you’re already a consultant

two businesswomen shaking hands in modern officechances are you offer clients more than you realize.

by jody padar

to me, the most trusted business advisor is the small busi­ness advisor. that’s what my customers see. my firm serves small businesses from the ground up to $10 million. yes, we look at their numbers, but, practically speaking, one gains a lot when you’re in their financial underwear drawer.

more on radicalism: why transparency matters in the ‘new firm’ | embrace disruption | 10 questions to prepare for radical change | radical firms embrace 4 values | 3 questions to ask if you dare

most of our conversations are around their questions. it’s a natural extension of the work we already do – financials, taxes, payroll, cash flow and forecasting.
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you’re radically more than you realize

are you guilty of random acts of consulting?

by jody padar
the radical cpa

to me, the most trusted business advisor is the small busi­ness advisor. that’s what my customers see. my firm serves small businesses from the ground up to $10 million. yes, we look at their numbers, but practically speaking one gains a lot when you’re in their financial underwear drawer.

most of our conversations are around their questions. it’s a natural extension of the work we already do – financials, taxes, payroll, cash flow and forecasting.

more radical cpa: 5 radical transparencies; are you ready? | 4 questions radical firms must face | being radical is all about your customer | being radical starts with being the change | why start being radical now? | going radical: the 4 tenets of a ‘new firm’ | why should cpas be radical? | the roots of ‘radical’ cpas | the first 3 questions i should have asked before starting my own practice

these people are not asking complex tax questions. they’re asking about it, human resources, general licensing and for help with some decision-making. we’re small business consul­tants.
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new math for accountants: 3×3=10

how some cpas are leveraging principles and metrics as trusted business advisors.

by edi osborne

there’s a new formula for the business acumen needed to improve the overall performance of an organization: 3 x 3 = “10” in business performance. are you an accountant who “gets” this new math?

more from 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 on business advisory services: give business clients something to talk about [video]   |   the accounting profession promise that could change everything   |  score your firm on eight critical success factors   |  the cloud won’t make you into a superhero   |  the client-centric firm of the future [video]   |  the big mistake cpas make in client service   |

business owners are looking for an accountant who understands that for a business to be a “10,” they have to have the 3 x 3 fundamentals down pat. business owner expectations are on the rise, and client satisfaction may take a hit as these minimum expectations become the status quo.

to win in any game you have to know three things: read more →

give business clients something to talk about

income statement, balance sheet, cash flows? it’s time for a fourth statement.

edi osborne

by edi osborne
ceo, mentor plus

in the words of bonnie raitt, “let’s give ’em something to talk about;  a little something to figure out.”

fact or fiction, rumors or true business intelligence, those that can make the distinction have a huge opportunity to add value to their business relationships.

recently, i had the opportunity to sit down with several business owners to interview them about how they make business decisions. decisions, as it turns out, are one of the most important reasons business owners walk away from nine-to-five jobs. business owners like to have control over their destiny. they actually thrive on the decision-making process and are willing to live with the consequences of those choices. and although, business owners don’t want anyone to take away their options, they do want someone to help them examine them.  they want to know that the information they are basing a decision on is accurate and relevant. that it is not conjecture, rumor, or worse yet, self-serving misinformation provided by others at the company.  sounds like a job for a true, trusted adviser, would-be super hero.

unfortunately, when asked about the quality and quantity of data, business owners utilize daily to inform their decisions, including the real-time, management value of financial statements, their answers paint a very unsatisfactory picture of the decision support provided by their accountant.  as the role of cpas who serve as cfos in a corporate environment has morphed into that of a cio — chief information officer — cpas in public practice continue to lag behind in this transition.  when pressed on this issue, many cpas admit they want to do more, but they are not comfortable outside the realm of compliance matters.

more from edi osborne for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 pro members (go pro here):

so how can public cpas become chief information officers? how can they utilize their accounting skills to capitalize on the fast growing business intelligence market?

it’s simple . . . read more →

the accounting profession promise that could change everything

“30 minutes or it’s free;” “absolutely, positively overnight;” “no surprise billing. ever!”

edi osborne

by edi osborne
mentor plus

what do these three tag lines have in common? predictability.

dominoes and fed ex built their entire business model on making (and keeping) an uncomplicated predictability promise to the customer.  dominoes and fed ex looked at their marketplace and asked one simple question, “what is your number-one  frustration in dealing with pizza and package delivery?” those frustrations were dissected and turned into game-changing promises that rocked everyone else in their industry.

in the same way, accounting firms that adopt a “no surprise billing” promise could be game changers in their marketplace as well.

more from edi osborne for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 pro members (go pro here):

game changing innovations are not limited to big companies. in fact, even the smallest of accounting firms are in a position to be game changers.

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the cloud won’t make you into a superhero

edi osborne

and it won’t rescue the accounting business.

by edi osborne
mentor plus

“is it a bird? a plane?  no, it’s an accountant!”

we can all relate to the desire to be a superhero, to swoop down from the clouds in superman/woman-like fashion to rescue the damsel in distress. however, if the accounting profession is banking on mobile or cloud technology to make them a superhero in their client’s eyes, clients should not hold out much hope of being rescued.

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