is it time to outsource?

four businessmen standing on world maptwelve signs to watch for.

by hitendra patil
client accounting services: the definitive success guide

when you are the key person to make things happen at your firm, you want to invest as much time in “business development” (not just marketing and sales) as humanly possible. your firm’s growth will make you feel that producing and delivering your services is an essential core business function for you, but some of it is not.

more: your firm’s cas team: who and how many | two tech approaches to cas | show your priciest cas package first | how cas drives virtual cfo billings | the roi on identifying clients for cas
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freeing up yourself to spend more time focusing on the things that add value to your practice and help set it apart from the competition is the most essential differentiating growth strategy you will ever deploy. the same principle applies to your experienced, talented staff.
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five tough-love strategies for 2022

can you follow the same advice you’d give your clients?

by art kuesel

over the past few weeks, i have been working on some thoughts that i wanted to share with you. they have finally been penned with a clear mind mostly free of distractions. like many of you, i am inspired by the amazing clients i have the privilege to serve.

more outlook 2022: survey: tech is the path to a better tax season | private equity at the gates | 20 predictions for the year ahead | 12 shifts to ensure firm success | why it’s time for an acquisition | how to reinvent the firm for the covid age | accounting will never be the same | 10-point plan for the year aheadcompeting for talent in a private-equity world | your best advice: get smart, get tech, get moving | survey: worries for small business clients |

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while i see considerable fatigue out there, i also see brilliance, resilience, and optimism. while some of you need a pep talk, some of you need an “atta boy” or “atta girl.”

please take a moment to read and reflect on the five factors that will dominate our future in 2022.

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how to become a specialist

woman's hand pressing words "ask an expert"some of your training can happen on the job.

by ed mendlowitz
call me before you do anything: the art of accounting

once you decide upon a specialization, you need to go about making yourself an expert. read, join professional associations, take focused cpe, and try to write articles or give speeches. accountants who are industry experts become industry thought leaders.

more: success secrets in specialties | making sure the son got proper credit | yes, shirt logos can matter | 10 more reasons cpas quit public accounting | family trees of clients
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some specialties require obtaining designations or certificates of completion that require study and time – an investment you and the firm would have to make. there is no easy path to growing and establishing expertise, but it is a joyful ride.
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updated: accountants critical of competitor price-cutting

the average firm may be trimming billing rate increases. but 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 readers aren’t average.

cpa firm price increases slowed to a month-to-month increase of 0.4 percent in november, down from a 3.1 percent in september, and a fraction of the year-ago 1.9 percent hike. the picture in tax prep is even dimmer, with month-to-month slowdowns and year-to-year declines.


ayster: not afraid to raise rates

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

heading into tax season, cpa firms may be facing new pricing pressures, even as wages and consumer prices increase at record rates, according to a 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 study of new government economic data.

what are today’s best pricing strategies?
join the survey. get the answers

to be sure, many 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 members responding to our survey are resisting the pressures, and plan on pushing ahead with price increases.

more surveys & research: sales & use tax costs are higher than anyone thought | are you under-pricing your client accounting services? | survey: nobody loves the wayfair decision | survey: worries for small business clients | busy season forecast: more chaos | salt: the small business disaster waiting to happen

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while inflation is pushing prices up at record rates in major sectors of the u.s. economy, cpa firms appear to be trimming their billing rate increases, slicing 0.2 percent off the average price from october to november, according to 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research.

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private equity at the gates

the pandemic has accelerated our progress toward the future that was already in the offing.

by terry putney

the pandemic is changing where firms work. and it’s a huge issue.

more: 12 shifts to ensure firm success | how to reinvent the firm for the covid age | why it’s time for an acquisition | three ways the accounting profession has changed | ramping up for the year ahead
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office space is being downsized dramatically. long-term office leases that must be assumed by an acquiring firm are becoming a deal killer in many m&a deals. we are seeing a significant increase in the number of firms that are going almost completely virtual. read more →

five steps to building advisory work

both the who and the how.
hand watering small plant in pot shaped like upward arrow

by bill penczak

the nirvana (in the esoteric sense, not the kurt cobain context) for cpa firms is to provide “higher value” work for their clients, which traditionally means guiding them with process improvement, predictive analytics on business drivers, or taking proactive measures to reduce risk or tax burden.

