how to attract clients like a magnet

10 tips to build an irresistible reputation.

by sandi smith, cpa
accountant’s accelerator

if you’re an expert at something, don’t be the best-kept secret on your block. get the word out about what you can offer others, and one way to do that easily, especially if you’re an accountant, is to build your reputation.

here are 10 quick tips to boost yours.

1. get credentialed, certified, or educated. a good credential, and the cpa is pretty much the gold standard, will get you instant credibility with your prospects and clients. you are simply treated better and respected more when you’ve earned a credential that others recognize.

sandi smith

more from sandi smith at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间:

eleven easy ways to deliver more value to clients five things accountants take for granted that costs them revenue
• what’s in your new client funnel?
• what’s in your welcome kit for new prospects?
• five fun and easy ways to wow your clients
• six ways to give yourself a raise
• strategies to stop losing business to competitors
• five tips to manage your ‘overwhelm’ level
• easy ideas for a quick business boost
• four new mega-trend marketing strategies
• how to stop leaving money on the table

2. create a results-oriented biography. let people know what you’ve accomplished so far in your career and what you’re capable of doing for them by writing a great bio that represents you well. read more →

eleven easy ways to deliver more value to clients

(and add to revenues.)

by sandi smith

as you build your relationships with your clients, it’s always a good thing to see how you can serve them even better.

here are eleven ways you can add value to your existing services which will enable you to stand out from the competition, serve the client better, and put more green in your bank account.

as you go through the list, check them off to see which ones you are doing, and which ones sound good to add to your business.

1. offer add-on peace of mind services

if you are in the information business, offer to run or set up a backup system, store a backup of what you just did, or otherwise keep copies of your work so that the client does not have to worry about recovery issues. if you offer products, this may translate into an insured package that can be tracked and monitored. what kind of safety net can you think of to create for your clients?

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nine networking tips to speed sales and referrals

keep in mind: it takes up to six months before people get to know you well enough to refer you.

sandi smith

by sandi smith, cpa
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 / accountant’s accelerator

networking is an essential part of building your business. whether you network locally, nationally, or internationally, there are some tips that are common to all businesses.

more from sandi smith at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间:

five things accountants take for granted that costs them revenue
• what’s in your new client funnel?
• what’s in your welcome kit for new prospects?
• five fun and easy ways to wow your clients
• six ways to give yourself a raise
• strategies to stop losing business to competitors
• five tips to manage your ‘overwhelm’ level
• easy ideas for a quick business boost
• four new mega-trend marketing strategies
• how to stop leaving money on the table

1. be crystal clear about what you do and how people can use you. also know exactly who your ideal client is in case you’re asked. if you don’t do this, you’ll leave people scratching their heads about you and they won’t know how to connect with you even if they wanted to.

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five things accountants take for granted that costs them real money

what we know that clients don’t even know they need.

by sandi leyva

i’m pretty sure that i am not the only accountant who has made the following mistakes with clients. here are a couple of ideas to help us remember what we know that the client doesn’t and why it costs us when we forget.

more sandi leyva: what’s in your new client funnel?  |  what’s in your welcome kit for new prospects?  |  five fun and easy ways to wow your clients   |  six ways to give yourself a raise   |  strategies to stop losing business to competitors  |  five tips to manage your ‘overwhelm’ level  |  easy ideas for a quick business boost  |  four new mega-trend marketing strategieshow to stop leaving money on the table

1. clients do not know how to evaluate our technical skills.

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what’s in your new client funnel?

 three simple questions to test your revenue forecast.

sandi smith
sandi smith

by sandi smith, cpa
accountant’s accelerator

you may have heard about the marketing funnel before.  there are lots of variations, and i want to cover it in a way that helps us examine our mix of products, services, and prices.

the funnel can be pictured like a big “v.”  at the top, wide-open part, there are a lot of prospects interested in your services and products.  at the bottom, narrow part, there are a few select customers who buy the most from you.

see more from sandi smith at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 (log in now or 2022世界杯足球排名 membership here):

what’s in your welcome kit for new prospects?
five fun and easy ways to wow your clients
six ways to give yourself a raise
strategies to stop losing business to competitors
five tips to manage your ‘overwhelm’ level
easy ideas for a quick business boost
four new mega-trend marketing strategies
how to stop leaving money on the table

near the top, you will have all of your lowest-cost offerings, perhaps those under $100.  in the middle, your medium-priced products and services will be positioned, and at the narrow, bottom, you will have your most expensive offerings.

the funnel is a fairly simple concept; however, we can glean quite a bit if we ask ourselves these questions: read more →

what’s in your welcome kit for new prospects?

eight must-have’s and 10 more new ideas.

sandi smith, accountant's accelerator

by sandi smith, cpa
accountant’s accelerator

if you’ve spent any time at all in business talking with prospects on the phone or in person, then you probably have a list of benefits or advantages that you like to mention about your company to every prospect.  you may have a very structured way of going about this, and you may not.

in any case, building a prospect kit will help you become even more consistent in the presentation of your company’s strong points to prospects.  and, it’s absolutely essential as you move into larger and larger business deals.

see more from sandi smith at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 (log in now or 2022世界杯足球排名 membership here):

a prospect kit is a sales tool that you can use to communicate information about your business to prospects.

here’s a list of the most basic items that can go in an initial prospect kit: read more →

six ways to give yourself a raise

sandi smith, the accountant's acclerator
sandi smith, the accountant’s acclerator

start by knowing your “opportunity number.”

by sandi smith, cpa
the accountant’s accelerator,
a 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 affiliate

when i worked in the corporate world, it was always great to get a raise.  now that i am an entrepreneur, raises are replaced by increases in revenue and profits.  more revenue and profits are nice, as long as we’re not working correspondingly more hours.  so how can we give ourselves a true raise: work the same amount of hours or less and make more?  here are a few strategies for your consideration:

1. take on more profitable work by knowing your opportunity number. 

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six strategies to stop losing business to competitors

stop being a “best-kept” secret to prospects.

sandi smith leyva, accountant’s accelerator

by sandi smith leyva
the accountant’s accelerator

it’s rare that i lose business to competitors, and it’s also not an accident. if you are losing business to your competitors, here are some strategies you can use to “become a category of one,” as they say in marketing.

1. build your brand. in accounting, professional services, and coaching, our brand is our name. we can build it up by building our reputation for delivering results to clients and becoming a thought leader in the profession. do this a number of ways: write articles, make speeches, offer teleseminars, post your testimonials and case studies, get interviewed by the press, serve on a committee or board of directors, and become a well-respected business leader in your community, to name a few. when you build your brand, people will come asking for you by name and won’t consider others.

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five easy ideas for a quick business boost

reach for the low-hanging fruit.

by sandi smith
accountant’s accelerator

sandi smith
sandi smith

if business has slowed for you, it’s not just you.  with people making the most of a disappearing summer, getting ready for school, and trying to keep from being too cranky from the heat wave in much of the country, it’s all most of us can do to stay on our routines.

as entrepreneurs, we still need to make payroll, meet our budget goals, and get enough cash in to keep our doors open.  so how can we cash in on the low-hanging fruit?

we spend a lot of energy going after the fruit that is out of reach, and most of it spoils before we can get our act together. then we wonder why marketing is so expensive, we don’t close the deals, and we are left with a big expense.

so that’s why i want to share some tips about how to go after the low-hanging fruit. you won’t even need a ladder for these revenue-builders. read more →