the great resignation or a reshuffling?

how many in-person days make sense for your firm… and who decides?

by steven e. sacks

the concept of “quiet quitting” is now mainstream thought. summer 2022 is over, and with it, for many companies and their workers, their remote work arrangements.

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many recognizable companies have sought to get back to some normality. some want workers to return to the office full-time, some have asked for a two- to three-day in-office arrangement, and some have viewed remote work as successful and see no reason to change anything for the foreseeable future.

workers will not easily accept these changes.

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prepare the next generation now

group of four young professionalsthey will look to you for an example.

by martin bissett
business development on a budget

if you are a partner in your firm, you may already have asked yourself the all-important question: how can i successfully retire and have someone else take over the firm?

more: five ways to show commitment | comfort vs. complacency | how are you showing your commitment? | five questions about your network | seven things that good advisors skip | internal communication can’t be overlooked | the seven levels of communication management | make firm culture work for you
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the partner who has a satisfactory answer to that question is the one who is committed not only to developing business and building the firm on a regular basis, but also to developing and preparing the next generation of professionals in the firm.
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three strategies to keep emerging leaders energized

business people laughing at lunch in a cafe outdoorswhat role do partners play?

by angie grissom
bridging the gap

if new leaders are to come from within, then firms must succeed in retaining their team members over the long term. this isn’t always easy but with the right tactics, current leaders can establish policies that increase engagement to reduce attrition while also building the necessary skills and attitudes for successful leadership in younger team members.

more: marketing: not just for partners anymore | how to close the generation gap | eliminate mystery through communication | leadership growth is a two-way street | how to encourage firm ownership | change when? continuously | win with an intentional culture | each generation must change
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a recent survey conducted by the aicpa showed one of the biggest concerns accounting firms are facing today is employee retention and engagement. this is no surprise and is endemic throughout the entire profession. as the economy takes a turn for the better, the rate at which team members are leaving their current employment or seeking further opportunities is accelerating. many of the people leaving firms are the emerging leaders.
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five ways to show commitment

the word "commitment" in letter blocks with four tiny businessmenthe cliché is true: you have to walk the walk.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

there’s no doubt that consistent commitment is not as widely practiced as current partners of accounting firms might like to think.

more: comfort vs. complacency | are you committed to your firm? | nine points to check before hello | why clients struggle with growth
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business success is built on a dedicated team with a shared vision giving their all for the realization of that vision and the development of the next one.
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quiet quitting: are employers culturally aware?

a fad or a movement?

david bergstein and steven sacks chat about quiet quitting and how it may impact the accounting profession.

by steven sacks
the new fundamentals: practical guidance for today’s accounting firms

employees are not keen about returning to their offices after an almost two-and-a-half year (for some) hiatus from the hassle of commuting and balancing child care and other personal responsibilities. what are company leaders to do?
employees want to strike a balance between their work life and their family life (or life outside the office). the common employee refrain has been, “i want to find my life’s passion, and i need work flexibility to accomplish this.”


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what about creating value and finding purpose and meaning from work? more to the point: can meaning and purpose be derived from a job?

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are you committed to your firm?

profile of woman with finger on her lips in "shush" gesturethere are times to be silent.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

ask yourself and answer these questions when considering the current and future “commitment” behaviors that you’ll employ.

more: selling isn’t hard | how are you showing your commitment? | nine points to check before hello | selling happens all the time | five questions about your network | why clients struggle with growth | do you make your firm look good? | seven things that good advisors skip
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1 – what is my first reaction to being asked to work outside of my normal hours?

2 – how well do i understand the history and ethos of this firm and do i appreciate what the current partners have had to do to get this firm to where it can afford to pay me today?
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secret to success? a growth and abundance mindset

transformation talks: mike maksymiw, cpa, cgma, says the secret to success and transformation in accounting is to be willing to learn, believe there’s enough work for everyone…and allow yourself to be vulnerable.

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transformation talks
with bill penczak
center for accounting transformation

center for accounting transformation
center for accounting transformation

after 16 years of working in firms, mike maksymiw, cpa, cgma, was done.

he went to his employer with his concerns about wanting to do something else. instead of encouragement to pursue another area in the firm, he was persuaded to remain on the partner track he was on. maksymiw decided he’d rather move on.

more on aprio: why tax work yearns to be free | the fintechflood: accounting will never be the same | top issues for 2022: talent, time and transformation | what’s in a (firm) name?

more: five lead generation mistakes to avoid | five post-tax season growth ideas | five better ways to say no | are you solving your clients’ problems? | five ways to grow: talent new service lines | business development and sales aren’t scary
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“i didn’t have anywhere to go when i left. i just knew i needed to go,” he said. “so, after, you know, a couple pandemic busy seasons, learning about the cares act, being a national leader at the firm at that, like i was toast. so, my family and i just went to hawaii stayed there for two weeks.”