more: the six essential kpis for managing partners | the great resignation: five reasons accountants are quitting | five global cpa leaders: four survival strategies | planning for success in 2021 | do you have the guts to beat the covid crisis?
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it is a career builder for your staff and a noble aspiration for the industry.

but while i have heard managing partners talk about the notion of higher value work, when pressed, they are often at a loss as to what that work would be, and more importantly, whether their mid-level and junior-level staffers (or even partners) have the true skill set to move into the major leagues.

the burden of meeting compliance deadlines weighs heavily on most staff, and they are weary from deadline pressures of clients’ immediate needs to consider much else.

perhaps this is the opportunity to help chart your best and brightest to the next level, not only for fear of losing them to industry or another firm, but because as a firm leader, it’s the right thing to do.
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your firm’s cas team: who and how many

you may need to boost their human skillsets.

by hitendra patil
accountaneur: the entrepreneurial accountant

“we do not have the staffing for client accounting services.”

non-cas firms cite this as the topmost reason for not being able to offer cas. nothing could be further from the truth.

more: two tech approaches to cas | when to start building your cas tech stack | your firm needs a cas champion | your top six cas questions
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experience of firms that offer cas, including that of small firms with fewer than five staff members, proves beyond doubt that you do not need more staff to start offering cas. even solo practitioners provide cas. the only thing you need to begin your cas journey is to be ruthless, relentless and fearless to leverage newer and cloud technologies. automation, integration and even artificial intelligence make it easier, faster and cheaper to perform some repetitive, time-consuming work of accounting firms.
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sales & use tax costs are higher than anyone thought

sales tax return activity represents the greatest proportion of total costs, followed by consumer use tax. among all businesses surveyed, the total calculated cost (hours spent multiplied by cost per hour) is $14,811 per month. esb average, $11,968.smb average, $17,672 (48% increase over esb segment.)


ripe opportunity for accountants to take over clients’ costly recurring non-revenue-generating back-office drudgery.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

midsize businesses spend 163 hours per month on tax compliance – costing more than $17,000, according to new research released by avalara, the sales tax automation company. additional findings break down what tax requirements businesses spend the most time and money on.

tax and accounting firms will be most interested in data related to clients’ recurring and significant spending on non-revenue-generating tasks, in tandem with the potential for human error and resulting impacts on compliance.


pro-member benefit:
get the complete deck with all the survey findings and analysis below.

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want to be a partner? meet these 17 expectations

// four super basics.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

we’ve all heard the names given to various generations of people over the past century. the lost generation. the greatest (wwii) generation. the silent generation. baby boomers. gen x. millennials. gen z. though i don’t know of any studies on this, i’m quite sure that every generation of cpa firm ownership has complained – bitterly – about the younger generation.

more: five reasons not to make someone a partner | yes, you need another partner | what prospective partners should ask their firm | making partner: 15 steps to the buy-in | drive your profits with only four metrics
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baby boomers and gen xers love to complain that today’s staff don’t want to be partners. they cite this as a major reason why it’s so difficult to bring in new partners.
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clients who prefer obscurity

// are your best way to gain the trust and business of the super-rich.

by anthony glomski and russ alan prince
your $5-million high-net-worth practice

client-focused business development is fundamental. the everyone wins process is effective at every level of wealth. as we said, the everyone wins process is not only business-enhancing, it’s life-enhancing. so, if you are interested in working with the super-rich and with single-family offices, mastering the everyone wins process will serve you well.

more: four steps of stress testing | the smart way to handle financial products | three types of family offices for the wealthy | virtual workshops guide clients through covid | thought leadership is more precious than ever
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on the other hand, you will need to make modifications to how you operate, including what you can deliver to these cohorts when it comes to your high-net-worth practice. an obvious example is that a single-family office will turn to you for all that most high-net-worth practices can deliver. this is extremely rare.
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two tech approaches to cas

smiling businesswoman working at deskand one fundamental requirement.

by hitendra patil
the definitive success guide to client accounting services

client accounting services essentially requires an ability for your firm to be able to best serve the needs of all your clients.

more: when to start building your cas tech stack | stop derailing cas | lower your costs by 75% with cas | cas drives up demand for virtual cfos | turn client wants into needs | a job description for client accounting services
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in other words, your firm’s technology stack, services, processes and pricing packages need to cater to businesses of different sizes, turnovers, as well as various levels of tech-savviness of the business owners and their employees. in yet other words, your firm should have the ability to do part of the accounting work or all the work your clients offload to your firm.
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