52% of firms look outside for it support

“i’ll just handle it myself” is the answer for 28 percent.

the accounting firm operations and technology survey

more than half of accounting firms look outside their walls to solve information technology issues, but that doesn’t mean they all do it the same way.

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more: pandemic changed work for 64% | pandemic? what pandemic? | m&a looms large for 30% of firms | today’s top 3 tech problems: security, client onboarding and workflow | today’s top 3 problems: staffing, workflow and tech
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an external consultant is an answer 30.9 percent of the time, for projects or as needed, with a managed service provider taking on the rest. of respondents who handle things on their own, 80 percent are solo practitioners, while full-time it staff or an it department are 60 percent likely at extra-large firms. read more →

tech vexes 58% of solos

checklist: the five best ideas for winning the tech wars.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

solo practitioners enjoy certain privileges. they can set their own hours, pick their clients, work at their own pace, dress in office grunge, nap at will and take their dogs to work.

more in surveys & research:  clients would switch for portals | firms on the brink of big spendingm&a looms large for 30% of firms  |  is remote the new normal?  |  the top challenges in these turbulent times   |  new worlds of opportunity   |  accountants agree: the top five ways to fix the irs   |  survey: firms on the brink of big spending  |  irs audit rates are dropping, and big earners couldn’t be happier  |  six more ways to fix the irs  |  cpa hiring rises as number of new grads continues to decline   |  2022世界杯赛程安排  |  six quick solutions for irs backlogs  |  the big battles ahead for corporate finance

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but when it comes to tech, solos can be challenged. they may know accountancy and their clientele better than anybody in town, but when it comes to tech, they don’t know

  • what’s out there,
  • what’s coming down the techno-pike,
  • how to use new apps and
  • whether the latest stuff is worth paying for.

and they tend to run their hardware into the ground, investing in new tools only when they have to.
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firms battle disruptions in communications and workflows

next up? scheduling and paper.

the accounting firm operations and technology survey

covid-19 and its variants forced a number of challenges upon the accounting profession. accountants are telling us that tops on that list were communication and workflow, at 49.4 and 49.1 percent respectively. even solos felt the burn, at 40.6%, so it wasn’t all internal communication to blame, although large firms of 51-100 felt it most sharply, at 60%.

survey results

top corona problems: communication, workflow, and digitizing paper top the list.

more: pandemic changed work for 64% | pandemic? what pandemic? | m&a looms large for 30% of firms | today’s top 3 tech problems: security, client onboarding and workflow | today’s top 3 problems: staffing, workflow and tech
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some responses that didn’t hit the top six still were notable. postal mail was called out by 21.9 percent, including 40 percent of solos and 33.3 percent of large firms. solos also reported phone calls and lost income at 24.6 percent. despite most groups saying lost income was a challenge, relatively few put that figure anywhere near the one for paying bills, except extra-large firms noting 11.8 percent difficulty with lost income and 5.9 percent with paying bills.

details by firm size read more →

pandemic changed work for 64%

extra-large firms had the easiest going.

the accounting firm operations and technology survey

covid-19 threw some in accounting – 3 percent – into turmoil, while 61.4 percent reported that some change was in order.


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more: pandemic? what pandemic? | m&a looms large for 30% of firms | today’s top 3 tech problems: security, client onboarding and workflow | today’s top 3 problems: staffing, workflow and tech
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survey: firms on the brink of big spending

economy, pandemic among the causes.

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the tech spend: some 32% of firms are planning increases in technology budgets, according to this year’s survey. and 63% are continuing to spend as much as during the height of the pandemic. source: accounting firm operations and technology survey.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间
the accounting firm operations and technology survey

after two years of caution and hesitant changes, accounting firms are getting ready to make up for lost time, according to findings from the new accounting firm operations and technology survey.

more survey results: pandemic? what pandemic?  |  m&a looms large for 30% of firms | today’s top 3 tech problems: security, client onboarding and workflow | today’s top 3 management problems: staffing, workflow and tech

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the comprehensive national study of firms of every size says accountants are looking to change practice management, tax, audit, portals, workflow and document management systems. many had been reluctant to change their technologies during the covid-19 lockdown periods.
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pandemic? what pandemic?

how some firms are flourishing in the new normal.

the accounting firm operations and technology survey

one of the benefits of an annual report such as the accounting firm operations and technology survey is the opportunity to see not only the current sentiments but those from years before. sometimes, though, new issues arise and are momentous to warrant inclusion via a new question … as when covid-19 crashed onto the scene.

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more: m&a looms large for 30% of firms | today’s top 3 tech problems: security, client onboarding and workflow | today’s top 3 management problems: staffing, workflow and tech
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of those working at home for the first time, by far the largest group fell into large firms of 51 to 100 employees, where 93.3 percent were new to remote work. medium and extra-large flanked them in those results, at 51.9 percent and 47.1 percent respectively. see table: read more →

m&a looms large for 30% of firms

most solos are happy as they are.

the accounting firm operations and technology survey

mergers and acquisitions for growth are on the minds of 30% of accounting firms, whether within the next year or further out. however, 56% have no such inclination and say a flat “no” to the prospect.

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more: today’s top 3 tech problems: security, client onboarding and workflow | today’s top 3 problems: staffing, workflow and tech
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for some firms, of course, these activities are options to be acquired. medium firms (11-50) top that interest at 9.6%, while 5.1% of small firms and 3.1% of solos are investigating their options, in the table below.

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today’s top 3 tech problems: security, client onboarding and workflow

process automation and tech strategy make the list.

the accounting firm operations and technology survey

security and risk management top the list of technology issues challenging accountants, but they’ve dropped over the past year. meanwhile, there’s growing concern over business process consistency and cost reduction.

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firm size plays a role. the largest firms register uniform business processes and integration challenges as their roughest points, while those rank at the low end for solos, who fret more over security and risk management.

both ends call out application updates more than those in the middle, and training worries mid-size firms more than anyone else.

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