some clients just aren’t worth the ‘mishegoss’

by ed mendlowitz

question: i have a client i really don’t like and want to drop, but i hesitate because of the long relationship i’ve had with her, and also i don’t want to lose the income. what should i do?

response: i’ve addressed this before, but i am taking a different approach this time.

dropping clients is never easy and i don’t think should be done lightly. however, there are some instances when it needs to be done. this particular client i was called about is extremely obnoxious. not the normal grade of obnoxious, but far more so.

in fact it was one of the rare clients that i dropped. the call was from the accountant who had the client since then. i had the client six years. she’s had the client eight years – so she is much more patient than i am.

when she told the client she was dropping her, the client started to cry and beg her not to, so she changed her mind. now she wants me to tell her what to do. for beginners, i have dropped very few clients. this client was one of the nastiest people i’ve ever dealt with. she was also very nasty to her husband, treating him like s – – t, and he has since passed on.

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succession planning for cpas: just imagine

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and aquestion: i am 57 and have become very concerned about retiring and what i could get for my practice, how long i would have to stay and how the whole process works. i believe i’ve read all of your q&as but have never heard you speak on this subject. is there anything you can give me to read that sort of ties in everything?

response: for cpas in practice, succession planning takes on a meaning other than what it might seem. many of the cpas i know find it difficult to imagine themselves retiring, and therefore do little in the way of planning. for those who think they will work until they drop, stop reading now and go to the sudoku puzzle, because that will probably provide you with more gratification in the long run. read more →

mismanaging project management

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and a

by ed mendlowitz
101 questions and answers

question: i assigned four projects to a manager who reassigned them to a staff 2 person and i gave a date when they were needed that was three weeks away.  when i asked about the progress after two weeks, i was told that nothing was near completion.  now there is a super rush with much stress. how could this situation have been avoided?

response: first off – you are to blame. you did not work with the manager to see how she would assign the work and to whom.  read more →

keeping clients in line: start with late fees

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and a

plus five more clauses you might want to consider.

by ed mendlowitz
101 questions and answers

question: you state on the bottom of your invoice that you charge 1.5% for balances over 60 days. do you actually implement that or is it just warning? do you do it on all clients or just some? do clients pay that or complain? if they send in payment without that, do you write off the finance charge or leave it open? read more →