the 12-step plan for embracing a growth mindset

stack of cards labeled with question markswhen the ‘production’ mindset fails.

by august j. aquila
price it right

there is no quick way to change from a production orientation to a marketing orientation.

more: 4 ways a production orientation can harm a firm | why choose a marketplace orientation? | why value pricing? | solving underperforming or dysfunctional partners | the 3 types of partners you need | how mps can make a real difference
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firm leaders need to embrace this new orientation and reward partners accordingly. to help you evaluate your firm see the table below.
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4 ways a production orientation can harm a firm

men doing precision work on a production linewhat kind of partner is more valuable?

by august j. aquila

a pure production orientation can have negative consequences for an accounting firm.

more: why choose a marketplace orientation? | how traditional fee methods hurt firms | 6 questions for planning your succession | underperformers come in many shapes and sizes | 6 focuses for managing partners | 10 steps to transitioning to a new mp | what managing partners should be doing
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these consequences include a focus on internal measures, billable hours and technical aspect of tasks, and inhibit the development of a marketing orientation.
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why choose a marketplace orientation?

smiling businesswoman offering a handshake5 basic principles to follow.

by august j. aquila

let’s look at the different focuses or orientations that firms can take toward managing and running their practices and see which ones the traditional pricing methods encourage.

more on great partnerships: how traditional fee methods hurt firms | price to get the maximum fee | 7 issues in partner retirement planning | is it time for a partner compensation checkup? | 13 points of a good compensation plan | 5 ways to keep your edge | the toughest job in the world: managing an accounting practice | how to become the firm of choice
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any organization, whether an accounting firm or not, usually tends to have one of four focuses. they are either selling-oriented, product-oriented, production-oriented or marketing-oriented.
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how traditional fee methods hurt firms

a road sign depicting falling dollarsrule of three and cost-plus overlook some key considerations.

by august j. aquila

the time has come for the accounting professional to rethink the paradigm on which pricing has been based. let’s discuss the traditional methods of price setting and how they can have a negative impact on a firm.

more: price to get the maximum fee | why value pricing? | solving underperforming or dysfunctional partners | the 3 types of partners you need | how mps can make a real difference | 5 reasons that leaders fail | 11 things all partners must do | why partners need written goals | the 6-step plan for transitioning clients

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price to get the maximum fee

piggy bank on scale with dollar signsdon’t work more hours or harder. work smarter and learn how to price your services accordingly.

by august j. aquila

even if your billing methods and philosophy are diligently followed and your collections are under control, if you are not pricing your services properly, you are still leaving significant dollars on the table. you should price your services to receive the maximum fees possible.

more: why value pricing? | 6 questions for planning your succession | underperformers come in many shapes and sizes | 6 focuses for managing partners | 10 steps to transitioning to a new mp | what managing partners should be doing | do your partners pay their own way? | 7 keys to becoming an equity partner | how and why to achieve partner unity
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most other professionals today price their services based on what the market will bear. why not accountants?

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why value pricing?

woman checking a departure board at an airportcompare accounting firms to airlines.

by august j. aquila

it is hard to believe that it has been over 25 years since i first wrote about pricing accounting services. much has changed in the accounting profession, the world, and in my personal life.

more august aquila: 6 questions for planning your succession | 7 issues in partner retirement planning | is it time for a partner compensation checkup? | 13 points of a good compensation plan | 5 ways to keep your edge | how to become the firm of choice
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

technology is now a driving force in the profession, professional marketing is well established and accepted by firms, the united kingdom voted to leave the european union (brexit) and donald trump was elected president of the united states of america.

i have moved away from the marketing and business development for professional service firms to be a leader in the area of mergers and acquisitions, leadership development, compensation design, and change management.
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6 questions for planning your succession

august aquila: "holding on too long is the most serious sin you can commit."make your planning spell success.

by august j. aquila

it’s no surprise to anyone thinking about retiring or selling a practice today that the number one issue they face is finding someone to take over the practice.

more on great partnerships: 7 issues in partner retirement planning | solving underperforming or dysfunctional partners | the 3 types of partners you need | how mps can make a real difference | 5 reasons that leaders fail | 11 things all partners must do | why partners need written goals
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

there is a definite shortage of buyers and those who are buying are becoming more and more selective. many firms will find that it has now turned into a buyers’ market.
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