hector garcia: success strategies of a quickbooks youtube superstar

the disruptors: his secret recipe for attracting and retaining clients and employees.
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the disruptors
with liz farr 
for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

any accountant who has ever met hector garcia will likely use the adjective “generous” to describe him. since 2011, he’s been sharing his encyclopedic knowledge of quickbooks on a youtube channel that has generated millions of views.

more:  why doing nothing is not an optionblake oliver: why tax work yearns to be freeprivate equity explodes in u.k. | brannon poe: the status quo must go  |  accounting nerds, unlock your super powers  | private equity vs. the cpa firm partnership the fintech flood: accounting will never be the same  |  think small to think big with matt wilkinson | your sales tax headaches are only just beginning | when financial statements go extinct with corey schmidt  |  can geraldine carter save accountants from themselves? |  re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson |  turning client service into new revenue

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because of that youtube channel, he hasn’t printed business cards for two years.

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disruptor: jason staats shakes up the status quo

the future is social.

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the disruptors
with liz farr
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jason staats started doing videos at the beginning of the pandemic to quickly share information about the ppp and other relief programs with as many clients as possible.

more disruptors: how to face hiring challenges head-on with penny breslin | thinking smart about new tech: byron patrick | doing nothing is not an option with rob brownblake oliver: why tax work yearns to be free | private equity explodes in u.k. | brannon poe: the status quo must go  |  accounting nerds, unlock your super powers  | private equity vs. the cpa firm partnership the fintech flood: accounting will never be the same  |  think small to think big with matt wilkinson | your sales tax headaches are only just beginning | when financial statements go extinct with corey schmidt  |  can geraldine carter save accountants from themselves? |  re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson |  turning client service into new revenue

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now, he has an entertaining and informative youtube channel where he shows how to use his favorite tech tools and a new mission to drive accountants into the future with collaborations and vision.

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penny breslin: how to face hiring challenges head-on

the disruptors: penny breslin says don’t blame robots.

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with liz farr
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the accounting profession has faced staffing issues for years now and, especially post-pandemic, the problem has compounded. penny breslin, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 contributor and the founder of moneypenny, talks about how firms are facing the hiring challenges and popular solutions that seem to be working, including using predominantly cloud-based apps for collaboration and engagement and taking a true evaluation of the talents and skills needed for each position.

more disruptors: blake oliver: why tax work yearns to be free | private equity explodes in u.k. | brannon poe: the status quo must go  |  accounting nerds, unlock your super powers  | private equity vs. the cpa firm partnership the fintech flood: accounting will never be the same  |  think small to think big with matt wilkinson | your sales tax headaches are only just beginning | when financial statements go extinct with corey schmidt  |  can geraldine carter save accountants from themselves? |  re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson |  turning client service into new revenue

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breslin says firms need to look at the talent they have and realize that not everyone has to be “a duplicate of yourself.”

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byron patrick: thinking smart about new tech

the intersection of technology and intentionality.

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the disruptors
with liz farr

for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

an explosion of new tech tools is giving accounting firm owners the opportunity to improve efficiency, attract and retain talent, and serve their clients better, tech guru byron tells liz farr in this exclusive interview.

more disruptors: doing nothing is not an option  |  blake oliver: why tax work yearns to be free |private equity explodes in u.k. | brannon poe: the status quo must go  |  accounting nerds, unlock your super powers  | private equity vs. the cpa firm partnershipthe fintech flood: accounting will never be the same  |  think small to think big with matt wilkinson | your sales tax headaches are only just beginning | when financial statements go extinct with corey schmidt  |  can geraldine carter save accountants from themselves? |  re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson |  turning client service into new revenue

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not only do these tools help ease the pressure of capacity problems, but they may also provide firms with a new revenue stream when they extend that expertise into their clients’ businesses.

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rob brown: doing nothing is not an option | the disruptors

the disruptors: if we don’t change, we’ll be irrelevant, says rob brown.


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with liz farr
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it’s a changing world, and if we don’t change with it, we will cease to be relevant, u.k.-based accounting podcaster rob brown tells 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间’ liz farr.

more disruptors: blake oliver: why tax work yearns to be free | private equity explodes in u.k. | brannon poe: the status quo must go  |  accounting nerds, unlock your super powers  | private equity vs. the cpa firm partnership the fintech flood: accounting will never be the same  |  think small to think big with matt wilkinson | your sales tax headaches are only just beginning | when financial statements go extinct with corey schmidt  |  can geraldine carter save accountants from themselves? |  re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson |  turning client service into new revenue

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a host of the accounting influencers podcast, brown says what got us here won’t get us there in the fight to be relevant in our practices, with our clients and in our careers. brown’s podcasting partner is martin bissett, a 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 contributor and world-renowned growth advisor to accounting firms.

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blake oliver: why tax work yearns to be free

disruptors: the business model isn’t broken yet, but the pyramid scheme is crumbling.

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with liz farr for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

the accounting firm is a pyramid scheme destined for collapse, according to podcaster and enfant terrible blake oliver in this exclusive interview with liz farr for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间.

more disruptors: private equity explodes in u.k. | brannon poe: the status quo must go  |  accounting nerds, unlock your super powers  | private equity vs. the cpa firm partnership the fintech flood: accounting will never be the same  |  think small to think big with matt wilkinson | your sales tax headaches are only just beginning | when financial statements go extinct with corey schmidt  |  can geraldine carter save accountants from themselves? |  re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson |  turning client service into new revenue

goprocpa.com exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

in this exclusive interview with liz farr for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间, oliver says the system is simple and simply devious: bring in staff, work them a ton of hours, and the profits flow to the top, blake says.

