future state or future shock? irs watchdog warns of dubious irs plans

questionable solution: irs outsourcing taxpayer communication.


by rick telberg

a few years ago the internal revenue service launched a belt-tightening overhaul it called the future state.

the changes were devised with good intentions. the service wanted to deal with taxpayers more through the internet and less over the phone or in person. it would also expect taxpayers to hire outside tax specialists to give them advice that the irs had once offered as a free service.

ideally, all of this would reduce the cost of collecting taxes. but the taxpayer advocate service soon warned that the changes would lead to more aggravation and less goodwill among taxpayers. less goodwill, the tas said, could lead to less compliance, which translates into less revenue to the united states treasury.

the irs heard the warnings and initiated a country-wide series of forums and a website dedicated to explaining the future state plan. irs representatives even went before congress to explain that the service was not eliminating all phone or personal contact with taxpayers.

national taxpayer advocate nina olson, who heads the tas, commended the irs on these outreach efforts, but she felt that the real problems had not been addressed. the plan failed to consider and incorporate the needs and preferences of people who are expected to voluntarily comply with their tax obligations, i.e., american taxpayers.

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tax season productivity hacks

five good habits for getting things done.

the best time management tips:
join the survey, get the answers

by salim omar

tax time is widely considered the “busy season” for practitioners, but it doesn’t have to mean chaos and misery. a well-managed firm allows its owner to conduct business and live life at a reasonable pace no matter what the season.

more on productivity: does busyness really mean productivity?  | how many hours should accounting staff work?  |  when everything takes too long  | new lessons in time management
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by employing a few clever and surprisingly simple productivity hacks, you, too, can have a better tax time experience beginning this very season. put these new habits to work for you now: read more →

how to turn routine cpe into a new marketing opportunity

cpe: it’s not just for staff.

by jassen bowman
tax resolution systems

as public accounting firms continue to make strides in the modernization of their business development processes, there is one unique opportunity that they might be overlooking: in-firm cpe offerings.

more by jassen bowman: how to end the tax revenue roller coaster with a four-season practice model  |   tax filing season is almost over. what’s next?  |  more

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about half the accounting firms i speak with each week tell me that they produce a significant amount of their continuing education training in-house. these programs are most often created and delivered by the firm’s own subject matter experts, and are delivered to staff not just to fulfill cpe requirements, but to directly improve the skills of these accountants.

what most firms miss, however, is that these presentations are also an opportunity for the firm to showcase their capabilities to both prospects and existing clients.

in short, think of your in-firm cpe programs as a content marketing opportunity.

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tax filings data looking less squirrely

chart of irs filing data for week ending feb. 10, 2017
[click for larger image]

some refunds remain unreported, but filings are catching up.

by beth bellor

year-to-year differences in tax filing data are starting to level off.

more: tax return filings still lag, but pros hold 57% of market | tax filings down, but irs blames the calendar
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four fewer reporting days in 2017 skewed results at first, but statistics for the week ending feb. 10 show a difference in returns filed of around 17 percent, about half the 33 percent decline that led off the season.
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how to sell bundled tax services

flat fees relieve “clock watching.”

by ed mendlowitz
how to build a stronger tax practice

following are two sample engagement proposals for tax return preparation bundled with additional financial planning and business planning services.

more on marketing: how to prepare returns for a multiple-year non-filer | structuring partnership and buy-sell agreements | the 64-point business startup checklist | how to offer second opinions | how to offer employment compensation assistance | basic budgeting for clients | guiding heirs | 11 questions to ask every tax client | add new revenues with tax prep follow-ups | marketing vs. selling: both must serve the client first
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letter 1:
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survey results: who’s afraid of busy season 2017?

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research projects shake-out of weaker firms.

join the survey. get the results.

by rick telberg

the difference between the potential winners and losers this busy season could hardly be more stark, according to a 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 analysis of the annual busy season outlook tracking survey.

while some 56 percent of accountants so far say they’re looking at a “better” or “much better” busy season this year than last year, a distinct minority of about 16 percent is bracing for problems, trouble and setbacks.

more on busy season:  bullish on busy season 2017  |  46 avoidable tax-filing errors – if clients only knew  |  tax prep gets off to strong start  |  sample fee schedule for 1040s  |  tax filings down, but irs blames the calendar  |  survey results: busy season 2017 gets off to strong start   |   2017 fee survey: price for non-itemized 1040s advances 6% to $176   |   the annual tax meeting is dead. clients killed it.   |   reader sound-off: mandatory saturdays stir controversy    |   tax season opportunity kit free instant download   |   world envies low u.s. tax rates on luxury real estate transfers   |   the new small-business loophole you can drive a truck through

