maximize your client’s charitable giving

woman conducting evaluationit’s not all about tax implications.

by anthony glomski

a growing number of successful people like your clients want to have a major positive impact in their communities and on the world at large. facilitating and increasing the effectiveness of charitable intent is very important to a burgeoning segment of high-net-worth investors.

more: plan for your client to exit their business | is your client’s umbrella big enough? | your client’s instincts are wrong | preserving wealth is a different mindset
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this area of advanced planning is all about helping your client fulfill their philanthropic goals – and maximizing the effectiveness of any charitable intent they may have. it’s very important to learn and use strategies that enable your client to give larger amounts than they would have been able to give otherwise. the actions involved in a charitable giving strategy include evaluating your client’s charitable options and determining how those options fit in with their other goals, such as retirement income needs and wealth transfer goals. various trusts, funds, foundations and gifting methods – including private foundations, donor-advised funds, charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts – are routinely used to ensure one’s giving has the maximum positive impact.
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plan for your client to exit their business

it takes a few years, so get started.

by anthony glomski

research from the family firm institute shows that only three in 10 (30%) closely held family businesses survive into the second generation. just one in eight (12%) are still viable into the third generation, and a mere 3 percent operate into the fourth generation or beyond. those statistics are even more disturbing because the same research shows that the vast majority of business families are overly optimistic – they believe they will be in control of their companies five years hence.

more: is your client’s umbrella big enough? | estate plans: can you ask clients these eight questions? | when clients don’t listen | do you know your client’s total picture? | the role of the personal cfo
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given this gloomy success record for family business transitions, it is no wonder that 60 to 70 percent of family wealth is lost by the second generation and that 90 percent is lost by the third generation. it does not have to be this way.
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is your client’s umbrella big enough?

many policies are too small for true wealth protection.

by anthony glomski

no matter where your client grew up or how they accumulated their wealth, they can be a target for a host of unscrupulous people. many affluent investors, including entrepreneurs, are worried about keeping their assets safe from potential creditors, litigants, children’s spouses, ex-spouses, and disgruntled former employees and partners. they also want to protect their assets from catastrophic losses that could cripple them financially. as a cpa, you have an important role here.

more: estate plans: can you ask clients these eight questions? | enhance wealth by mitigating taxes | what clients need to know | what level of advice do entrepreneurs need? | three components of collaborative wealth management
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wealth protection involves strategies you can use to ensure that your wealth is not unjustly taken from you by potential creditors, litigants, ex-spouses and children’s spouses. wealth protection is also designed to protect you against catastrophic loss. identity theft is another emerging threat to wealth protection that should be addressed carefully with your clients.
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estate plans: can you ask clients these eight questions?

businesswoman sitting across desk from woman and mandifficult conversations: it’s tough to talk about wealth transfer, but it’s vital.

by anthony glomski
the personal cfo

many accomplished entrepreneurs are looking beyond their own financial needs. they want to ensure that their heirs, parents, children and grandchildren are well taken care of in accordance with their wishes – with minimal difficulty and cost.

more: enhance wealth by mitigating taxes | your client’s instincts are wrong | preserving wealth is a different mindset | three approaches to investment consulting | 2022世界杯32强赛程表时间
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according to vanguard, more than half of affluent americans say they are highly concerned about their kids’ (and grandkids’) financial situations. and yet, too many successful entrepreneurs have outdated estate plans or charitable giving plans that are not in sync with their current life circumstances and needs.
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enhance wealth by mitigating taxes

three people having discussion at table over document and water glassesremember this before a liquidity event.

by anthony glomski

the ideal investment plan can be hugely important to helping your clients meet their goals. the right investment strategies set your clients up very well to preserve their money.

more: your client’s instincts are wrong | when clients don’t listen | do you know your client’s total picture? | the role of the personal cfo
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but when it comes to your client’s long-term financial health and well-being, investments are only part of the picture. to ensure that every part of their financial life is firing on all cylinders and working in a smooth, coordinated manner, you need to go beyond just the world of stocks, bonds and even complex alternative investments.
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when clients don’t listen

plants growing out of ever taller stacks of coins in dirtsometimes hands-off is the best approach.

by anthony glomski
your $5 million high-net-worth practice

staying invested consistently is the all-weather approach. what do we mean by this?

more: what clients need to know | preserving wealth is a different mindset | three approaches to investment consulting | 2022世界杯32强赛程表时间
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some of our clients reside near us in los angeles, where the average annual temperature is a very comfortable 65 degrees. in southern california, our “seasons” don’t vary much from the average annual temperature of 65. other clients reside in new york city, where the average temperature is cooler, but still a very comfortable 56 degrees. however, the temperature swings are much more significant in the big apple, ranging from stifling heat and humidity in the summer to icy temperatures and falling snow in winter.
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what clients need to know

diversify and function as a fiduciary.

