tax mama’s top tax issues
“tax mama” eva rosenberg, ea, previews the cstc’s 33rd annual summer symposium. more here.
“tax mama” eva rosenberg, ea, previews the cstc’s 33rd annual summer symposium. more here.
auditors said the activity wasn’t profit-seeking.
by christopher m. demayo
the fifth circuit court of appeals issued a decision on march 29, 2019, that explains some of the requirements for deducting litigation expenses.
the facts of the case are bizarre, but the controlling legal principles are not.
in a nutshell, the taxpayer was the sole shareholder of a company that was a commercial cleaning franchisor (“company”). in november 2002, the taxpayer traveled on vacation with his girlfriend and two employees of his company to the caribbean island of st. maarten, where he owned a home. one of the employees was a bodyguard and the other was a former girlfriend.
… and then manage their workloads.
by frank stitely
the relentless cpa
let’s talk about assigning staff to projects. understand that this discussion will mean nothing the first two weeks of april, when you may be assigning the family dog to some returns.
more: some uncommon advice on hiring full-time staff | managing people: the heart of effective project management | tammy’s tale of tax season tardiness | beware the leeches and consultants | the value-pricing con job | the 21st-century cpa firm | ruthlessly efficient workflow management | the annual tax meeting is dead. clients killed it.
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and that makes perfect sense in those circumstances. i’ve done worse. who knew that goldfish can’t type?
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and why the irs now needs a new mission statement.
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间
ten years ago, the internal revenue service changed a word in its mission statement.
more: what’s the real impact of irs audits? | tough lessons from tax season | why shouldn’t all tax practitioners need licenses? | data divers profile taxpayer filing styles | fixing the tax system: accountants sound off | 2 ways the eitc error rate is high | who’d like a friend in the irs?
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before: “provide america’s taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all.”
after: “provide america’s taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and enforce the tax law with integrity and fairness to all.”
the change was made without public discussion. it just appeared: subtle and quiet but deep and disturbing.
what’s the difference? attitude and approach. read more →
so you can quickly tell when a delay is the client’s fault. plus: the 12-step tax return and 8-step writeup workflows.
by frank stitely
the relentless cpa
let’s play buzzword bingo. i’ll go first: workflow.
more: what goes into a client project? | tammy’s tale of tax season tardiness | beware the leeches and consultants | the value-pricing con job | the 21st-century cpa firm | ruthlessly efficient workflow management
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workflow is the cpa firm buzzword of the decade. every vendor leech trying to suck the life out of your bank account drops this term, and in so doing, workflow now means everything and nothing at all. marketers have so devalued the term that we shouldn’t be surprised that no one has an effective workflow, because no one knows what it is. let’s flush the confusion.
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tax maven michael harlow leverages firm’s real-estate prowess to build a new national niche.
by liz gold
as the tax lead for cohnreznick’s cannabis practice, michael harlow, says the biggest barrier to entry for cannabis businesses on the east coast is finding the right real estate for their endeavor.
more on cannabiz: cannabis: embracing risk as a market advantage | cristina garza: keeping cannabiz clients in compliance | cannabis: top trends to watch in 2019 | cannabis cpa carves out investment research niche | ‘genius accountant’ helps cannabiz clients manage effectively | bruce jolliff: jumping into cannabis head first | mark guiley oversees new cannabis niche | jessica velazquez on cannabis accounting and activism | podcast: jim marty and cory parnell go national | 5 biggest mistakes cannabis ceos make
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“the biggest barrier to entry for east coast cannabis businesses is finding the appropriate real estate for their endeavor,” says harlow, cpa and national tax leader for cohnreznick’s cannabis practice. read more →
how to conduct an after-action review for a better season next year: 8 essential questions, 11 new opportunities.
by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms
now that the initial tax deadline is past us, it’s a good time to take a look back to see how things went and how they can be done better. this is called an after-action review, and it’s not the same as a de-brief or a post-mortem. it’s a great tool for large companies, and small businesses can benefit too.
more from sandi leyva: change overload: 5 simple coping strategies | 39 advisory services for accountants | mix and match marketing channels | marketing materials 201: some advanced tips | testimonials: why and how | 10 marketing materials you need | make direct mail work for you | how to use ‘warmed-up’ telemarketing | content marketing types and tips | write your way to expert status | 71 places to find new clients | awards can boost your reputation | are you newsworthy? | step-by-step: how to make newsletters work for you |
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an after-action review is a fantastic process to help you look back at a project or period of your business to see what, why, and how things occurred and how they can be improved for the future. taking a profit-focused view will help you get the most out of the idea.
master the change around you with some healthy new habits.
by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms
this busy season brought with it massive changes in tax laws, form layouts, technology, and client confusion. if all this change seems to be a bit much, you’re not alone.
more from sandi leyva: 39 advisory services for accountants | mix and match marketing channels | marketing materials 201: some advanced tips | testimonials: why and how | 10 marketing materials you need | make direct mail work for you | how to use ‘warmed-up’ telemarketing | content marketing types and tips | write your way to expert status | 71 places to find new clients | awards can boost your reputation | are you newsworthy? | step-by-step: how to make newsletters work for you |
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handling change requires extra energy and resources that our brains would rather not use, causing a struggle within ourselves.
as you move from the april 15th deadline to working on your pile of extensions, here are some tips to reduce the feeling of overwhelm and better manage your energy and productivity.
everyone is different when it comes to the amount of change they can tolerate. use these five tips to help you master the change around you.
does a 90% error rate alarm anyone?
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research
america needs tax preparers. without them … well, it’s hard to imagine how people would calculate any more than the most rudimentary returns.
more: data divers profile taxpayer filing styles | who’d like a friend in the irs? | wanna change the tax world? | the big free-file flop | survey: busy season goes sour | lessons learned: how the federal shutdown hit busy season 2019 | taxpayer advocate slams congress over funding
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the funding of the government would fall to a fraction of what is needed to sustain the nation. tax preparers are an essential link between the government and those who fund it.
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understanding retail, software & online tax service users.
with options like retail walk-in tax prep, software services, or online filing, how do taxpayers decide? the data scientists at the consumer research agency dove into the data to uncover the factors that may make someone more (+%) or less (- %) likely to utilize one of three common filing methods. read more →
plus words of wisdom from abraham lincoln.
as collected by robert e. mckenzie
senior tax accountant averages $99k. more: city-by-city details.
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间
survey: scrap it and start over.
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research
you can do something. join more cpas, enrolled agents, financial planners and other tax practitioners in contributing opinions and ideas. join the survey; get the results