how to reduce tax return errors

error stampedwe must turn unseen clients into human beings in the eyes of staff.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

i wasn’t initially certain this post was necessary. i covered a lot of material in my first book and other posts.

more: teaching the meaning of ‘done’ | how we killed the tax season client meeting | why small firms can win the talent wars | there are no easy answers | how to thrive as a 21st-century firm
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however, last night my sleep was haunted by the ghosts of tax return errors past, present and future. i saw my coffin rolling down the chute to the cremation chamber. i was inside shouting that i had one more checklist to complete before my life was done.
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teaching the meaning of ‘done’

angry boss in chair staring down at tiny businessmannot to be confused with the dreaded “done but.”

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

in my last book, as with this one, i recommended hiring younger staff. in that book, i cautioned that you might have to teach very simple tasks like breathing and using the bathroom to your newbies. posted an excerpt with my advice.

more: how we killed the tax season client meeting | why your firm needs to attract more millenials | the fool in the room | the 3 biggest tech failures of accounting firms | 7 steps to effective project management | wip-ing clients into shape | the land mines in tax returns | give your people the resources they need | the right way to assign staff projects | workflow for dummies
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one reader posted that she didn’t believe it was the responsibility of an admin department to teach bathroom use. she was new to this hot new writing technique called sarcasm. she did a great job making my point that you have to teach your staff a lot of really basic things.
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price your practice by gross

price targetbonus checklist: 11 questions to make sure you’re comparing apples to apples.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: everyone i talk to about what my practice is worth talks about a percentage or multiple of gross. just what is “gross” and why is it done this way?

more: an alternative to pro bono | work the client needs … but won’t pay for | tossing timesheets is just the start | collect more by clearing up billing | 5 ways to build teamwork
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answer: you are right that practices are priced based on gross. the main reason is that this method seems to work well. however, there is a wide range of what gross is and how it is applied.
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how we killed the tax season client meeting

man working hard at office deskyep, there’s an app for that!

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

what did dorothy and her friends fear in the wizard of oz? “lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” dorothy feared the wrong things if she’s a partner in a cpa firm. we don’t see much wildlife in our offices during tax season unless you count fast food delivery people and the occasional crazy client.

more: why your firm needs to attract more millenials | why millennials are the answer | calculating and cutting turnaround time | debunking the demise of the cpa firm | how many tax preparers do you need? | 3 tips for handling rookie tax preparers
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we should really fear the events that destroy our priorities and drain hours from productive work. meetings and phone calls and emails, oh my! let’s look at why these communication methods are so destructive from a practice management standpoint.
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an alternative to pro bono

businesswoman at crossroads, facing two pathstry board service instead.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: occasionally i receive requests to perform accounting services for free for not-for-profit organizations. i usually ignore them. do you have any suggestions on how to handle these emails?

more: work the client needs … but won’t pay for | advising estate executors: the newbie guide to getting started | 14 better uses for timesheet data | tossing timesheets is just the start | how’s your overhead? | 9 must-haves for firm growth | collect more by clearing up billing | envision your future, then plan for it | 5 ways to build teamwork
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why your firm needs to attract more millenials

two men talking at table, one younger in plaid with man bun, one older with glasses and sweater over shoulderswhat makes a firm millennial-friendly? ask a millennial.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

younger clients demand electronic solutions. if you want younger clients, evolve your firm.

more: why millennials are the answer | why small firms can win the talent wars | there are no easy answers | how to thrive as a 21st-century firm | farm-aid for accountants? | whittle down wip | the tax practice traffic cop
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this evolution becomes even more critical when you consider that paper tax forms are going away. we will harness electronic data feeds from blockchain transaction systems. annual tax season meetings become totally useless at this point.
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survey: who’s not billing for ppp services?

some serving the greater good. others are just confused.

by sandi leyva

some 22 percent of respondents are not charging their clients for ppp services, and the overwhelming majority are doing it to increase client retention, build goodwill, and do their part to help their clients and the economy, according to the new survey sent out by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 and accountant’s accelerator

more: ppp traps: 1 in 5 accountants report shady dealings | replay: how to dazzle clients in the covid age | don’t get burned by these ppp pitfalls | three ways to leverage today’s uncertainties for renewed growth | covid is calling

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with over 600 accountants responding, many give away services such as loan acquisition, loan forgiveness, review of form 3508, tracing assistance, and risk management advice.
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