covid drowns irs in new filings

data chart
data for the week ending april 17, 2020.
* total includes returns filed to obtain economic impact payments by those who would not usually file income tax returns.

why not? submissions are way down.

busy season barometer
how’s covid-19 impacting your firm?

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by beth bellor

coronavirus hit irs data in a couple of ways this week.

people who don’t ordinarily file income tax returns, but did so to obtain economic impact payments, boosted filings higher than they might have been for the week ending april 17, the latest data. in addition, visits to shot up 77 percent over 2019 – the get my payment link surely was part of that picture.

more: 2020 tax season comes to a screeching halt | the tax season 2020 dumpster fire | tax pros fall behind 6.2% in returns filed | tax pros trail by 908,000 returns | tax pro irs filings lag by 532,000 | tax pro e-filings lag by 512,000 returns | tax pros kick into high gear | slow start for tax pro e-filing | data points down as tax season opens | the fight for new tax clients
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the internal revenue service reported receiving 116 million individual income tax returns, down 15.5 percent. it had processed 106.6 million returns, up 18.5 percent.
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tax season funnies: the poetic versions

portrait of a young laughing businessman with tablet computer in officeplus a vision of hell.
as collected by robert e. mckenzie
the only effective way to eliminate tax loopholes is to eliminate politicians.

more: tax season funnies: a rabbi’s advice | the next political party symbol | gabriel and saint peter confer | a tax lawyer at the pearly gates | gargoyles in the irs? | the ‘service’ in irs
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“we have from time to time complained about the complexity of our revenue laws and the almost impossible challenge they present to taxpayers or their representatives … our complaints have obviously fallen upon deaf ears.” – arnold raum (former senior u.s. tax court judge)

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41 items to check on business tax returns

woman's hand using a pencil on notepada handy reviewer’s checklist.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

client ________________________ year _____

prepared by ___________________ date _____

more: 9 overlooked tax season resources | more services for your tax clients | can your reviewers answer these 10 questions? | 5 small leaks that can sink a tax season | 3 steps to tax season happiness
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notes: 1) the term “owners” will be used to refer to stockholders, partners or members, as the case may be. 2) even though “trial balance” is used in this checklist, you can use the company’s financial statements if those were what were used for the preparation of the tax return, or computer-generated statements.
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2020 tax season comes to a screeching halt

^ week ending april 10, 2020

irs web traffic surges 22%.

how’s covid-19 impacting your firm?
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by beth bellor

if you’re looking for bright spots as the united states deals with the global pandemic, avert your eyes from the irs.

more: the tax season 2020 dumpster fire | tax pros fall behind 6.2% in returns filed | tax pros trail by 908,000 returns
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

although average refunds and website visits are up, everything else is down – in the case of e-filings by tax professionals, down 20.1 percent. yeowch.
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good preparer procedures will reduce review time

green checks being made on checklistbonus: a 28-point checklist.

by ed mendlowitz
how to review tax returns: the field-tested update

the better the quality of the return that is submitted to the reviewer, the easier it will be for the reviewer allowing them to spend more time using their brain instead of their eyes.

more: why ‘tick and tie’ needs to die | use tax return prep for training and growth
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many procedures whose purpose is to reduce reviewer’s time will add to the preparer’s time and occasionally will add to the total time for the return. that is so and should be acceptable because there are more preparers than reviewers.
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the tax season 2020 dumpster fire

coronavirus crushes tax prep.

how’s covid-19 impacting your busy season?
join the survey. sound off. get answers.

by beth bellor

slammed by the covid-19 crisis, tax season 2020 has gone off the rails.

tax return filing activity is trending down, and who can blame filers? with an automatic three-month extension, those who owe taxes have no incentive to file anytime soon. and practitioners are consumed with protecting their firms and rescuing their clients.

more: tax pros fall behind 6.2% in returns filed | tax pros trail by 908,000 returns | tax pro irs filings lag by 532,000 | tax pro e-filings lag by 512,000 returns | tax pros kick into high gear | slow start for tax pro e-filing | data points down as tax season opens | the fight for new tax clients
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

that may be impacting numbers for e-filings by tax professionals, which are down in double digits. perhaps those whose dealings are complex enough to need assistance are seeking appointments in june now.
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covid-19 brings out the best in accountants

salim omar
salim omar

we’re there when clients need us most.

by salim omar

it’s been a long and tough week for accountants… one that has shown just how selfless and caring they are.

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 is providing free access to our latest coronavirus crisis updates: start here for a guide to all our free coverage.

bonus tools and guidance for pro members: for premium crisis-management tools and resources, look here.

during the busiest time of the year, accountants across the country stopped performing the cash-generating tax work they were deeply entrenched in. instead, they channeled their energy and effort to help their small business owner clients to get through a crisis that has been upsetting and gut-wrenching.

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9 overlooked tax season resources

happy family of four outdoors in winter clothing on snowdon’t take them for granted.

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

we have many resources and need to recognize that. and we need to treat each with its own importance. even if you did everything yourself, you’d still need to rely on your tax software company, fedex and the postal service, stationery supplier, computer consultant, the internet and email, cell phone provider and copier/scanner machine. and that’s just a few of the resources we rely on. managing your resources well creates an aura of security and consistency to your practice.

more: more services for your tax clients | keep these tax clients while you have the chance | what makes a good tax season client? | 5 tax review keys | 5 steps for tax season success | 12 ways to have more fun this tax season
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

but there more. and they are often overlooked. or taken for granted. here are some more resources that need to be managed:
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stuck at home right now? here’s 100 good ideas to relieve the stress

young woman recording video via camcorder and tripodmany of them are free.

how’s covid-19 impacting your busy season?
join the survey. sound off. get answers.

by sandi leyva, annie tao, marjory rase, and cutter slagle

i wanted to help my staff blow off some steam this week, so i asked them to come up with some tasks that we can all do while we’re sheltering in place and doing our thing to flatten the curve.

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 is providing free access to our latest coronavirus crisis updates: start here for a guide to all our coverage.

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

if your kids (or you) are already asking, “are we there yet?” here are some ways to distract them. read more →