top ten types of clients (and 24 more reader suggestions)

two women in office shake handsbonus: how verticals and the gig economy can help you.

by penny breslin
it’s not just the numbers

taking on a client’s internal accounting work requires a level of comfort for both the business owner and the accounting firm. a client that has already provided you with access to sensitive financial data is easier to work with than a new business with no previous relationship. once you have done it well with current clients a few times, then you are ready to do this with prospects.

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reader favorite: the 24 personalities of individual tax returns (and the clients behind them)
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understand that to be able to effectively in-source your client’s internal accounting work to your accounting firm, you need on-demand access to your client’s information. it doesn’t work if you have to wait for someone to send you the information you need. understand that the processes you use today for write-up and compliance work will not transfer well to this level of client collaboration.
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rob brown: doing nothing is not an option

the disruptors: if we don’t change, we’ll be irrelevant, says rob brown.


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with liz farr
for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

it’s a changing world, and if we don’t change with it, we will cease to be relevant, u.k.-based accounting podcaster rob brown tells 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间’ liz farr.

more disruptors: blake oliver: why tax work yearns to be free | private equity explodes in u.k. | brannon poe: the status quo must go  |  accounting nerds, unlock your super powers  | private equity vs. the cpa firm partnership the fintech flood: accounting will never be the same  |  think small to think big with matt wilkinson | your sales tax headaches are only just beginning | when financial statements go extinct with corey schmidt  |  can geraldine carter save accountants from themselves? |  re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson |  turning client service into new revenue exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

a host of the accounting influencers podcast, brown says what got us here won’t get us there in the fight to be relevant in our practices, with our clients and in our careers. brown’s podcasting partner is martin bissett, a 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 contributor and world-renowned growth advisor to accounting firms.

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the big issues in audit: frustration, inconsistency, and technology

businessman pressing a "future" concept button

discussing audit transformation and innovations, one advisor said the field is ripe for technological solutions that allow team leaders to focus on advising clients and help team members streamline processes for automation.

by the center for accounting transformation

in kicking off an inaugural meeting with audit industry experts, donny shimamoto, cpa, citp, cgma, asked the group, “what does the modern or leading-edge audit practice look like?”

related:  top issues: talent, time, and transformation

learn more about the center’s audit advisory board or view the center’s transformation courses.

the group, which met for the first time recently, is the center for accounting transformation’s audit advisory board. shimamoto, who created the center, brought together audit professionals with various backgrounds to help guide strategic direction, services, and program planning for the center, which helps professionals through the adoption and change required to step into the future of the accounting profession.

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make sure your differentiation is truly different

your firm’s processes can set you apart.

by hitendra patil
the definitive success guide to client accounting services

if you were to define in three sentences how your firm is different, what would those three sentences be? write them down.

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read those the next day and judge for yourself if your competitors can say the exact same three sentences to differentiate their firms. if yes, you will see why this is a significant challenge for your firm’s growth aspirations.
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pricing your cannabis services

whether you work with cannabis or cbd/hemp businesses, these 6 steps will guide you.

by andrew hunzicker

properly quoting accounting fees is complicated in any industry, but establishing a pricing policy for the wily cannabis and hemp/cbd niches can be especially challenging and overwhelming.

if you find it hard, or even scary, to price your cannabis and hemp/cbd accounting services without undercutting your value, you are not alone.

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many accountants struggle with raising their fees beyond low hourly rates. learning how to

  • package your services,
  • create clear offers to reflect your value, and
  • develop a system for charging appropriately for cleanup, onboarding and ongoing work

will enable you to confidently set your price and find clients who will happily pay it.
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employee demands a raise she doesn’t deserve

hands tear money isolated on white backgroundhow to decide when to let people walk.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i have a longtime employee who asked me for a 33 percent salary increase, or she said she would have to explore options. how do you suggest i handle this?

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additional information: she works five-hour days every day and is paid by the hour. she gives me no added time during tax season. she also gets paid for an extra six days – which is for half of the firm’s allowed holidays – and for eight days for combined sick, vacation and personal days, and i pay her for half of her required cpe time (payment for 20 hours) and all the registration costs.
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your firm’s processes can set you apart

not just in operations, but client experience.

by hitendra patil
the definitive success guide to client accounting services

if you were to define in three sentences how your firm is different, what would those three sentences be? write them down.

more: 12 signs it’s time to outsource | how to create your firm’s cas team | the technology stack you need for cas | communicating cas to clients and prospects | how to communicate the value of cas | don’t wear a mask | the 8-step method for launching client accounting services | what cas is … and is not | client accounting services: the definitive guide
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read those the next day and judge for yourself if your competitors can say the exact same three sentences to differentiate their firms. if yes, you will see why this is a significant challenge for your firm’s growth aspirations.
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