what’s more profitable, raising or lowering prices?

woman working on calculator in front of two computer monitorsspecific examples aiming at 30%, 40% profit.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

there is always a conflict in trying to determine whether prices should be increased to make more money or decreased to create a greater demand so the business could make more money.

more: three ways to run a break-even analysis | the top 11 financial statement ratios | eight ways to value a family-owned business | are you ready for a co-owner to drop dead? | simple controls can prevent fraud | charity directors must take theft seriously
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this can be calculated using simple arithmetic based on the break-even analysis model and applying it to a guess of how your customers would react versus the potential to gain added business.
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insurance you might not know you need

these are often overlooked. by ed mendlowitz 77 ways to wow! the following are brief descriptions of insurance coverage not usually obtained or obtained in inadequate amounts. insufficient insurance can…