lessons from the trenches of tax season
the points not taught in college.
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间’ annual busy season barometer is always a useful instrument for peeking into other professionals’ tax prep practices. among the data that can mined from survey results:
- how other practitioners are doing this season
- how this season compares with last year’s
- what other practitioners are doing differently this year
- what practitioners have learned since last year
- how others feel business and the economy will go – for the nation, for their firms, for their families
- how practitioners rate their own firms – and why
more: coronavirus rattles tax season | the irs needs more to get more | more firms falling behind | does irs need a practitioner services division? | irs urged to form tax preparer strategy | accountants cautiously bullish on the economy | survey results: tax pros forecast a better 2020 | can the irs enforce the tax code?
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what tax preparers have learned since last year is always especially interesting. the comments of professionals in the trenches are a list of all the lessons not taught in college. here are a few of them…
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