the secrets of multi-hit marketing

there’s room for both one-step and two-step marketing, but be smart about how you use them.

by jassen bowman

the number of steps that a lead must take in order to receive your full marketing message is an important consideration when planning marketing campaigns and media purchases.

more: grow faster, be more efficient | your sales funnel needs systems | how tax resolution works | 4 tax resolution industry flaws | need a new service line? consider tax resolution
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generally, the more steps that a lead must take in order to enter your marketing funnel is going to increase the quality of your leads, but decrease the quantity.

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grow faster, be more efficient

5 tasks to tackle every day.

by jassen bowman

for solo practitioners and small firms, success often comes down to the establishment of good habits that support the implementation of systems across the most important elements of operating a practice.

more: your sales funnel needs systems | how tax resolution works | 4 tax resolution industry flaws | need a new service line? consider tax resolution
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for the tax resolution practitioner, these habits can be distilled down even further to five specific tasks, for which you should have systems in place to accomplish each.
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your sales funnel needs systems

small potted plant fertilized with coinsbecause first, you need clients.

by jassen bowman

if your experience is primarily in the tax return preparation arena, then you are most likely used to the service being what is referred to as a “lay down” sale, meaning you really don’t have to sell.

more: how tax resolution works | 4 tax resolution industry flaws | need a new service line? consider tax resolutiongoprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

as an optional service that many people just aren’t familiar with as an option, tax resolution actually requires a little bit of sales skills. i think it’s important for you to have a handle on the key benefits that you bring to the table for potential clients.
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how tax resolution works

it’s a lucrative opportunity.

by jassen bowman
tax resolution systems

with over 14 million active irs collections cases, there is a tremendous need for competent taxpayer representation.

more: 4 tax resolution industry flaws | need a new service line? consider tax resolution
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there has never been a better time to add this highly lucrative, recession-proof service to your tax practice.

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4 tax resolution industry flaws

purple no. 4 billiard ballone of these is actually a violation of tax code.

by jassen bowman

tax resolution is the process of negotiating repayment plans and other irs program options on back tax debt. in my opinion, tax resolution is more appropriately called “tax debt collections representation,” since that’s what you’re doing: representing the best interests of your clients in order to get them out of the irs or state tax collections cycle.

more: need a new service line? consider tax resolution
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according to the irs, over 14 million americans owed back taxes to the united states treasury as of the end of fy16. millions more owed back taxes to state and local governments.
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need a new service line? consider tax resolution

money tree growing in the middle of green meadowbonus: an overview of the process.

by jassen bowman

with over 14 million active irs collections cases, there is a tremendous need for competent taxpayer representation. there has never been a better time to add this highly lucrative, recession-proof service to your tax practice.

more on tax resolution: how to maximize crm system tags | 10 steps to setting up direct mail | process communications efficiently | suggested tax resolution client payment guidelines | basics of tax season work flow | when to follow up on prospects | checklists for new lead generation | client management checklists for tax resolution | how to handle client complaints
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in fiscal year 2015, the irs opened 8.1 million new collections enforcement cases, while only closing 7.1 million cases. altogether, these taxpayers owed the irs over $137 billion. that’s more than twice the entire annual budget for the u.s. department of education.
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suggested tax resolution client payment guidelines

remember who you’re dealing with.

by jassen bowman
tax resolution systems

let’s put this right out in the open: your livelihood in the tax resolution business is coming from individuals and businesses that owe money to the government, and, more than likely, are behind on payments to other creditors, also.

more on tax resolution: checklists for tax resolution sales | quoting tax resolution fees | 12 rules for phone calls | don’t ignore your existing leads | the ins and outs of hiring and firing | market to your ideal clients | one-step vs. two-step marketing | tax resolution: a lucrative opportunity
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in order to protect yourself and your firm, it is important to have client payment procedures in place and enforce them so that you don’t do a bunch of work for free or become just another creditor that the taxpayer owes money to.
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checklists for tax resolution sales

includes consultation questions.

by jassen bowman
tax resolution systems

after marketing, your next most important job is sales. sales and marketing are intimately connected, because the leads you generate and nurture through marketing become the prospects you sell to in the sales process.

