the top five reasons tax clients go diy

and the top five ways to win them back.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

taxpayers are more than twice as likely to use do-it-your-self software to prepare their returns, but they’re also 38 percent less likely to be satisfied when they do, according to a new survey by a tax software vendor.

focused on what pushes consumers towards tax-prep diy software technology solutions, the study of more than 500 taxpayers across the u.s. shows broad opportunities for accounting professionals.

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tax season savvy: five ways to stay sane

why good boundaries make good workplaces.

by kristen rampe

after spending nearly 20 years with accountants (including myself!), i’ve come to recognize a common trait among our tribe. we’re a group of people who love saying “yes.”

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we say “yes” to clients, firm partners, our team members, family, friends, volunteer engagements and so on. people love us for it. i mean, when you think of qualities you look for in people you work with, willingness and reliability are right up at the top of the list.

but as you’re working tirelessly to meet the needs of everyone you encounter, how are your own needs being met?

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why tax time is the best time to get new business

businesswoman talking on phonesometimes it’s as easy as being available.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

tax season has always been the best time of the year for me to get new business.

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the reason is that there is much less competition.

i never turn down an opportunity to get new business, whether it is tax work, audits, consultations or special assignments. tax season notwithstanding, i am always available to meet with someone who needs an accountant.
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debunking the demise of the cpa firm

ai and blockchain aren’t replacing us.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

industry pundits subject us to a nonstop barrage of predictions that cpa firms will cease to exist very shortly. you know how much i love our industry pundits, who have never worked a day in a cpa firm. i dislike the ones who have not worked in cpa firms in the last 20 years only slightly less. their predictions are total and utter nonsense.

more: how to thrive as a 21st-century firm | 7 steps to effective project management | wip-ing clients into shape | managing people: the heart of effective project management | beware the leeches and consultants
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i see two main types of doomsday predictions from our pundit buddies. first, they tell us that artificial intelligence will replace us. next, if ai doesn’t get us, blockchain will.
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seven changes in the new taxpayer first act clients need to know

young man under rain-covered umbrellaone congressman says it “levels the playing field.”

by barry j. friedman, cpa

the taxpayer first act of 2019 is redesigning how the irs works with taxpayers, even though it may take a while for many of the provisions to take effect.

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some experts have highlighted the following aspects of the bill as especially important:
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how manufacturers can use the r&d tax credit

bottles of sunflower oil on an assembly linethere’s a 4-part test.

by barry j. friedman, cpa

many manufacturing companies fail to take advantage of the generous research and development (r&d) tax credit simply because they don’t have staff working in a lab. the internal revenue service’s (irs) definition of r&d is codified at internal revenue code section 41 and its related regulations – and it may not be exactly what you think it is.

more: padding your tax deductions? the consequences are serious | alternative minimum tax: what’s it like today? | 6 key facts about excise taxes | gifts to charity: 6 facts about written acknowledgments | yes, home equity loans may still be deductible
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from 2018 to 2027, the estimated value of r&d tax credits to be claimed by u.s. companies is estimated at $163 billion, with $148 billion of that going to corporations.
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the tax practice traffic cop

illustration of traffic lightauto-nagging isn’t always enough.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

one of your roles as ceo is chief traffic cop. you keep the flow of returns moving along the information superhighway that is your workflow system. you manage the managers. you remove process bottlenecks. you soothe irritable clients.

more: the land mines in tax returns | how to teach reviewing and time management | 4 steps to take before next tax season | some uncommon advice on hiring full-time staff | what goes into a client project? | the value-pricing con job | the 21st-century cpa firm | ruthlessly efficient workflow management
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i live in 15-minute increments during tax season. there are four things i do over and over and over again:
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the land mines in tax returns

woman reading paper document at office desk in front of computerdata entry errors = public beheadings.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

your next role as ceo is reviewer. there are two types of review: primary and secondary.

more: how to teach reviewing and time management | how to coach your staff | how to create good managers | how to hire and manage great admin staff | managing people: the heart of effective project management | tammy’s tale of tax season tardiness | beware the leeches and consultants | the value-pricing con job | the 21st-century cpa firm | ruthlessly efficient workflow management | the annual tax meeting is dead. clients killed it.
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depending on the size of your firm, you may only have primary reviews. if your firm consists of you and a preparer, you won’t have a second level of review. i don’t consider the self-review as a review step. i consider it part of preparation.
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should the irs go down in history?

stock image of businessman pushing a giant stack of documents isolated on white background3 reasons an agency historian would be a good idea.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

karl marx may have been wrong about workers rising up against their capitalist overlords, but he was right in observing that much of history can be explained by economics.

more: 5 easy ways that congress could fix tax collection | 4 ways to fix irs collections | taxpayers deserve better receipts | what’s the real impact of irs audits?
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if history and economics go hand in hand, it makes sense  that the internal revenue service, an entity through which trillions of dollars pass in a constant flow, should have an in-house historian. its policies, programs, decisions, managers, records, cases, controversies and artifacts are an important part of american and world history – but only if they survive for historical analysis.
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the #1 problem: staffing, staffing, staffing


smallest firms plagued most by growing tax complexity. 

via aicpa

staff recruitment remains the top issue for most cpa firms, while growing tax complexity and risk management regarding privacy and data security are rising challenges, new research by the aicpa shows.

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“finding qualified staff” is the no. 1 issue for every firm-size segment except sole practitioners, according to the 2019 pcps cpa firm top issues survey, matching the topline results from the last survey two years ago.

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