henry & horne offers flex time, loans to future cpas

goodmiller and inderieden
managing partners goodmiller and inderieden

monthly videos help communicate management plans.

henry and horne cpa logo

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 staff

for henry & horne, keeping up with technology and finding and retaining good workers are primary concerns. while the phoenix-area cpa firm can only wait and watch while others develop new technologies for accountants and their clients, it’s proactively confronting its personnel concerns.

more from the corner office: lee beall: finding next-gen leaders at rea & assoc. | joe kask leads ‘paradigm shift’ at blumshapiro | ceo charles weinstein: eisneramper targets work-life balance | hbk’s allegretti says firm must stress excitement factor | lou grassi focuses on recruiting, retention at namesake n.y. firm | richard berkowitz drives berkowitz pollack brant to ‘warp speed’ | randy myeroff at cohen & co.: winning the youth movement | rick dreher innovates wipfli for clients, younger workers | how blain heckaman drives value at kaufman rossin | weisermazars mp blake charts u.s. expansion | frank longobardi: cohnreznick’s battle for top talent | the robo-cpa: jim sikich prepares for disruptive technologies |  exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

“for many cpa firms, recruitment, retention, and succession is the critical issue, but progressive, forward-thinking firms should see this as a true opportunity,” says chuck goodmiller, co-managing partner with chuck inderieden.
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the job of managing partner: empowered or emasculated?

woman executive coaching a male employee across deskwhy eat-what-you-kill firm cultures produce weak ceos.

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli

let’s review some best practices as to how the managing partner is elected, what is expected, for what term and how he or she is protected if removed from that role.

more on performance management: how to monitor goal progress | how to implement strategy, step by step | how to decide who decides pay | accountability includes partners | succession plan requirements | how retired partners are robbing their own firms | 4 ways to create more capacity | partner retirement and the war for clients | succession: the questions to care about | hazards of not reallocating equity | cpa firm performance assessments: 15 core competencies, 21 questions | 5 harmful management attitudes (and how to fix them)

the job differs whether it is being filled under the eat what you kill (ewyk) or building a village (bav) models. for example, under the ewyk model, the managing partner is likely the largest equity partner, or if not, then the default would be that the role of the managing partner would be that of administrative partner.  because the ewyk model is usually a silo model built around superstars, the managing partner’s role is to handle all of the matters that the other partners don’t want to do.  it is not uncommon in these scenarios that the managing partner earns a stipend to fill that position, and that the stipend is not very much (maybe $25,000 to $75,000 a year).

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ceo cooperman blames aicpa, lowballing for profession’s ills

head shot of joel cooperman

“the five-year rule is ridiculous and limits the number of people needed in the industry.”

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

finding qualified staff is among the most significant problems facing the accounting industry, and the american institute of cpas is partly to blame, according to joel a. cooperman, chief executive officer of citrin cooperman & co., a new york-based accounting and consulting services firm with more than 650 employees.

more from the corner office: lee beall: finding next-gen leaders at rea & assoc. | joe kask leads ‘paradigm shift’ at blumshapiro | lou grassi focuses on recruiting, retention at namesake n.y. firm | rick dreher innovates wipfli for clients, younger workers | frank longobardi: cohnreznick’s battle for top talent | the robo-cpa: jim sikich prepares for disruptive technologies |  exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.citrin cooperman logo

“the aicpa does a very poor job promoting reasons why accounting can be a very exciting and very rewarding career,” says cooperman, who co-founded citrin cooperman in 1979 and has overseen the firm’s growth to its ranking of 22nd on accounting today’s top 100 firms list with $175 million in revenues during 2014.

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10 best practices for setting goals

smart goal setting diagram, business conceptplus mission statements vs. vision statements.

by marc rosenberg
cpa firm retreats

a mission statement is:

  • an overarching purpose or reason for being
  • why we exist
  • motivating, distinctive and feasible
  • action-oriented; it should lead to change and improvement or it has no value

more on retreats: 5 reasons cpa firms are bad at succession planning | staff best practices … for the firm | staff likes and dislikes about the accounting profession | 25 ways to turn good firms into great firms

cpa firms have a very difficult time creating mission statements that are motivating and distinctive. regardless of how hard firms try, most cannot come up with a mission statement that is different from every other firm. for this reason, i advise firms to skip the creation of a mission statement.
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lee beall: finding next-gen leaders at rea & assoc.


