why you’re only as good as your staff

senior businessman mentoring two younger workerseveryone is busy, but work still has to flow smoothly.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

this is a response to a reader who sent me the following email:

more: staff may surprise you with leadership | what’s your negotiating style? | how to make your own opportunities | how i became a published author | large clients we landed from quickbooks consulting | 26 value-added benefits clients need to know
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all your articles are good, and so was this one about a surprise staff leader.

question: why was it important in your firm, for you personally, to “know” about elliot and the tax manager?

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the 3 biggest tech failures of accounting firms

stop waiting for the one solution that will solve all your problems.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

technology is a constant challenge for accounting firms.

more: debunking the demise of the cpa firm | how to thrive as a 21st-century firm | farm-aid for accountants? | whittle down wip | the tax practice traffic cop
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we’re learning to get a lot right, but there still are some things that firms get wrong on a regular basis.

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bill with the tax return, get paid faster

stamp paid - 3dit’s good business and your clients prefer it.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

tax season is a business and businesses need to be paid. it is harder to justify prices when providing services rather than products. products are usually priced before delivery while many times services are priced after delivery, i.e. performance.

more: 5 ways to build teamwork | creating a cross-selling culture | 5 ways to build teamwork | when time-based pricing works | start marketing now for next season | the clients that got away  | 4 reasons not to let staff go after tax season | cross-selling beyond your comfort zone
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many accountants price returns before they are worked on, usually basing the fee on last year, or a rate schedule. sending a bill with the return establishes the relationship that you should be paid promptly for the work done.

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why tax time is the best time to get new business

businesswoman talking on phonesometimes it’s as easy as being available.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

tax season has always been the best time of the year for me to get new business.

more: problem clients | how to make your own opportunities | large clients we landed from quickbooks consulting | 26 value-added benefits clients need to know | some mistakes i made | growing with a client
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the reason is that there is much less competition.

i never turn down an opportunity to get new business, whether it is tax work, audits, consultations or special assignments. tax season notwithstanding, i am always available to meet with someone who needs an accountant.
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debunking the demise of the cpa firm

ai and blockchain aren’t replacing us.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

industry pundits subject us to a nonstop barrage of predictions that cpa firms will cease to exist very shortly. you know how much i love our industry pundits, who have never worked a day in a cpa firm. i dislike the ones who have not worked in cpa firms in the last 20 years only slightly less. their predictions are total and utter nonsense.

more: how to thrive as a 21st-century firm | 7 steps to effective project management | wip-ing clients into shape | managing people: the heart of effective project management | beware the leeches and consultants
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i see two main types of doomsday predictions from our pundit buddies. first, they tell us that artificial intelligence will replace us. next, if ai doesn’t get us, blockchain will.
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how to thrive as a 21st-century firm

computer monitors morph into chain links“professional staff without higher-level skills will be out of the business.”

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

if you believe accounting industry pundits, artificial intelligence and blockchain will decimate accounting firms the way an asteroid killed off the dinosaurs. but paleontologists don’t think dinosaurs really went extinct. they survived as today’s birds. in the next 10 years, or sooner, accounting and tax firms will evolve from offices full of employees dutifully typing data into workstations to organizers of terabytes of accounting data for our clients.

more: 7 steps to effective project management | how many tax preparers do you need? | how the annual tax meeting died | how to be the chief communicator | 4 steps to take before next tax season
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

the pundits are wrong about our extinction. effective project management will prepare your firm to thrive in the 21st century. i’ll take you there in a bit of a roundabout way via the coming of blockchain to the irs.
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7 steps to effective project management

three happy businesspeople looking at laptoptwo bad things will happen immediately. but they can be fixed.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

if you’re older than 50, you’ll remember this old skit from the tv variety series called “hee haw.”

more: how many tax preparers do you need? | farm-aid for accountants? | whittle down wip | the tax practice traffic cop | how to coach your staff
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patient: “doc, it hurts when i do this.”

doc: “then stop doing that.”
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how many tax preparers do you need?

stacks of papers on the corner of a deskalso: why error tracking is vital.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

we’ve discussed planning for tax season in terms of how many full- and part-time preparers you need. now, let’s discuss this in terms of capacity and turnaround time. let’s ask why we should ever hire additional tax preparers at all, because hiring additional people only costs more money.

more: farm-aid for accountants? | wip-ing clients into shape | maximize your role as visionary | the land mines in tax returns | give your people the resources they need
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

we’ll start with a really ridiculous example and then get realistic.
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