help clients with employment compensation

older man and younger man in meetingyou might find yourself negotiating a contract.

by ed mendlowitz
how to build a stronger tax practice

this service includes employment contract negotiations and executive compensation review and planning.

more on marketing: how to guide clients through divorce | how to assist investment clubs | when clients remarry | seven questions to suggest estate planning | four reasons to perform tax projections
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who needs this service

every client employed by a mid- to large-size company or a public company will need some sort of employment compensation assistance.
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ten strategies for smart a/r collections

if there are pattern changes, examine why.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

important: the longer it takes to provide the bill, the lower the likelihood of getting paid in full. the value declines as services are performed with the lowest value when work is completed.

more: be wary of discounting prices | the role of strategy in pricing | wow clients with trend analysis | 26 ways to wreck a financial projection | three ways to run a break-even analysis | price not always the top consideration in a sale | when an owner dies without a buy-sell agreement
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eight notes on billing strategies read more →

how to guide clients through divorce

three paper hearts: one whole, one crumpled, one tornnine questions to ask about taxes.

by ed mendlowitz
how to build a stronger tax practice

divorce settlement planning attempts to help clients realize the reality of the financial situation and to suggest ways to settling the financial arrangements before extensive, expensive and drawn-out negotiations, depositions and litigation.

more on marketing: how to assist investment clubs | help clients with basic budgeting | help clients manage their investments | when clients remarry | questions for after tax season | help heirs with tax issues | seven questions to suggest estate planning | 28 data points for a financial planning discussion | every client can use financial planning | four reasons to perform tax projections | four additional services to suggest
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

who needs this service

divorce today has become commonplace. with 50 percent of first-time marriages ending in divorce it is a good bet that many of your clients are either in the process of getting divorced or considering it. a simple inquiry can tell you where the client is in the process.
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be wary of discounting prices

plus some thoughts on branding.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

my father’s largest client was a luggage manufacturer with a national brand sold in specialty luggage stores, but not in department stores.

more: the role of strategy in pricing | how to react to trends | trends are all around us | six kinds of loan covenants | what’s more profitable, raising or lowering prices?
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

he did this because he wanted to maintain the selling price, did not want discounting and felt his customer base would be more loyal if they did not compete against the larger stores’ discounting policy. he was very successful and very profitable, but probably not as large as he could have been had he had the volume that department stores would have provided.
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how to assist investment clubs

hands raising wine glasses to toastconsider the contacts you’re making.

by ed mendlowitz
how to build a stronger tax practice

investment clubs are a social activity where people of similar backgrounds or interests

  • get together,
  • contribute funds in a periodic manner and
  • research and discuss suitable investments for the group.

more on marketing: help clients with basic budgeting | help clients manage their investments | when clients remarry | questions for after tax season | help heirs with tax issues | seven questions to suggest estate planning | 28 data points for a financial planning discussion | every client can use financial planning | four reasons to perform tax projections | four additional services to suggest
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

investment clubs invest the money collectively and maintain a single brokerage account with separate records kept within the club.
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the role of strategy in pricing

businessman and tablet with the word "pricing" above.consider the value conferred to the customer.

by ed mendlowitz
77 ways to wow!

pricing strategies need to vary based upon what is being sold.

products sold range from commodities all the way to highly customized products or services. factors determining the pricing and value to the customer are the product and its classification, the perception of use and value, the impact of branding in creating the quality, ease of availability or degree of scarcity, how delivered and timing and cost of delivery, volume and frequency of orders, inventory needs and type of customer.

more: how to react to trends | where is your firm in its lifecycle? | wow clients with trend analysis | trends are all around us | six kinds of loan covenants | 26 ways to wreck a financial projection | how to prepare business plan financial projections | what’s more profitable, raising or lowering prices? | three ways to run a break-even analysis
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cost is also a factor in the pricing, but it is unrelated to the value to the customer. no business can sustain itself if the pricing does not permit a profit.
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help clients with basic budgeting

couple meeting with investment advisor.some of them might need a reality check. use these worksheets.

by ed mendlowitz
how to build a stronger tax practice

assisting clients who need help with their spending is a valuable service.

more on marketing: help clients manage their investments | when clients remarry | seven questions to suggest estate planning | four reasons to perform tax projections
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

clients indicating they are high in debt and particularly credit card debt need help. following are some worksheets you can use to assist clients.
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peter margaritis: the power skills every accountant needs

your eq is just as important as your iq. and seven more take-aways.

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the disruptors
with liz farr for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

peter margaritis, who also calls himself the accidental accountant, grew up in the gregarious environment of restaurants, “where everybody communicated, not well, sometimes, but they communicated.” so it was a shock when he went to work at price waterhouse, and he “felt that all the air got sucked out of the office, and nobody was communicating at all, and they looked at me like i was crazy.”

more: joe montgomery: find the sweet spot of the right clients, right services and right pricesmarie green: your bad apples are ruining youmegan genest tarnow: hire for curiosity rather than complianceclayton oates: one way to keep clients for liferandy crabtree: follow these three rules to keep employees happyerik solbakken: yes, you can work less and make more | donny shimamoto: future firm growth requires a mindshiftjennifer wilson: empower young workers to build the firm everyone lovesmike whitmire: re-think your hiring and training practiceshector garcia: success strategies of a quickbooks youtube superstar | blake oliver: why tax work yearns to be freeprivate equity explodes in u.k. | brannon poe: the status quo must go  | accounting nerds, unlock your super powers  | disruptor: jason statts shakes up the status quo | think small to think big with matt wilkinsonwhen financial statements go extinct with corey schmidtcan geraldine carter save accountants from themselves?re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

his crusade for the last decade or so has been to help accountants improve what we often call soft skills, but which he calls power skills: the ability to communicate clearly and effectively with others. “there’s nothing that will slow you down more in your career than a poorly written memo or email or a presentation that you were poorly prepared for,” margaritis said.
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