five thinking patterns that will keep you playing small

what makes you flinch?

by sandi smith leyva
accountant’s accelerator

if you feel you should be doing better than you are in business, you may have a belief pattern that is unconsciously holding you back. the first step is to bring it to the surface. only then can it be addressed, released and replaced with a belief that will lead you to increased success.

here are five of the most common thinking patterns or beliefs that will keep your accounting business from growing. read more →

how to build a marketing plan on an excel spreadsheet

7 key elements.

by sandi smith leyva, cpa
accountant’s accelerator

it’s quite common for accounting firms (even the regionals) to have no marketing plan in place. the marketing plan might very well be, “get as many referrals as we can.” or it might be a number for each partner (which is not a marketing plan). or it might be, “if it’s not busy season, i’ll go to my business networking international group.” none of these are plans. they are individual marketing tasks and components. read more →

3 steps to business clarity amid the sea change in accounting

by sandi smith leyva, cpa
accountant’s accelerator

with 2014 upon us, it’s a good time to take stock of where we stand for the year, plus regroup as needed before the busy season begins. with so many changes in software, politics, tax laws and global standards, it’s pretty easy to feel a little disorganized.

here are three steps to help us take stock of our foundational business goals, re-evaluate our big picture and get us centered as we enter this new phase. read more →

does your website have the winning formula?

follow the 5 c’s to a better website.

by sandi smith leyva

it might feel like the internet, your website, and marketing in general is just one big game of chance.  large companies gamble millions on superbowl commercials, while small companies gamble on trade shows, networking groups, and answering the next hot rfp.  the question is, is there a better way to market and get clients that doesn’t feel like gambling?

when it comes to websites, there is a surefire formula you can follow to make sure your web site brings you business, no matter what your business.  i call it my 5c formula.  let’s take a closer look: read more →

why your website isn’t getting you new business

how to start planning a business-building machine.

by sandi smith leyva
author of “10 keys to doubling your revenues

most accountants want a website that will bring them leads.  many accountants have been very disappointed in past attempts to get this marketing channel working for them, and i’d like to give you some ideas why that might have happened.

the good news

the good news is that you can, indeed, get business from your accounting website.  as a matter of fact, you can get big business.  every week, clients tell us that they had someone fill out the contact form, call or email, or sign up for their newsletter.  some leads have been really big, too:  mid-market, franchises, multiple locations and many more. read more →

4 things you don’t need in a start-up’s website

by sandi smith leyva, cpa
author of “10 keys to doubling your revenues

you might be happy to hear me say all the things a brand new business does not need when they first start out:

  1. a logo is not necessary
  2. a $5,000 website is not necessary
  3. a bunch of social media accounts is not necessary
  4. a blog is not necessary (although a blog could replace the need for a website)

so what is necessary?  let’s take a look at the big picture first, then we can see what’s needed at each level of business maturity. read more →

seven reasons you need to know about “consumption marketing”

and five ways to put it to use in your practice.

by sandi smith leyva, cpa
accountant’s accelerator

when i first heard the term “consumption marketing” i quickly fell in love with the concept.

consumption marketing is continuing to market to clients even after they’ve signed to do business with you.  it’s helping them to more fully “consume” your product or service.

consumption marketing is good for business because: read more →

are your clients price-sensitive? maybe it’s you, not them

by sandi smith leyva, cpa
accountant’s accelerator

i hear more accountants grumbling every day about how price-sensitive their prospects and clients have gotten.  and they are right, to a degree.  the economy has caused even the rich to count their pennies, and the percentage of people who look at a price tag before they buy has increased over the last five years.

yet studies show that roughly 54% of buyers are not price-sensitive, and i would be willing to bet even more are selectively price-impervious depending on what they buy:  women’s shoes, men’s cars, personal services, jewelry, vacations, cosmetics, and hair, to name a few exceptions.

so why are so many accounting clients and prospects price-sensitive? read more →

five resolutions for the run-up to busy season 2014

by sandi smith, cpa
accountant’s accelerator

i’ve worked with a lot of accountants who do not realize how valuable their skills are in the marketplace.  most people can’t do what we do with numbers.  we need to shake any self-limiting beliefs we have in this area because it limits our ability to serve more clients.

if you were making resolutions for the accounting industry, what would you suggest? the first resolution i’d make is: read more →