headcounts grow 5%; pay rates surge at 7% pace

the only down spots? tax prep and payroll.

by beth bellor
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

we like to see a month or two of increases when we’re talking about jobs, but how about six or seven? that’s the rosy picture seen across several sectors in accounting, according to the latest available data.

more: cpa staff wages hit new high and keep climbing | firms battle staff shortages with pay hikes | tax & accounting firms beef up wages and headcounts | employee counts, earnings rise
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oh, you’re an employee looking at potential earnings? they just hit new highs at cpa firms and for staff overall.

we report here on the accounting profession as a whole as well as:

  • cpa firms
  • tax preparation services
  • payroll services
  • bookkeeping
  • women

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why accountants fail at wealth management

due to one reason. and it’s a big one.troubled businessman adobestock_73444359 1000w copy.jpeg

by russ alan prince

a growing percentage of accounting firms have wealth management practices by one name or another. most of these practices provide investment management services, life insurance, or both.

more: what level of advice do entrepreneurs need? | three approaches to investment consulting | the role of the personal cfo | three components of collaborative wealth management | 2022世界杯32强赛程表时间
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but an estimated 75% to 90% of these wealth management practices are severely underperforming.

the reason why is both simple and difficult.

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how to guide students into accounting

pie chart
do you know any accountants personally? three out of four accounting majors/minors know an accountant personally, confirming the highly influential role of personal connections. (caq)

top five turn-offs and who they’d listen to.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

why would anyone want to be an accountant? long, grueling hours under green eyeshades, cranking a calculator in a back room, thinking nothing but numbers, numbers, numbers …

actual accountants know that such a description is not an accurate, let alone a fair, description of their work. the truth is accountancy is as much about working with people as with numbers. it’s an area of business that touches on all areas of business and even the welfare of families. it’s challenging, rewarding and can actually be exciting.

more in staffing & recruiting: cpa staff wages hit new high and keep climbing | how to face hiring challenges head-on | four ways to propel new cpas into growing your firm | when an employee’s growth has gaps | private equity shakes up u.k. firms | unlock your accountant super powers | from senior to manager in 12 quick questions | staffing crisis: 40% are looking for new jobs | the fintech flood: accounting will never be the same | cpa roi doa: why the next-gen accountant won’t be a cpa |

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the trouble is students have little idea what a career in accountancy is like. and those of ethnic minority, unlikely to have an accountant in the family or even the neighborhood, have even less notion of what an accountant does for a living.

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cpa staff wages hit new high and keep climbing

tax prep hiring surges.

line chart
earnings for staff in cpa firms: up 5.8 percent for the year


by beth bellor
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

earnings remain a bright spot in the accounting profession. we track other figures as well, of course, but when recruiting and staffing, this is the number your candidates are eyeing.

more: firms battle staff shortages with pay hikes | tax & accounting firms beef up wages and headcounts | employee counts, earnings rise
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

the minimum hike year over year is 4.4 percent. according to the latest data available, these are average hourly earnings:

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new study: embracing diversity in accounting

organizations incorporating dei into their culture see numerous benefits, but many don’t know where or how to start.

from the center for accounting transformation 

in an effort to better understand the needs and potential solutions for diversity, equity and inclusion (dei) efforts, the center for accounting transformation is conducting research into the dei journeys of accounting professionals worldwide.

join the 10-minute survey here.

accounting professionals are urged to take the survey and be on the lookout for results this summer. 

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firms battle staff shortages with pay hikes

except at payroll agencies, where wage gains are dipping.

cpa firm wages: up 9.8% from a year ago.

by beth bellor

let’s talk about earnings, because the latest national data shows some good news on that front. hourly earnings in the accounting profession have nudged above $39 for the first time, to $39.09, up 81 cents or 2.1% for the month and $2.48 or 6.8% for the year.

more: tax & accounting firms beef up wages and headcounts | cpa hiring rises as number of new grads continues to decline | staffing crisis: 40% are looking for new jobs

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another new high came at cpa firms, where they topped $41 for the first time at $41.61, up $1.23 or 3% for the month and $3.70 or 9.8% for the year. staff at cpa firms followed the trend with $31.84, up 53 cents or 1.7% for the month and $2.02 or 6.8% for the year.

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