when to use 11 alternative pricing methods

businessman and tablet with the word "pricing" above.plus why.

by august j. aquila

there are many ways to price professional services. alternative pricing methods in the legal profession have received much more attention than in the accounting profession. in fact, entire publications have been issued by the american bar association on this particular topic.

more: 12 subjective factors for pricing your next engagement | ethics question: commissions and contingencies | how competitors drive pricing | what we know about pricing strategies | when hourly billing hurts profits
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i am aware of at least 14 different approaches to billing that attorneys can use under different sets of circumstances. obviously, each method has advantages and disadvantages as well as marketing and operational implications. i maintain that several of these methods can be used by accountants and consultants in accounting firms when pricing their services.
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12 subjective factors for pricing your next engagement

price targetstandard rates too often leave you short.

by august j. aquila

accountants face only two major restrictions in determining their fees – the restriction against contingency fees under certain circumstances and the taking of commissions or referral fees. we have also seen that for the most part, accountants bill their time based on a cost-plus method.

more: ethics question: commissions and contingencies | make the value curve work for you | how to leverage demand in your pricing | make the most of your marketing mix
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we don’t have to go far to find a source that suggests “that no business can survive and grow in the marketplace unless it is profit-oriented and motivated,” and “time charges at standard rates should only be the starting point for determining the amount to be billed. the real criteria is the value of the service to clients.” the source for these words of wisdom is none other than the aicpa management of an accounting practice handbook. the handbook goes on to say that “standard rates should not represent a maximum that can be billed for services; rather they should represent a minimum.”
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ethics question: commissions and contingencies

statue of scales of justicefollow the standards.

by august j. aquila

in the old days you could go into a shoe store and purchase sneakers or gym shoes. nowadays, there are tennis shoes, running shoes, cross trainers, aerobic shoes, basketball shoes, soccer shoes and the list goes on and on.

more: make the value curve work for you | how utility and value affect pricing | the four phases of service life | marketing orientation is what firms need
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perhaps the billable hour paradigm soon will go the way of the gym shoe. accountants need to realize that in pricing their services, one pricing method will no longer do. as with athletic shoes, accounting and consulting services can be priced in many different ways.
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make the value curve work for you

older businessman leaning back thinkingdoes your position match client perception?

by august j. aquila

there is a completely different way of looking at value and it is tied into the type of accounting or consulting work that is available in any given market and the type of accounting or consulting work that your firm provides. thirty-plus years ago william c. cobb wrote “the value curve and the folly of billing-rate pricing,” providing a great deal of insight into the concept of pricing and value. many of the ideas that follow are based on cobb’s article.

more: how competitors drive pricing | how to leverage demand in your pricing | the four phases of service life | what we know about pricing strategies | make the most of your marketing mix | marketing orientation is what firms need | when hourly billing hurts profits
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in discussing legal services, cobb notes that sophisticated clients do not tie benefits to hours. rather, there are certain types of services that have a significant impact on the client’s business. the key words here are “sophisticated” and “impact.”
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how utility and value affect pricing

hand moving triangle along beam to indicate balance between price and valueeight kinds of utility and four perceptions of value.

by august j. aquila

if indeed we believe the phrase “perception is reality,” then it is the client’s perception that is the only reality. ultimately, only a client can determine the value of your service, that is, the fee he or she is willing to pay. if the client perceives that he or she has received a benefit there will be some perceived value attached to the service.

more: how competitors drive pricing | how to leverage demand in your pricing | the four phases of service life | what we know about pricing strategies | make the most of your marketing mix | marketing orientation is what firms need | when hourly billing hurts profits
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consciously or unconsciously, the client’s determination of the correct fee for a service is related to two concepts: utility and value. let’s look at these two concepts and how they apply to setting prices.
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how competitors drive pricing

four empty metal bucketsyou need to know the four types of competition.

by august j. aquila

intensive price competition in most professional service industries is now a way of life, from hotels to airlines, from car rentals to telecommunications and from law firms to cpa firms.

more: how to leverage demand in your pricing | the four phases of service life | what we know about pricing strategies | make the most of your marketing mix | marketing orientation is what firms need | when hourly billing hurts profits
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an important factor affecting a cpa firm’s pricing policies is competition. as clients and prospects become more educated about cpa firms in their market, more sophisticated about the services offered, and more cost-conscious, pricing becomes more important and more firms stress the price of their services, especially in competitive request-for-proposal situations. read more →

how to leverage demand in your pricing

implementing service differentiation, direct sales and promotion.

by august j. aquila

economists define demand as a schedule of the various amounts of an item (a good or service) that buyers will purchase at different price ranges during a given time period. according to the theory of price elasticity of demand, there is an inverse relationship between price and the quantity of an item bought. in other words, as the price of a service decreases, the quantity demanded increases and as the price of a service increases, the quantity demanded decreases.

more: the four phases of service life | what we know about pricing strategies | make the most of your marketing mix | marketing orientation is what firms need | when hourly billing hurts profits
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it’s very difficult for professional service firms to increase demand by offering a special pricing. for example, if a law firm offered a discount divorce, would happily married couples look for a divorce, or if an accountant offered a lower price for an irs tax examination, would people who did not receive a notice be at all interested?. in short, it has been difficult for most cpa firms to accurately estimate the demand for their services.
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the four phases of service life

chart of a product life cycleplus the effects of a late mature market.

by august j. aquila

there is an important concept in marketing that provides companies with tremendous insight as to what they can expect for their products or services in the marketplace. it’s called the product life cycle and, sooner or later, all products and services will go through the complete cycle. as they do, several external and internal factors change. the accounting industry and the services it provides are no different.

more: what we know about pricing strategies | make the most of your marketing mix | marketing orientation is what firms need | when hourly billing hurts profits
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as this figure shows, the product life cycle is divided into four distinct phrases: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. the most important thing to remember about the product life cycle is that it is intimately tied into the sales of that product or service. it’s important that a firm’s marketing mix change during the life cycle of its various products.
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