more on tax resolution: quoting tax resolution fees | basics of tax season work flow | when to follow up on prospects | checklists for new lead generation |client management checklists for tax resolution | how to handle client complaints | case study: building a tax resolution business | marketing requires ruthless accountability
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most tax professionals dislike the idea of seeing themselves as salespeople. however, you need to accept the fact that if you can’t close a sale, you’re going to be broke, no regardless of your statewide high score on the cpa exam, regardless of the prestigious law school you went to, regardless of any other certifications you’ve earned. if you don’t sell, you don’t eat.
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quoting tax resolution fees

5 scenarios with fee quotation breakdowns.

by jassen bowman
tax resolution systems

one of the most common questions i get from practitioners adding tax resolution services to their service offerings has to do with fees. many practitioners see the benefit of offering flat-fee service options, while others choose to stick with their existing hourly fee model.

more on tax resolution: basics of tax season work flow | overcome objections in 7 steps | how to reactivate lost clients | don’t ignore your existing leads | some office nuts and bolts | the importance of goals and affirmations | market to your ideal clients
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these are some example of how i quote fees when running a high-volume tax resolution practice. these scenarios do not represent any one particular client i’ve had. rather, they each represent dozens of similar situations i’ve worked on. these scenarios are the norm if you’re focusing on 941 representation. for completeness, i’ve also added a 1040 scenario as an example.
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how to pursue federal tax lien marketing

courier on scooter delivering envelopethese are motivated clients.

by michael rozbruch, cpa
the irs audit notice checklist

what if the irs actually published a list of all the names and addresses of the 13.2 million individuals and businesses that have been identified by the irs that owe back taxes? for those of us who offer irs representation services, we’d all be millionaires! it would be the “mother” of all lists as we would have a built-in lead generation source.

more: irs crackdown spells new opportunities for tax professionals | 2 emerging industries for tax resolution | 9 secrets to getting irs penalties removed | kpis that accounting firms don’t measure but should | 10 tips for maximizing referrals
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needless to say, a list such as this would be invaluable to a practitioner starting (or wanting to expand) a tax resolution business. unfortunately, the irs doesn’t publish such a list. however, the next best thing does exist!

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irs crackdown spells new opportunities for tax professionals


bonus: specific online and offline marketing strategies.

by michael rozbruch, cpa
the irs audit notice checklist

i don’t think there is a better time in the past eight years to get into the tax resolution business than now.

more: the 10 most important words for getting retained | why are artists and tax pros afraid to sell themselves? | what do taxes and wedding dresses have in common? | 2 emerging industries for tax resolution
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i say it’s never been a better time because of the convergence of some key industry metrics and observations. it’s almost like a “perfect storm” given the irs’s 2020 focus on increased enforcement.

podcast: rozbruch interviews the widely known godfather of tax resolution, robert “bob” mckenzie, about what to expect from the irs new compliance and enforcement initiatives, this year and beyond. listen here: podcast: rozbruch interviews bob mckenzie

additionally, tax season is the absolute best of the year to market for tax resolution as taxes are top of mind with everyone, especially people who owe back taxes or haven’t filed their tax returns for several years – or both.

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the 10 most important words for getting retained

man in suit holding out credit cardalso: what not to guarantee.

by michael rozbruch, cpa

the 10 most important words that must roll off your tongue when it comes to asking for the “sale” must be part of your “close “repertoire.  the 10 words are what credit card do you want to put that on?”

more: why are artists and tax pros afraid to sell themselves? | what do taxes and wedding dresses have in common? | 9 secrets to getting irs penalties removed | 10 tips for maximizing referrals
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

let’s assume your marketing is working, the phones are ringing and you know how to screen the looky-loos and tire-kickers from qualified prospects because you have a phone script system. you’re scheduling appointments because you have a system and script for that too.
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fear of success

man with head down on desk, sticky note with "help" writte on it on baseball capselling is not just good business, it’s a moral obligation.

by michael rozbruch, cpa
the irs audit notice checklist

earlier this fall, roslyn and i attended a smooth jazz concert with a few of our friends. roslyn is a big jazz fan, and i’m starting to get there, too.

more: what do taxes and wedding dresses have in common? | 2 emerging industries for tax resolution | social media’s place in your marketing strategy | kpis that accounting firms don’t measure but should | 10 tips for maximizing referrals
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

the show we caught, dave koz & friends’ summer horns tour, was part of an outdoor concert series, and the artists were incredible. dave koz was playing with other big talents, like richard elliot, gerald albright, and rick braun. it was fabulous – two hours of great jazz music that spanned from duke ellington to kool & the gang.
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