why choose you?

businessman cutting back jobs. all on white background.you may be unique, but then what?

by ty hendrickson

why should someone choose to do business with you over someone else? have you ever sat down and truly thought through the answer to this question?

more: the abcs of exceptional cpa leaders | three w’s for networking the right way | the cpa firm partner’s role is changing | the no. 1 reason accountants fail to build advisory practices | 4 reasons to welcome rejection
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whether you own your own accounting practice or are a part of a larger firm, this is probably the most important question you will ever need to know the answer to if you want to be successful.
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what cannabis clients should look for in an accountant

portrait of harry shurek
harry shure, ea

beware of pricing by phone.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the production and distribution of cannabis is the newest and most variegated industry in america. some would even say it’s one of the toughest industries in america in which to do business.

more on cannabiz: suchoff takes cannabis accounting passion national | why are ceos so confused? | kareyna miller mines michigan cannabis niche | cannabis: thc vs. cbd critical differences | new to cannabis? maybe a joint venture is the answer | cannabiz meets intellectual property protection | green bits: helping cannabis retailers stay compliant | silver leaf cbc: an erp platform for cannabis companies | cohnreznick goes national on cannabis
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it’s illegal everywhere yet legal in some places, but not legal the same way in all places. the federal government considers it a schedule 1 narcotic right up there with heroin and lsd, yet the internal revenue service is perfectly willing to collect taxes on companies that handle the product.
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suchoff takes cannabis accounting passion national

portrait of sandy suchoff

she cites the usual complicators: 280e, the dearth of banking services.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

sandy suchoff’s initial interest in cannabis came when a family member had an immune deficiency condition. the treatments seemed almost as hazardous as the disease itself.

more on cannabiz: why are ceos so confused? | everything you wanted to know about dispensary accounting but were afraid to ask | ‘high times’ at aicpa | cpa cathro goes 90% cannabiz in the bay state | why jax wheatley shifted from lbgtq to cannabis clients
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medications came with lists of serious side effects and often conflicted with each other. but from what suchoff read – and she read a lot – cannabis could do a world of good without threatening harm.
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irs crackdown spells new opportunities for tax professionals


bonus: specific online and offline marketing strategies.

by michael rozbruch, cpa
the irs audit notice checklist

i don’t think there is a better time in the past eight years to get into the tax resolution business than now.

more: the 10 most important words for getting retained | why are artists and tax pros afraid to sell themselves? | what do taxes and wedding dresses have in common? | 2 emerging industries for tax resolution
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i say it’s never been a better time because of the convergence of some key industry metrics and observations. it’s almost like a “perfect storm” given the irs’s 2020 focus on increased enforcement.

podcast: rozbruch interviews the widely known godfather of tax resolution, robert “bob” mckenzie, about what to expect from the irs new compliance and enforcement initiatives, this year and beyond. listen here: podcast: rozbruch interviews bob mckenzie

additionally, tax season is the absolute best of the year to market for tax resolution as taxes are top of mind with everyone, especially people who owe back taxes or haven’t filed their tax returns for several years – or both.

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why are ceo clients so confused?

business hand holding hot chart in crystal ballyou just need to be a little bit of a mind reader.

by andrew hunzicker

why are ceos so confused about what they want from their bookkeeper, accountant, tax cpa or cfo?

more: everything you wanted to know about dispensary accounting but were afraid to ask | 5 do’s and don’ts for cannabis cpa marketing | cannabis: thc vs. cbd critical differences | 4 best things about being a ‘dope’ accountant | 5 biggest mistakes cannabis ceos make | five secrets to launching your own cannabis accounting firm | five reasons accountants should serve cannabis clients | cpa andrew hunzicker creates course in cannabis accounting
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here’s what they tell me they want:

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everything you wanted to know about dispensary accounting but were afraid to ask

plus why trying to beat 280e isn’t worth it.

by andrew hunzicker

accounting for a dispensary turns out to be quite a challenge for the cannabis accountant.

more: 5 do’s and don’ts for cannabis cpa marketing | cannabis: thc vs. cbd critical differences | 4 best things about being a ‘dope’ accountant | 5 biggest mistakes cannabis ceos make | five secrets to launching your own cannabis accounting firm | five reasons accountants should serve cannabis clients | cpa andrew hunzicker creates course in cannabis accounting
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there are many issues, both gaap and tax, as well as state-level compliance issues that must be understood as well.

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do’s and don’ts for cannabis cpas

portrait of kevin michaelan

q&a with kevin michaelan: “the complexity and risks cannot be understated.”

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

kevin michaelan, cpa, mst, is the director of cannabis practice at aafcpa, a leading cpa and consulting firm based in boston with national & global reach. massachusetts recently authorized sales of cannabis for recreational use, and the first retail stores opened last year.

more at cannabizcpa.pro: kareyna miller mines michigan cannabis niche  | high times at aicpa | 5 do’s and don’ts for cannabis cpa marketing | cannabis cpa readies for when maine ‘goes recreational’ | integrity wins in cannabis accounting  |  more at cannabizcpa.pro
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here michaelan offers 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 insights into some of the technicalities of accounting for cannabis businesses.

q: how is your firm involved in the cannabis industry?

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kareyna miller mines michigan cannabis niche

portrait of kareyna miller

teach your clients standard procedures.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

even before they were allowed to open their doors, over 2,000 new businesses in michigan were applying for a license to sell marijuana under the state’s new recreational cannabis law effective dec. 1.

more on cannabiz: ‘high times’ at aicpa | 5 do’s and don’ts for cannabis cpa marketing | cannabis cpa readies for when maine ‘goes recreational’ | integrity wins in cannabis accounting
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

kareyna l. miller, cpa, is a big believer in the medical benefits of cannabis. as michigan went forward with commercial business laws, she started looking into the industry from an accounting perspective. what she saw was burgeoning upstarts working in an environment of financial and legal confusion.
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