productivity metrics matter:
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business owners face one of three exits

businessman putting a card with text "don't resist change, embrace it" in suit pocketexpect to sell your practice? not if you resist change.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

in talking to firms from around the country, i realized there are three types of firms out there:

  1. firms and practitioners that are sliding into retirement, whether they know it or not
  2. firms that see the need for change, but don’t know where to start
  3. firms that see a clear path to the future through better practice management

more: don’t let clients dictate tax workflow | make fewer mistakes, increase revenue and capacity | how small firms can win the talent wars | easy ways to avoid ‘done but’ tax returns | six ways to create a millennial-friendly firm | do you know your turnaround time?
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

since publishing my first book and launching my firm’s workflow and collaboration application, i have talked to practitioners from firms of all types and sizes. my cpa firm pursued a few acquisition opportunities. during the process, i learned there are a lot of practitioners who are either incapable of adapting to our profession’s 21st-century changes or unwilling to adapt. that’s okay, if you are making an informed choice to retire and don’t care about realizing much in value by selling your firm.

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