lessons learned: how the federal shutdown hit busy season 2019
broken system. broken trust. broken tax season.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间
the government shutdown of 2018-19 was a traumatic experience that cpas and tax preparers will remember, with a shudder, for years to come.
more on busy season: the irs mess: taxpayer’s roadmap is a plumber’s nightmare | fixing the irs: tax professionals speak out | refunds rebound, up 1.3% from last year | tax refund fury roils busy season | irs in crisis: tax professionals bear the brunt | the tax season funnies: worst video game ever | taxpayer advocate slams congress over funding | 1.6 million tax clients gone missing? | busy season: fear, hope & frustration | alternative minimum tax: what’s it like today? | clients’ top worry: going broke | the latest rules on charitable donations |
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it was the longest shutdown in history, and it hit precisely at crunch time for the tax cuts and jobs act and just as tax season was getting underway.
look at some of the stats from the taxpayer advocate service for service just before and just after (not during) the shutdown: read more →