by anthony glomski
your $5 million high-net-worth practice

the first thing you and your clients should understand as investors looking to make smart financial decisions is this: the broad asset classes you choose to own (such as stocks, bonds, alternatives, real estate, private equity and so on) and the percentage of your household wealth that you allocate to each of those asset classes will have a greater impact on your future investment returns than any other decision you make – including which individual stocks you buy.

more: preserving wealth is a different mindset | do you know your client’s total picture? | what level of advice do entrepreneurs need? | three approaches to investment consulting | the role of the personal cfo | three components of collaborative wealth management | 2022世界杯32强赛程表时间
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this means your first question as intelligent investors must be: how should i allocate my assets among the major asset categories?
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the goldmine at your fingertips

competition is intensifying, but proper service to one client base could be all you need.

by russ alan prince

in many ways, the accounting industry is under pressure. for example, fee compression is an issue for many accounting firms. more savvy and cost-sensitive clients are looking for a “bargain.” at the same time, competition for many of the services some accounting firms provide is intensifying. tax consulting, for instance, is being done by wealth managers, lawyers and even some life coaches.

more: what level of advice do entrepreneurs need? | three approaches to investment consulting | the role of the personal cfo | three components of collaborative wealth management | 2022世界杯32强赛程表时间
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while many accounting firms are under pressure because of increased competition and more demanding clients, there are certain types of clients that prove exceedingly profitable. read more →

preserving wealth is a different mindset

businessman sitting on stacks of paper currencyhard-charging entrepreneurs might need to flip their risk perspective.

by anthony glomski

after helping clients sell a business, it’s crucial to focus on preserving wealth. this may require them to adopt a new mindset about their money, investing and risk.

more: do you know your client’s total picture? | what level of advice do entrepreneurs need? | three approaches to investment consulting | the role of the personal cfo | three components of collaborative wealth management | 2022世界杯32强赛程表时间
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in the old world, you could choose not to help your clients with their investments. now it’s expected that at a minimum you will understand their investment plan and overall retirement plan. you don’t have to be the expert in every aspect of their financial plan, but you do need to make sure that all the different parts of the plan are aligned – and that all the other specialists working on behalf of your clients are aligned in their efforts.
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why accountants fail at wealth management

due to one reason. and it’s a big one.troubled businessman adobestock_73444359 1000w copy.jpeg

by russ alan prince

a growing percentage of accounting firms have wealth management practices by one name or another. most of these practices provide investment management services, life insurance, or both.

more: what level of advice do entrepreneurs need? | three approaches to investment consulting | the role of the personal cfo | three components of collaborative wealth management | 2022世界杯32强赛程表时间
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but an estimated 75% to 90% of these wealth management practices are severely underperforming.

the reason why is both simple and difficult.

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do you know your client’s total picture?

diagrambonus case study: the cpa who saved a family’s net worth.

by anthony glomski

i realize that not all of your clients are entrepreneurs. but, consider this: 90 percent of all the wealth in the u.s. is owned by business owners and 10 percent is inherited. nearly every cpa i know works with business owners and their families. with all the changes impacting the cpa profession today, it’s imperative that you get comfortable changing lanes and adopt a more consultative role with your clients.

more: what level of advice do entrepreneurs need? | three approaches to investment consulting | the role of the personal cfo | three components of collaborative wealth management | 2022世界杯32强赛程表时间
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if you’re a cpa and you’re not actively overseeing all the people helping your clients with their financial lives, then you’re missing a big opportunity with your practice. you’re overlooking the opportunity to make a massive impact on the lives of your best clients, their families and the causes they care about.
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what level of advice do entrepreneurs need?

maze with word "plan" at the centerhelp them navigate the maze of options.

by anthony glomski

the financial services industry has failed some of your clients who are entrepreneurs. a big gap can exist between what they pay (and the services delivered) versus what they need.

more: three approaches to investment consulting | the role of the personal cfo
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we can agree that your clients will usually need an investment management solution. but how can you help your client sort through the different advice options to get them aligned with the right professional?  how can you determine who is the right fit for your practice to develop a working relationship? the diagram below is the hierarchy of advice available:
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three approaches to investment consulting

two businesspeople meeting over coffeewhat “wealth management” means and what it doesn’t.

by anthony glomski
the personal cfo

the term “wealth management” comes up time and time again as you seek advice about helping your clients with their financial challenges and opportunities.

more: the role of the personal cfo | three components of collaborative wealth management | 2022世界杯32强赛程表时间
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people throughout the financial services industry like to call themselves “wealth managers” or “wealth advisors,” but research shows that only about 1 in 16 financial professionals really provide collaborative wealth management. this type of client relationship includes not only investment consulting, but all aspects of advanced planning and relationship management. mostly they focus on investment management services that everyone else provides. in most cases, standard investment management services are not enough to make a meaningful difference in your client’s total financial picture. but your role as your clients’ personal cfo does make a huge impact.
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