when good things happen

be open to unexpected opportunities.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

my friend al is a sole practitioner with seven staff members and a thriving audit practice, besides the typical tax and small business tax clients.

more: when an employee’s growth has gaps | my first trainee | the growing pains of a small firm | giving clients the best you’ve got | why map programs are essential | how to become a specialist | secrets in specialties | making sure the son got proper credit | yes, shirt logos can matter | 10 more reasons cpas quit public accounting | family trees of clients
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he is getting older, and while he has no plans to retire and is actively trying to grow his practice, he periodically meets with larger firms to see if there is an interest in acquiring his practice when that day comes. by doing this he stumbled on a fantastic business development formula.
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when an employee’s growth has gaps

older man and younger man in meetingwhere did all that experience go?

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

we hired sam out of school and he worked for us for two and a half years and then we split up our firm. this was ages ago and sy and i left our third partner to form our new firm on jan. 1.

more: my first trainee | the growing pains of a small firm | giving clients the best you’ve got | why map programs are essential | how to become a specialist | secrets in specialties | making sure the son got proper credit | yes, shirt logos can matter | 10 more reasons cpas quit public accounting | family trees of clients | preparing for the worst (thanks to my wife)
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however, there is a valuable lesson here and i think it is worth sharing. it changed the way we hired staff.
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21 reasons tax clients fire accountants

portrait of an angry man yelling on the phonewhat could you be preventing right now?

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

clients have many choices, including the choice of a tax preparer. every new client an accountant gets is because that client left – fired – their previous accountant.

more: 16 traits of the best tax clients | eight ways to charm a client | plug small leaks before they become big floods | you’re only as good as your last screw-up | four issues with ‘quick’ tax questions | when to pick up the phone this tax season | these five procedures will simplify your tax season | 11 steps to better client tax instructions | get your team ready for tax season | 12 ways to squeeze fun into tax season | 6 ways to get paid faster in tax season
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so why do clients leave?

here are 21 good reasons why they should: read more →

buying a practice from an estate

businessman looking thoughtfulmake the terms work for you.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

this was precipitated by my hearing of the untimely death of a sole practitioner who was a friend. his family wanted to sell the practice and was shopping around for a buyer.

more: the growing pains of a small firm | giving clients the best you’ve got | secrets in specialties | 10 more reasons cpas quit public accounting | the 10 best movie accountants | when cpas leave to work for a client | when parents, children hit an impasse | wealth is a state of mind | the six types of “impossible” clients
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he died two and a half months ago and a deal still hasn’t been consummated. another friend who was trying to acquire what was left of the practice has kept me advised of the progress.
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unhappy about tax season?

businesswoman holding green folderit’s time to figure out why.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

successful people are happy with their practices and what they do and get joy from interacting and helping clients. i know a lot of accountants who continuously complain about tax season – yet they make most of their money during the period.

more: 16 traits of the best tax clients | eight ways to charm a client | plug small leaks before they become big floods | you’re only as good as your last screw-up
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do they expect someone to knock on their door with a wheelbarrow of money to hand them? if they are financially secure, why do they keep working?
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the growing pains of a small firm

the lessons every firm needs to learn.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

“cpa firm grows prosperous by heeding its own advice.” the wall street journal published an article with that title in their may 18, 1981 issue about my firm, and this column describes some of what we did.

more: giving clients the best you’ve got | why map programs are essential | making sure the son got proper credit | family trees of clients | why accountants quit | when siblings battle over the family business | how bickering can ruin a family business
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the article began by stating there were about 28,000 cpa firms in the u.s., with about 19,000 being sole practitioners and many others with just two or three cpas. these numbers are lower than now, so the profession and small firms have grown significantly in the last 40-plus years.
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for a few: why busy season 2022 beats 2021

one in four tax practitioners say they’ve learned from last year.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

the 2022 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 busy season barometer isn’t turning up much optimism, but a good quarter of respondents are telling us that this year just might be better than 2021.

judging from their comments, however, “better” seems to mean “not as bad.”

more: your sales tax headaches are only just beginning  |  six fixable problems at the irs   |  irs under covid: heroes or goats?   |  irs loves e-filing. so why the barriers?  |  two big (and obvious) ways irs could work with practitioners   |  eight ways to charm a client | plug small leaks before they become big floods | you’re only as good as your last screw-up | four issues with ‘quick’ tax questions | when to pick up the phone this tax season | these five procedures will simplify your tax season | 11 steps to better client tax instructions

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out of the 577 practitioners who’ve responded so far, only five percent said that this year is “much better” than last year, though another 21 percent granted that so far it’s “somewhat better.”

but that’s compared with 47 percent who say it’s somewhat or much worse.

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two big (and obvious) ways irs could work with practitioners

both could be simple and cheap. if only.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

the irs has been making some progress in improving the functionality of individual taxpayer online accounts. progress has been slow but in the right direction.

more tax: imagine a fully online irsthe real cost of interstate sales tax | irs at death’s door? | beyond tax prep: the big cha-ching! | crisis at the irs | the irs’s 10 biggest problems | fear and loathing for tax season ’22 |  padar joins vc-backed tax fintech for banks |  covid chokes an already crippled irs | tax regs for the metaverse | 10 steps to a superior tax department | accountants critical of competitor price-cutting |  automate busy season with apps you already use | sales & use tax costs are higher than anyone thought | survey: nobody loves the wayfair decision | busy season forecast: more chaos  | a woman named wanda leaves an ira nightmare  | are you under-pricing your client accounting services?  | your best advice: get smart, get tech, get moving | worries for small business clients |

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now it’s time for the irs to aim for two huge new improvements: online accounts for businesses, and expansion of the functionality of tax pro accounts for tax practitioners.

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