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the annual survey tracks the attitudes, behaviors and benchmarks of tax and accounting professionals throughout the season, providing real-time metrics and trends by which practitioners can chart and steer their business plans. the survey remains open throughout the season, as an invitation to professionals to participate regularly. as a reward for joining the survey, participants are provided the first look at new topline findings. join the survey; get the results.

in examining some of their other responses, the reasons emerge with clarity. for instance, those expecting a “worse” year, are three times more likely than those expecting  “better” season to cite the “general economic situation” as a chief concern, twice more likely to blame “competition from others,” a third more likely to report “technology or software problems, and a quarter more likely to be having problems with “new accounting and auditing” and staffing” issues. those issues cut to the heart of fundamental and basic operations. read more →

a little tax humor

portrait of a young laughing businessman with tablet computer in officetake a break for a few minutes.

editor’s note: every tax season for the last umpteen years, robert e. mckenzie, a tax lawyer at  arnstein & lehr in chicago, has made a tradition of sharing his carefully curated collection of tax jokes. here are a few of his latest. enjoy!

by robert e. mckenzie 

1) “three things are certain in life. death and taxes are two of them. the third is tax fraud.” – matt pearce, la times, april 19, 2016


more: how many irs agents does it take to screw in a light bulb?


2) “i think nobody knows more about taxes than i do, maybe in the history of the world. nobody knows more about taxes.” – donald trump during 2016 campaign

3) “anonymous just hacked trump’s tax returns. unfortunately, like trump’s hands, the numbers are tiny and impossible to make out.” – michael r. burch

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tax return filings still lag, but pros hold 57% of market

chart of irs filing data for the week ended feb. 3, 2017
[click for larger image]

four days fewer in 2017 still skewing statistics.

the irs continues to churn back tax returns nearly as quickly as it receives them, while the percentage that were self-prepared is tracking higher than the same point last year.

more: tax filings down, but irs blames the calendar | survey results: bullish on busy season 2017 | 2017 fee survey: price for non-itemized 1040s advances 6% to $176
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

with 20.18 million returns received as of feb. 3, the latest data available, the agency had processed 19.97 million or 98.9 percent of them.
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checklist: 46 avoidable tax-filing errors – if clients only knew

tax season checklists: learn more

here’s a handy checklist to share with clients.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season checklists

taxes are hard enough without making avoidable errors. before clients file, they should double check to make sure they don’t make these errors. we often hand out this checklist to clients to avoid mistakes in advance.

  1. not signing the return (if you file paper copies)
  2. number transposition and spelling errors
  3. unchecked or unanswered questions
  4. entering incorrect or unpaid estimated tax payments
  5. missing pages in a paper filed return read more →

survey results: bullish on busy season 2017

busy season bulls outnumber bears three to one. via 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

profession plows ahead with high hopes.

how’s your busy season so far?
join the survey; get the results.

by rick telberg
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

if expectations pan out, busy season 2017 might be a banner year, according to the first soundings from the 18th annual 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 busy season barometer. there’s optimism in the air.

a full fifth of respondents tell us they foresee a busy season “much better” than last year’s. and more than a third—36 percent—believe their season will be at least “somewhat better.” together these optimists make up 56 percent of respondents, more than three times the number who are dreading a tougher slog than last year.

more busy season: tax prep gets off to strong start  |  sample fee schedule for 1040s  |   tax filings down, but irs blames the calendar  |   survey results: busy season 2017 gets off to strong start   |   2017 fee survey: price for non-itemized 1040s advances 6% to $176   |   the annual tax meeting is dead. clients killed it.   |   reader sound-off: mandatory saturdays stir controversy    |   tax season opportunity kit free instant download   |   world envies low u.s. tax rates on luxury real estate transfers   |   the new small-business loophole you can drive a truck through

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granted, that number isn’t as high as 2016’s, when 61% reported improvements over 2015, but 2015 was the infamous annus horribilis, the year of tax prep hell. it wasn’t hard to imagine the next year being better. so 2016 wasn’t so bad, making it surprising that so many see 2017 turning out even better. three upbeat respondents typify the three main causes of optimism.

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survey results: busy season 2017 gets off to strong start

join the survey. get the results.

i.d. theft and security issues emerge as top concern.

how’s busy season so far?
join the survey and get the latest updates

by rick telberg

tax and accounting professionals are kicking off busy season 2017 with the highest confidence levels in years, but their optimism seems guarded and unsure, according to the latest results from the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 busy season barometer.

see the charts below for additional detail. and stay tuned as the busy season unfolds. join the survey to get the latest updates.

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

so far, the survey shows that more than 58% of tax and accounting professionals expect a better season this year than in 2016, which, by comparison, was 61% cheerier than 2015.

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