tech: accountants are losing the race

all images: zapier data

what do other businesses know that we’re ignoring?

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

among the many wonderful things covid-19 bestowed on american business, new business models probably rank first. those who figured out how to adapt found themselves competitive. those who didn’t now drive for uber.

more: automation without accountants
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the accounting industry was among the quick adapters.

though quick to adapt to a modified office structure, cpa shops have been slow to adopt automation. other small and medium-sized businesses (smbs) have proven far quicker.

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why cpas should stay in public accounting

age discrimination is a real concern.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

i’ve written about a cpa going to work for a small client who was creating a controller’s position.

today i’ll talk about going to work for a client who already has a controller or working for a large company.

more: when cpas leave to work for a client | when siblings battle over the family business | how bickering can ruin a family business | one hour a year since 1972 | 50 ways to make more money in busy season | why annual staff evaluations fall short | why create an accounting firm business model? | the clients who keep you awake at night
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the company that already has a controller is a much safer bet for a departing cpa. the position is established, the work is integrated with the outside accounting firm that will maintain its role and there is a place in the management hierarchy. the role is clear and the cpa knows what to expect in terms of daily activity. if there are growth opportunities for the company, the controller could or would be part of them.
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the secret recipe for staff retention

four young happy office employeesthe three reasons people stay at jobs.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i know you advocate hiring out of school, but that seems to present a danger when they leave after we have invested so much in training them. what can be done to retain them longer, if that is possible?

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answer: unless everyone you hire will become a partner, you will have people leaving. that’s just a fact of life.
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she wanted her shoebox back

one of the oddest ways i ever lost a client.

hoisted from comments
looking at comments, ed mendlowitz seems to have hit a nerve with this piece. 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 readers are reacting with knowing nods and war stories of their own

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

who would ever think that the most important part of a shoebox with a client’s tax information was the shoebox?

more: when parents, children hit an impasse | how bickering can ruin a family business | one hour a year since 1972 | 50 ways to make more money in busy season | 20 good ways to boost tax season production
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not me, and i lost a client because of it. read more →

173% increase in irs correspondence backlog

who knew?

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

we all know how the irs works. they send a letter to a possibly delinquent taxpayer who, in quivering fear, returns a response that is slipped through the mail slot in the irs door, where it falls into a shredder that feeds into a massive onsite incinerator. the letter’s ashen remains are then loaded onto a rocket and shot toward alpha centauri, never to be seen again.

more: hunker down: the irs backlog isn’t going away anytime soon | the irs studebaker bomb | imagine irs ‘concierge’ service. just imagine. | irs has recruiting problems, too
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actually, that’s not entirely true. in 2019, irs compliance services collection operations managed to respond to 25 percent of its “inventory” of taxpayer delinquent account correspondence. the other 75 percent was considered “over-aged” after not being dealt with within 45 days of receipt.
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tax season client meetings: kill them now

man working hard at office desklet’s try to spike phone calls and emails while we’re at it.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

what did dorothy and her friends fear in the wizard of oz? “lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” dorothy feared the wrong things if she’s a partner in a cpa firm. we don’t see much wildlife in our offices during tax season unless you count fast food delivery people and the occasional crazy client.

more: make your firm faster, smarter, richer … with millennials | seven ways to beat staffing shortages | the happier, saner, richer tax firm | avoiding projects hung up in process | teaching the meaning of ‘done’
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we should really fear the events that destroy our priorities and drain hours from productive work. meetings and phone calls and emails, oh my! let’s look at why these communication methods are so destructive from a practice management standpoint.
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employee demands a raise she doesn’t deserve

hands tear money isolated on white backgroundhow to decide when to let people walk.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i have a longtime employee who asked me for a 33 percent salary increase, or she said she would have to explore options. how do you suggest i handle this?

more: but i am managing! | make more money starting now | the wrong way to look for staff | strategic planning for the small firm | before you sell your practice | work the client needs … but won’t pay for | tossing timesheets is just the start
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additional information: she works five-hour days every day and is paid by the hour. she gives me no added time during tax season. she also gets paid for an extra six days – which is for half of the firm’s allowed holidays – and for eight days for combined sick, vacation and personal days, and i pay her for half of her required cpe time (payment for 20 hours) and all the registration costs.
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make your firm faster, smarter, richer … with millennials

you need them as clients … and employees.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

do you know why millennials can’t buy houses?

  • avocado toast is expensive.

more: seven ways to beat staffing shortages | who’s your most valuable employee? | ‘quick questions’ and other client sins | when clients create errors | how we killed the tax season client meeting | why small firms can win the talent wars
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how many millennials does it take to change a light bulb?

  • none. they accept it for what it is.

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