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how to guide students into accounting

pie chart
do you know any accountants personally? three out of four accounting majors/minors know an accountant personally, confirming the highly influential role of personal connections. (caq)

top five turn-offs and who they’d listen to.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

why would anyone want to be an accountant? long, grueling hours under green eyeshades, cranking a calculator in a back room, thinking nothing but numbers, numbers, numbers …

actual accountants know that such a description is not an accurate, let alone a fair, description of their work. the truth is accountancy is as much about working with people as with numbers. it’s an area of business that touches on all areas of business and even the welfare of families. it’s challenging, rewarding and can actually be exciting.

more in staffing & recruiting: cpa staff wages hit new high and keep climbing | how to face hiring challenges head-on | four ways to propel new cpas into growing your firm | when an employee’s growth has gaps | private equity shakes up u.k. firms | unlock your accountant super powers | from senior to manager in 12 quick questions | staffing crisis: 40% are looking for new jobs | the fintech flood: accounting will never be the same | cpa roi doa: why the next-gen accountant won’t be a cpa |

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the trouble is students have little idea what a career in accountancy is like. and those of ethnic minority, unlikely to have an accountant in the family or even the neighborhood, have even less notion of what an accountant does for a living.

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what’s your ‘kg’ value?

the quick and easy system for measuring top talent.

by ed mendlowitz
202 questions and answers

q: i suspect that my partner has “maxed out” and cannot grow further, which will retard our growth. what can i do or how can i deal with this?

more: how to stop yourself | what good managers know about bad judgment | audit reports without doing the work? | ask these 10 questions before adding financial services | 10 reasons clients don’t pay
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a: this is a frequent question, and sometimes it is the person asking it who has “maxed out.” but sometimes the partner or a key staff member wants to be made a partner.

i developed a knowledge gap (“kg”) method to provide a way of measuring the difference in growth when you interact with people.

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how are you showing your commitment?

businessman with hand extended in "no" gesturebonus: a personal purpose checklist.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

the passport to partnership study collated a number of responses in a conversational style. the need for commitment is showcased below and was repeated many times in various different ways.

more: nine points to check before hello | selling happens all the time | do you make your firm look good? | how to communicate your value | 4 top communication habits | three questions to evaluate firm culture
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so many use us as a stepping stone and we’re now trying to determine who those are at the interview stage.

proof – if any were needed – that long-term commitment is not a given in the next generation of accounting professionals.
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penny breslin: how to face hiring challenges head-on

the disruptors: penny breslin says don’t blame robots.

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with liz farr
for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

the accounting profession has faced staffing issues for years now and, especially post-pandemic, the problem has compounded. penny breslin, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 contributor and the founder of moneypenny, talks about how firms are facing the hiring challenges and popular solutions that seem to be working, including using predominantly cloud-based apps for collaboration and engagement and taking a true evaluation of the talents and skills needed for each position.

more disruptors: blake oliver: why tax work yearns to be free | private equity explodes in u.k. | brannon poe: the status quo must go  |  accounting nerds, unlock your super powers  | private equity vs. the cpa firm partnership the fintech flood: accounting will never be the same  |  think small to think big with matt wilkinson | your sales tax headaches are only just beginning | when financial statements go extinct with corey schmidt  |  can geraldine carter save accountants from themselves? |  re-inventing accounting with tyler anderson |  turning client service into new revenue exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

breslin says firms need to look at the talent they have and realize that not everyone has to be “a duplicate of yourself.”

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thirteen choices for true commitment

high angle view of business people stacking hands in a teamwork gesturehow to show the partners you mean business.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

rising from senior manager to partner often means being promoted ahead of our peers and contemporaries. it creates a gap in earnings, stature and influence compared to those who were our colleagues on a level playing field just yesterday.

more: selling happens all the time | five questions about your network | seven things that good advisors skip | internal communication can’t be overlooked | the seven levels of communication management | make firm culture work for you | sailing the seven c’s to partner | you can’t land your next client without this
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it can also mean that if we are coming into a firm from the outside, we are being promoted over people who have served at that firm for many years and understand the firm’s culture much better than we do now. we may have to lead these people as the head of a department and if so, they’d better be on our side.
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better ways to attract and retain talent

new staffing strategies for the next-generation accounting firm

by hitendra patil
client accounting services: the definitive success guide

topmost thought leader ronald j. baker said, “the world bank reports that 80 percent of the developed world’s wealth resides in human capital, illustrating that we’ve been in a knowledge economy since the 1950s. yet most accounting firms are utilizing a business model developed during the industrial era, with a relentless focus on efficiency and a ‘we sell time’ mentality.”

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in his succinct and soul-searching praise for “accountaneur: the entrepreneurial accountant,” baker urged, “from changing your business model to focusing on developing your firm’s human capital, and more – will keep your firm relevant as we encounter an increasingly turbulent and changing marketplace.”
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