today's features

ask not what ai can do for you, ask what you can do for ai

four actions to take now.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the potentials and requirements of artificial intelligence are still a massive unknown. so far, we’re getting only a distant whiff of what’s to come.

yes, ai is already serving us with doing research, composing letters, filling in blanks and taking best guesses. but turning it into a multifunctional workhorse is still a workhorse in progress.

more: allison schlegelmilch: leadership lessons from firm mergers | cas can play a critical role in clients’ vendor selection | artificial intelligence: it’s a matter of time | ai will steal your job. and that’s a good thing | allan koltin: how small firms can thrive against pe-powered competitors | the power of community in accounting | desperate cfos are outsourcing accounting functions | tax and accounting jobs and salaries show strength | olympics of outsourcing and offshoring for accountants | new study: strong and steady growth for accountant jobs and salaries
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while the ubertechies are working on that, the rest of us should be figuring out how we have to change to accommodate ai, to avoid its pitfalls and make best use of its potential.
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who to hire when it’s time to grow

young businesswoman speaking with client

management and review still will be needed.

by ed mendlowitz
202 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice

question: a cpa sole practitioner with a few part-time staff told me that he has come to realize that he no longer had a practice, but a business, and wanted to hire a person for “growth,” not just someone to help him get through the day.

more: hourly billing doesn’t cover the value; now what? | ask for what you’re worth | two options for collecting past due fees | when board service gets tricky | eleven ways new staffers can help bring in business | busy season is over, so it’s time for some resolutions | want to merge? six steps to take | how to start providing family office services | every accounting firm needs quality control
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he wanted some suggestions of what type of person he should hire. read more →

how to upgrade c and d clients

use relationship building and a little bit of detective work.

by alan anderson, cpa
transforming audit for the future

ideally, if you’re practicing business-mindedness, you only keep the a and b clients. if a client is below that level, you must consider whether that client is salvageable. if the answer is no, you need to exit the relationship.

more: eleven types of audit clients and which to fire | don’t risk losing good employees for bad clients | four questions to make your firm more successful as a business | say adios to audit fee pressure | deliver more audit value by getting out of the conference room | six essential elements in audit planning | before the audit: more than just planning | five crucial attributes for successful audit leadership | put the ethics code to work for your clients and your firm | is audit in crisis because of definitions?
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for c and d clients, you want to try to grow them into a or b clients by developing a relationship with them. if they don’t reach that level within three years, they can be passed off to another firm. there’s always more than enough work to go around with a and b clients.

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is pricing a marketing function?

ten steps to designing your pricing strategy.

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

yes, pricing is indeed a fundamental marketing function. it plays a crucial role in determining the value of a product or service in the eyes of customers and has a direct impact on a company’s profitability and market positioning. pricing decisions are typically made based on various factors such as production costs, competition, target market, positioning strategy and customer perceptions of value.

more: develop your personal marketing plan in ten steps | five ways to make partners fall in love with marketing | losing can help you win more | eight areas to cover for personal goals | service quality: the key to client retention | how life cycle changes your marketing | clients buy solutions, not features | make sure you know what you will get from your marketing | three pillars support a successful accounting firm | clients have six reasons for needing you | six ways to market your technology consulting practice | sixteen marketing activities to try
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here are a few reasons why pricing is considered a marketing function:
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allison schlegelmilch: leadership lessons from firm mergers | capstone conversations

capstone conversations
informal and informative discussions with leading growth strategists from the nation’s most dynamic cpa firms.

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with jean caragher
for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

i was delighted to have a capstone conversation with allison schlegelmilch, director of marketing at rkl llp and an association for accounting marketing marketer of the year.

follow jean caragher on 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 here. | get her best-selling handbook, the 90-day marketing plan for cpa firms, here | catch jean caragher every friuday with gear up for growth here |

why was allison named marketer of the year? well, let me give you an idea. read more →

steve yoss: advanced data visualization techniques in excel | quick tech talk

bring complex financial data to life with advanced visualization techniques.

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quick tech talk
with steve yoss
cpe today

have you ever checked out microsoft power bi? it’s microsoft’s business intelligence and visualization tool. it can take any type of structured and digital data and turn it into beautiful interactive dashboards.

more steve vossmore techmore podcasts

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it’s difficult for most non-accounting folks to read a balance sheet or make sense of a cash flow statement. what’s beautiful about tools like power bi or tableau is that they can take your financial data, bring it to life, and allow decision-makers to get the information they need in the way that they want to receive it.

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bissett bullet: innovation

today’s bissett bullet: “what do meta, uber, ali baba and airbnb all have in common?”

by martin bissett

they have all become the biggest in their industry without owning the very thing that they offer. they have all innovated on traditional business models and grown by embracing technology and connecting with people.

what can we learn? moving to the cloud in this profession has huge advantages, but it means nothing without the ability to demonstrate that benefit to our clients in order to convince them to experience the power of real-time accounting.

the work we do for clients is fueled by relationships. the closer the relationship, the better equipped you are to talk about new technology in terms of how it aligns with their business goals and the benefit it will bring to them personally.

today’s to-do:

what is happening right now in accounting tech that would be of benefit to your clients?

see more bissett bullets here

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