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martin bissett: private equity shakes up u.k. firms

martin bissett argues professionals must think like the business owners they are.

the disruptors
with liz farr for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

to win the staffing wars, you must develop a talent pipeline, globe-trotting practice advisor martin bissett tells liz farr in this exclusive interview.

the firms winning in recruiting and retention are using a portfolio approach to nurture prospects who might be ready to join the firm at some point in the future, a world-renowned sales and marketing consultant, a long-time contributor at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间, and, most recently, the co-host of the uk-based accounting influencers podcast.

more videos and podcasts: brannon poe: the status quo must go | private equity vs. the cpa firm partnership the fintech flood: accounting will never be the same | the disruptors: re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson |  the disruptors: how to scale with new padgett coo amanda aguillard | eat that frog: asking for a prospect meeting | growing revenue through client service | lease accounting is about to get very real | google ads for new tax season clients | exclusive: eisner ceo charly weinstein explains the private equity deal  | flash briefing: a “call to arms” after private equity deal | four ways to beat the staffing shortage, with pasha malik

goprocpa.com exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

listen: follow 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 podcasts on apple podcasts here or grab the rss feed here.

more take-aways and transcript from martin bissett:

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brannon poe: the status quo must go

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the disruptors: brannon poe
with liz farr for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

brannon poe is the founder of poe group advisors and the creator of accounting practice academy. he began facilitating successful accounting practice transitions in 2003. today he is pioneering a consulting-based approach to transitioning accounting firms, culminating in poe group advisors’ proprietary process for a “seamless “succession.”

in this episode, poe tells 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间:

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geni whitehouse: unlock your accountant super powers

the disruptors: geni whitehouse shows how to shift from a focus on mere data to priceless wisdom.

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with liz farr
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covid showed us that we can do more than traditional services and that we can respond to change even when we don’t have all the information, cpa geni whitehouse tells liz farr in an exclusive interview for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间.

more videos and podcasts: private equity vs. the cpa firm partnership | the fintech flood: accounting will never be the same | the disruptors: re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson |  the disruptors: how to scale with new padgett coo amanda aguillard | eat that frog: asking for a prospect meeting | growing revenue through client service | lease accounting is about to get very real | google ads for new tax season clients | exclusive: eisner ceo charly weinstein explains the private equity deal  | flash briefing: a “call to arms” after private equity deal | four ways to beat the staffing shortage, with pasha malik

goprocpa.com exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

covid has given the profession the opportunity to impact clients in a very real way, and clients now see accountants in a very different light, says whitehouse long an evangelist in the profession for progressive practices and innovation.

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the disruptors: when financial statements go extinct with corey schmidt

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the disruptors with liz farr

corey schmidt’s take-aways

  • offer your staff different paths to being successful.
  • pinpoint the talents you have on your staff, and nurture those special skills.
  • carve out time for people to work on those skills, not just the backlog.
  • challenge your people earlier in their careers so they have three years of experience rather than one year repeated three times.
  • create roles for the kinds of skills your people have.

more: the disruptors: re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson |  the disruptors: how to scale with new padgett coo amanda aguillard | eat that frog: asking for a prospect meeting | growing revenue through client service | lease accounting is about to get very real | google ads for new tax season clients | exclusive: eisner ceo charly weinstein explains the private equity deal  | flash briefing: a “call to arms” after private equity deal | four ways to beat the staffing shortage, with pasha malik

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  • a forgotten metric is client happiness. if we provide a service that makes them feel good about what they’re getting, they’re going to be willing to pay more and will stick around much longer.
  • firms should own who they are. a firm with a hard-driving culture that values working long hours should seek out team members who like that kind of work culture.
  • think about where you want to be in five years, and start hiring people who fit that kind of work culture. build in the people, processes and systems around that end goal.

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the disruptors: can geraldine carter save accountants from themselves?

go pro for the complete video, notes, analysis, takeaways and transcript.

the disruptors
with liz farr

geraldine carter is on a mission to make accounting more attractive as a profession, and to make accountants more profitable, particularly soloists and small firms.

more: the disruptors: re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson |  the disruptors: how to scale with new padgett coo amanda aguillard | eat that frog: asking for a prospect meeting | growing revenue through client service | lease accounting is about to get very real | google ads for new tax season clients | exclusive: eisner ceo charly weinstein explains the private equity deal  | flash briefing: a “call to arms” after private equity deal | four ways to beat the staffing shortage, with pasha malik

goprocpa.com exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

in this episode of the disruptors with liz farr, carter explains the trouble with “orphan 1040s,” how to “level up” your firm, the priceless value of emotional intelligence, and why giving your all is too much (80 percent is enough.)

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the disruptors: re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson

watch the video or listen to the podcast.

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with liz farr

with accounting talent so scarce, tax and accounting firms may be surprised to find untapped talents within their current staff, according to tyler anderson, partner and director of a&a innovation at accountability plus.

more: the disruptors: how to scale with new padgett coo amanda aguillard | eat that frog: asking for a prospect meeting | growing revenue through client service | lease accounting is about to get very real | google ads for new tax season clients | exclusive: eisner ceo charly weinstein explains the private equity deal  | flash briefing: a “call to arms” after private equity deal | four ways to beat the staffing shortage, with pasha malik

goprocpa.com exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

key take-aways: read more →