nextgen participants spend 12 months developing skills and one major project.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 staff

rea & associates logodeveloping leaders from within the ranks of his firm is by far the top practice management issue for lee beall, chief executive officer of rea & associates, a central ohio area accounting and consulting firm that generates more than $35 million a year.

more from the corner office: joe kask leads ‘paradigm shift’ at blumshapiro | ceo charles weinstein: eisneramper targets work-life balance | hbk’s allegretti says firm must stress excitement factor | lou grassi focuses on recruiting, retention at namesake n.y. firm | richard berkowitz drives berkowitz pollack brant to ‘warp speed’ | randy myeroff at cohen & co.: winning the youth movement | rick dreher innovates wipfli for clients, younger workers | how blain heckaman drives value at kaufman rossin | weisermazars mp blake charts u.s. expansion | frank longobardi: cohnreznick’s battle for top talent | the robo-cpa: jim sikich prepares for disruptive technologies |  exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

beall and his leadership team first became aware of the need to internally cultivate leaders a few years ago, when, he recalls, “we looked at our employee base at the time and didn’t have a clear picture of who would be the next generation of leaders in our firm. this was a sobering reality.”

today, rea has a set goal of selecting beall’s replacement as ceo from an internal pool of candidates and committed to not looking outside for new leadership positions.

“if firms simply ignore the responsibility to identify and develop leaders within, the success, future and sustainability of these firms will be at risk,” beall says. he adds that leadership impacts most all of the other key practice management issues, including mergers and acquisitions, finding and retaining good workers, and meeting clients’ changing expectations.
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why some partners don’t deserve equity shares

woman and man shaking handsuse these 7 sets of criteria to decide.

by domenick j. esposito
8 steps to great

i suggest two lines of business for a sustainable cpa firm brand. given that, let’s begin with a basic principle: every firm should have two classes of partners:

  • equity partners and
  • non-equity partners.

more on strategic planning: start with sound firm governance, economics | how to develop tactics for your strategic plan | the big eight: harsh realities for firms today | seizing the $10 trillion opportunity

equity partners are those partners who have demonstrated that they consistently build enterprise value through a combination of relationship, business development, technical and management skills. these partners contribute capital to the firm, usually each and every year.
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joe kask leads ‘paradigm shift’ at blumshapiro


business at the speed of change: internal conferences educate employees on specialties, solicit feedback.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 staff

attracting and retaining talented employees is the key issue at blum shapiro and for the firm’s managing partner, joe kask, that means offering more than just the traditional workplace incentives.

blumshapiro logomore from the corner office: ceo charles weinstein: eisneramper targets work-life balance | hbk’s allegretti says firm must stress excitement factor | lou grassi focuses on recruiting, retention at namesake n.y. firm | richard berkowitz drives berkowitz pollack brant to ‘warp speed’ | randy myeroff at cohen & co.: winning the youth movement | rick dreher innovates wipfli for clients, younger workers | how blain heckaman drives value at kaufman rossin | weisermazars mp blake charts u.s. expansion | frank longobardi: cohnreznick’s battle for top talent | the robo-cpa: jim sikich prepares for disruptive technologies |  exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

“it’s not just about offering flexible work hours providing people with the technology to work from anywhere or providing collaborative work spaces it’s a paradigm shift in the way your organization thinks and operates,” says kask, who took over the reins at blumshapiro in january 2016. the west hartford, conn., firm’s $72.7 million in revenues during 2015 make it accountingtoday’s 52nd largest accounting firm in the united states and the largest in new england.
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partners as role models: the good, bad & ugly

two older businessmen talkingaccountability and reviews are more important at higher levels, not less.

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli

evaluation of performance and goal achievement is something done that should be performed multiple times during the year. unfortunately, many cpas tend to think of management as a waste of time, and evaluations as purely a human resources requirement created by the government to protect employees to the disadvantage of the organization.

more on performance management: how to implement strategy, step by step | how the best managing partners turn ideas into reality | make accountability a process | accountability requires clear expectations | base retirement on today’s operations | how involved should retired owners be? | how to find a partner’s replacement

well, that is one way to look at it. but we think it’s the wrong way.
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how to start strategic planning

businessman writing on a flip chart16 questions to ask.

by marc rosenberg
cpa firm retreats

strategic planning is the process of examining where you are now, where you want to be and most importantly, what you need to do to get there. it’s that simple.

