six ways to market your technology consulting practice

hands on keyboard, network illustrated with connected dots

plus how to decide what services to offer.

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

computer consulting has evolved over the last 30 years and there are more choices than ever before. in fact, it is much more than just a computer and is now rebranded as technology consulting. recent changes in technology will force us to learn a new type of technology consulting. despite your current level of technology consulting sophistication, you will still need to market your services.

more: five reasons to implement change orders | why you need progress billing | five tips for cross-selling and upselling | five keys to successful marketing | twelve fundamentals of planning | one question to guide your growth plans | four ways to prepare for new business development
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get started by asking yourself (your team) the following three questions:
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five reasons to implement change orders

man and woman looking down at document

plus five steps to follow.

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

accounting firms, like any other professional service providers, may use change orders for several reasons. here are a few key reasons why accounting firms should consider utilizing change orders:

more: why you need progress billing | sixteen marketing activities to try | the four steps of your personal marketing process | how does your firm measure up? | six questions before asking for all the referrals you deserve | five rules for a marketing orientation | ten keys to marketing success
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  1. scope of work changes: change orders allow accounting firms to document and address any changes in the scope of work requested by their clients. these changes could involve additional services, alterations to existing services, or changes in project timelines. by using change orders, accounting firms can clearly define the new requirements and avoid any misunderstandings or disputes with their clients.

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why you need progress billing

smiling woman wearing glasses, looking at computer screen

seven steps to setting it up and four benefits.

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

there are many things that are critical for a successful client service engagement. in my mind, there are two that should be at the top of your list.

more: sixteen marketing activities to try | make your practice better | eleven marketing strategies for smaller firms | five questions for developing your marketing plan | you only have four strategies | the damage that traditional fee methods do
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number one is providing the client with a progress report or reports. number two is making sure that you progress bill and provide a change order if the scope of the engagement changes. doing both ensures that you will have a happy client and get paid promptly for your services.
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seven benefits of trade show marketing

woman holding tablet and smiling, talking to man at trade show

plus eight tips.

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

trade shows have once again become popular since the end of the covid-19 pandemic. they are great marketing opportunities, but you need to know how to work them.

more: sixteen marketing activities to try | make your practice better | eleven marketing strategies for smaller firms | five questions for developing your marketing plan | you only have four strategies | the damage that traditional fee methods do
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i recently attended a trade show, and it amazed me how “un-marketing” many of the people behind the booths were. what a waste of time and money for their companies!
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sixteen marketing activities to try

man and woman walking in hallway, others in background, five people total

how about doing something with a client?

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

just in case you have run out of marketing ideas, what follows is a laundry list of activities for your consideration. any marketing activity you undertake needs to start with an understanding of your market, and then develop the activity around those needs. marketing is about getting in front of your targets so that they can see how much you can help them.

more: make your practice better | five tips for cross-selling and upselling | five keys to successful marketing | twelve fundamentals of planning | one question to guide your growth plans
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create your activities around this concept: “i will provide my clients and prospects with valuable information in order to help them determine that i (or my firm) can best solve their problems and satisfy their needs.”
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make your practice better

two seated men looking at laptop screen together

are you helping clients achieve their goals?

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

there is only one person who can make your practice better. that person is you if you are a sole practitioner. if you are a multi-partner firm, then it’s up to all the partners and senior staff. let’s explore how you get your firm to the next level.

more: five tips for cross-selling and upselling | the four steps of your personal marketing process | how does your firm measure up? | six questions before asking for all the referrals you deserve | five rules for a marketing orientation | ten keys to marketing success
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do you tolerate mediocrity?

tolerating mediocrity is the death of many good firms. whenever and wherever you see it in your firm, stamp it out fast.
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five tips for cross-selling and upselling

packages make the process easier.

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

while most accountants and consultants struggle with trying to sell their services to the next new client, there are two ways to get new and additional business without moving too far out of your comfort zone.

more: the four steps of your personal marketing process | eleven marketing strategies for smaller firms | five questions for developing your marketing plan | you only have four strategies | the damage that traditional fee methods do | ten keys to marketing success
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

one way is cross-selling and the other is upselling. cross-selling is persuading a client to buy other products or services to complement a purchase. upselling encourages a buyer to purchase a higher-end, more expensive product or service.
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the four steps of your personal marketing process

you’re not done once you land a client.

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

most new business comes about because of personal marketing efforts. there is a process that your personal marketing efforts need to follow. in fact, the only way you will get different results is to change your current marketing process. let’s look at the four steps in the personal marketing process.

more: eleven marketing strategies for smaller firms | five keys to successful marketing | how does your firm measure up? | five questions for developing your marketing plan | twelve fundamentals of planning | six questions before asking for all the referrals you deserve | you only have four strategies | one question to guide your growth plans | five rules for a marketing orientation | the damage that traditional fee methods do | four ways to prepare for new business development | ten keys to marketing success
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

first, you need to get known and develop a good reputation in the marketplace. there are many ways for you to do this. look around your community.
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