how to start providing family office services

couple meeting with investment advisor.

including a sample engagement letter.

by ed mendlowitz
202 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice

question: some of my clients are getting older and are becoming unable to handle their own financial affairs and i have been asked if i could assist them. what is involved and how do i charge for it?

more: higher fees to start: ten ways to make your tax season better | nine tips for a healthier tax season | fifteen strategies for first-time supervisors | measure knowledge gaps (then close them) | should you offer financial services? | ready to retire? selling your practice is no strategy | 20 things you need for a business valuation
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response: many large firms provide “family office” services. this is a complete one-stop financial service that helps clients manage their money, pay their bills, collect their dividends and interest, and make sure insurance isn’t cancelled, mortgage, car lease or condo fee payments aren’t skipped, and tax payments paid on time.

following is a sample engagement letter that i use with clients needing such services. also, this letter provides a detailed description of what the service involves.
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why would anyone become a cpa?

the competition between cpas and non-cpas is about to get more aggressive.

with steven sacks
the new fundamentals: thriving in disruption

the cpa profession, or just plain old accounting profession, is currently facing challenges of getting more people to become cpas or even having young people think about accounting as a career.

more steve sacks: 150 hours revisted: the profession needs a makeover | how do you value your most important asset? | which is better: a year of education or a year of experience? | sell service, not hours | private equity vs. the cpa firm partnership | cas or caas? getting clarity | fine-tuning the subscription fee modelwhen cyber-crime hits close to home | how to build a winning proposal | six ways to fix your firm agreement | the great resignation or a reshuffling? | listen to learn | build the framework to a solution with five answers | try for success, not a win
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we hear about the slow drip of the professional pipeline; all sorts of remedies or suggestions have been offered. is it because the profession still suffers an identity crisis exacerbated by an additional (if questionable) fifth year?  there are those already in the profession who are bemoaning low pay, long hours, and doubts about whether gaining a partnership is achievable (or worth it).

oh, yes, there is the extra tuition load that must be taken on. so, higher debt, stagnant pay, long hours, and increased competition (think mbas, cfas) is a perfect storm.

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ftc nails turbotax for ‘free filing’ scam

shocked couple looking at laptop while sitting on couch

what does ‘free’ mean? it shouldn’t be up for debate.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

american taxpayers are all victims of a tax scam.

yes, all of them.

more: if only the irs’s tax pro were useful | tax pros file 33% of early returns | the nightmare of non-credentialed tax preparers | must the irs be a dark hole? | irs plays whac-a-mole with the phones | vcs plunk $60 million into ai-powered ‘autonomous’ tax prep
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and the new york times points an accusatory finger straight at turbotax.

a tax season villain

in a 15-minute video article by john harris and binyamin appelbaum, the times says there’s a tax villain, and it’s neither the tax rate nor the internal revenue service.
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offer your tax clients other services

woman and man shaking hands across a desk

here are 40 they should know about, plus a checklist for considering additional client services.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

the following listing can give you ideas of additional services clients might need.

more on tax season: can your tax reviewers answer these 10 questions? | the top 12 mistakes in tax return preparation | six types of person: which are you? | answer these two questions first | help your tax clients, help yourself | what’s your value to your tax clients? | are you excited about tax season?
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this list is not complete, but it is a good start for you to start thinking about what types of additional services you can offer to your clients!

  1. estate planning
  2. inheritance advice and guidance
  3. succession planning
  4. personal financial planning

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higher fees to start: ten ways to make your tax season better

woman smiling as she uses calculators and views charts on computer screens

does your firm look “closed for business”?

by ed mendlowitz
202 questions and answers: managing an accounting practice

  1. increase your fees 3-5 percent at a minimum – to offset your increased costs.

more: nine tips for a healthier tax season | every accounting firm needs quality control | no one listens to you? change how you talk | 47 types of business valuation to provide | thirteen things to consider before you sell your practice
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

  1. deliver your bill with the return.
  2. call clients before return is sent to explain and give a heads up for unexpected results.

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tax pros handle 37.7% of e-filings

data table

paper still used by 2.2 percent of filers.

by beth bellor
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

tax season moves slowly forward, and tax professionals slowly gain ground

more: tax pros file 33% of early returns | if only the irs’s tax pro were usefulthe nightmare of non-credentialed tax preparers | must the irs be a dark hole? | irs plays whac-a-mole with the phones | tax pros are expanding and earning more
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as of the week ending feb. 9 – the latest for which data are available – the irs had received 25.6 million individual income tax returns, down 11.4 percent from the same period a year ago. it had processed 25.4 million returns, down 4.4 percent.

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leverage your strengths to beat stress

woman tossing exclamation points into air

24 ways you may be better than you think.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

how many times a day do we tell ourselves with the little voice in our head that we’re falling short of the ideal we have for ourselves? “i forgot to add the salt, so i ruined the recipe.” “i’m not good enough.” “i was mistaken.” “i’m not smart enough.” “i didn’t get picked for the finals.” “nobody likes me.” and so on.

more: you don’t have a time problem | ten ways to have more energy this tax season | seven steps to keeping your clients forever | give to receive, and eight more ways to boost sales | five things that clients don’t know about accountants | five ways to wow your clients | how to fight feeling overwhelmed | you’re missing 60% of your revenue | make the most of cpe conferences | beyond compliance: six tips for adding value | track six figures to test your marketing | when you don’t know what you don’t know
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

instead, why don’t we focus on our strengths? a university of michigan psychology professor undertook an extensive research project to discover 24 positive character strengths that each person has to varying degrees.
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