eight criteria for partnership

old key in hand isolated on white background.bonus: a basic partner evaluation form.

by august j. aquila
what makes a great partnership

one major result of the great recession is that firms can no longer afford to keep partners who are unable to pay their own way and help the firm grow. i say this because firms have already cut staff to maintain their level of profitability and there is no additional fat to cut. competition and fee pressure from larger firms in every market continues to put a squeeze on profits. in addition, employment opportunities are surfacing again for the employees in your firms.

more: how to achieve partner unity | five questions to ask your partners about accountability | how you can get partners to change | the seven building blocks of a great partnership
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there is only one area left that should be considered for possible cuts, or better yet, for improvements – the partners. as a professional services firm, you are a business. and like any other business, you need to be profitable in order to continue to exist.
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how to achieve partner unity

plus five ways that don’t work.

by august j. aquila
what makes a great partnership

i have worked with many firms in helping them build team unity, especially when the firm is undergoing a change in managing partner, merging or just trying to implement its strategic plan.

more: five questions to ask your partners about accountability | how you can get partners to change | the seven building blocks of a great partnership
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everyone knows that partner unity is one of the keys for overall success and sustainability. and, we know the benefits of having greater partner unity than the next firm – better client service, less employee turnover, superior profitability.
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five questions to ask your partners about accountability

three business colleagues arguing while seated at tablefive consequences when it’s lacking.

by august j. aquila
what makes a great partnership

why accountability now?

lack of accountability is not a new phenomenon. there are several factors that have caused accountability to become an important element of successful cpa firms today.

more:how you can get partners to change | the seven building blocks of a great partnership

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the external environment has changed and firms find themselves in an environment of:

  • scarcity of people. finding good staff and developing future partners still remain critical problems for the profession. one of the key issues facing firms today is the lack of future owners. this problem has reached epic proportions that firms are requiring more of their current owners and staff.

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how you can get partners to change

if they don’t want to, why keep them?

by august j. aquila
what makes a great partnership

do you ever wonder why your best plan is never implemented? why some of your partners sabotage what you are trying to do in the firm?

more: the seven building blocks of a great partnership
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over the years i have seen firms develop great strategic, operational and compensation plans and then nothing ever happens. the plans are not implemented for a myriad of reasons. one managing partner told me he had too many other issues to address, another was waiting for the management team to give its final blessing and still another just blamed everyone else in the firm rather than looking at himself in a mirror. and, another managing partner even told me the firm could not afford to make the changes!

if you are planning to tackle an issue in the firm and make a change, the first thing you need to do is clarify what the real problem is. next, describe your overall approach by creating a roadmap. then you need to gather facts and work together with other partners in the firm. finally, develop your recommendations and identify the next steps.

“firms are better at planning than executing.” – august aquila

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the seven building blocks of a great partnership

businesspeople chatting around a water coolermaybe you can name them. can you live them?

by august j. aquila
what makes a great partnership

great partnerships are like great love affairs. there needs to be chemistry.

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after more than 36 years of consulting with large and small professional services firms, i’ve seen all sorts of chemistry. some partnerships were almost toxic, most were tolerable and a few were really great. let me share with you my observations about great partnerships and how they got that way.
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18 ways to boost billings and collections

happy hispanic businesswoman making a gesture of successdaily timesheets, change orders and other ways to ease your load.

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

is the phrase “effective billing philosophy” an oxymoron? i’m beginning to believe that it is. analysis of the results of current billing and collection procedures and policies reveals that, for the most part, they aren’t working very well.

more: get clients to accept your new pricing philosophy | getting partners to accept a new pricing philosophy | ethics question: commissions and contingencies | how competitors drive pricing | what we know about pricing strategies | when hourly billing hurts profits
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the fact is, they have not worked well for decades. while it is true that most firms have some sort of billing procedure and some even have a billing philosophy that is taught to each new biller, the fact is they are seldom followed. hence, very few firms have an effective billing and collection philosophy.
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get clients to accept your new pricing philosophy

hand moving triangle along beam to indicate balance between price and valuea client who does not contribute to your bottom line is not a client.

by august j. aquila

once your partners are sold on the new pricing philosophy, you will need to communicate it to your clients. there are five ways to get clients to understand and accept the new pricing methods. each of these methods is discussed below.

more: getting partners to accept a new pricing philosophy | when to use 11 alternative pricing methods | make the value curve work for you | how to leverage demand in your pricing | make the most of your marketing mix
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believe that clients will accept a new pricing method: if you don’t believe it, you can be sure that your clients won’t either. it is not unusual for physicians, stockbrokers and attorneys to change billing methods. actually, most of your clients will understand what you are doing if you clearly communicate with them. there is a truism that good client relationships are based on trust. the clients trust that you will do the right thing for them. if they lack this trust, no matter what pricing method you employ, you will have problems with your client.
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getting partners to accept a new pricing philosophy

post with two signs, "same" and "change"they have to be on board before clients.

by august j. aquila

once you have decided to adopt an alternative pricing philosophy, what do you do next? changing your firm’s pricing philosophy is really a three-step process.

more: when to use 11 alternative pricing methods | 12 subjective factors for pricing your next engagement | how utility and value affect pricing | the four phases of service life | marketing orientation is what firms need
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first, you need to consider several factors before suggesting a change. second, you need to get your partners to agree that it is a good idea, and third, you need to educate your clients so that they accept and understand the new approach. the steps are not easy, but they are possible. and, remember, change does not occur overnight.

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