more on retreats: how to identify partner potential in staffers | 13 steps in succession planning | staff best practices … for the firm | 25 ways to turn good firms into great firms | make more money | how to address partner compensation at a retreat | how to decide who decides what | how marketing for cpa firms is different | how to take action after a retreat 

the word “process” is very important. many people view strategic planning as an event, fixed in time, the results of which are bound in an immaculately prepared document and cast in stone. actually, strategic planning is a never-ending process. it goes through phases; it is continually monitored, changed and tweaked as circumstances warrant.
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start with sound firm governance, economics

hand drawing a rainbow-colored 33 critical components of success.

by domenick j. esposito
8 steps to great

“growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.”

james cash penney
founder, jcpenney

your firm is a business and the vehicle for generating wealth for you and your partners. you need to operate it with strict governance processes, a system of accountability and a firm economic foundation.

more on strategic planning: how to develop tactics for your strategic plan | taking a balanced scorecard to your partners | as tax season ends, strategic planning seasons begins | the big eight: harsh realities for firms today | seizing the $10 trillion opportunity | learning to ‘run with the big dogs’

balance sheets, usually funded by partner capital and a line of credit for seasonal working capital needs, need to be strong to protect your cpa firm from the loss of a senior partner, loss of a marquee client or just an overall poor economy that results in tepid growth for clients and therefore a reduced appetite for professional services.
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ceo charles weinstein: eisneramper targets work-life balance


individual work plans, overseas assignments among company’s offerings for employees.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 staff

eisneramper logo

the cpa profession has to make itself more relevant – to both its clients and its workers – to thrive through the rest of this century, according to charles weinstein, chief executive officer of eisneramper, one of the profession’s largest firms with more than $300 million of revenues projected for all 2015.

more from the corner office:  chris allegretti makes retention a top priority at hbk  | lou grassi focuses on recruiting, retention at namesake n.y. firm | richard berkowitz drives berkowitz pollack brant to ‘warp speed’ | randy myeroff at cohen & co.: winning the youth movement | rick dreher innovates wipfli for clients, younger workers | how blain heckaman drives value at kaufman rossin | weisermazars mp blake charts u.s. expansion | frank longobardi: cohnreznick’s battle for top talent | the robo-cpa: jim sikich prepares for disruptive technologies |  exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

“short-term, we need to make the profession cool,” he says. the “cool” in this case applies to the profession’s workforce. “a lot of it has to do with providing work-life balance for our employees, and that means more than just addressing their parenting or family issues,” he explains. “it also very much concerns meeting the needs of millennials and other younger-generation workers, whose concept of work and life in many cases is that they will work hard when that’s needed and expected of them, and then want balance for the rest of the time.”

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how to implement strategy, step by step

businessman's shoes toeing words "what's your next step?"be specific and find ways to “catch” the partner in action.

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli

an example of the process

it’s one thing to say “the managing partner implements strategy,” another to put it into action.

more on performance management: make accountability a process | pay varies when performance varies | accountability is for everyone | who decides what? | firms say what would change retirement pay | action plans for transitioning partners | how retirement issues affect succession planning | how partner ratings factor into equity | develop your employees or suffer the consequences

following is an example of this process, providing more detail to show how it might look in actual practice. let’s assume that one of the goals of a partner is to increase the most trusted business advisor activity for his or her top clients. in the initial goal sheet, for this one goal from the managing partner, that might look like this:
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chris allegretti makes retention a top priority at hbk


also: expanding on the notion of ‘most trusted advisor.’

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 staff

while hiring top talent is a key concern for chris allegretti, chief executive officer of hbk cpas & consultants in canfield, ohio, he’s even more concerned with his firm’s ability to retain its best people.

hbklogomore from the corner office: lou grassi focuses on recruiting, retention at namesake n.y. firm | richard berkowitz drives berkowitz pollack brant to ‘warp speed’ | randy myeroff at cohen & co.: winning the youth movement | rick dreher innovates wipfli for clients, younger workers | how blain heckaman drives value at kaufman rossin | weisermazars mp blake charts u.s. expansion | frank longobardi: cohnreznick’s battle for top talent | the robo-cpa: jim sikich prepares for disruptive technologies |  exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

“of  course our job is to recruit the best, but we ‘re also finding that we have to constantly ‘re-recruit’ them by investing in their futures and making our firm the place where they’ll want to stay,” he says.
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