5 harmful management attitudes (and how to fix them)

how common management pitfalls hurt firms and employees.

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 / succession institute

how do attitudes, misconceptions and bad habits get in the way of our learning to be better managers?

related: do cpa firms need management or leadership? | job 1 for the practice owner: client management

here are five common attitudes, practices and perceptions we find:

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a radical close look at value pricing

pen ready to fill in blank timesheetbonus checklists: 5 reasons not to manage employees by timesheet and 4 factors of fixed pricing.

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pricing strategies and billing rates

by jody padar
the radical cpa

ron baker and ed kless of the verasage institute are the hands-down experts on value pricing. they do a phenomenal job of explaining how it works and why you shouldn’t track time. i’ve done it for the last eight years and i absolutely love it. i would never go back to time and billing. my quality of life has changed dramatically because of it. what it’s done for the culture of my firm can’t be measured. it’s an intangible. i started doing it because i figured out that there had to be a better way to sell my services. i didn’t want to sell myself by the hour and i found out that it worked without reading all the economic theories. so i continued.

more on radicalism: get radical about pricing | make radical connections | let’s get radical about content | each social channel has a language | get ready for radical transparency | 5 radical ways to be social and strategic | how i got started being social | how social media transforms firms to their core | six competitive advantages for the radical cpa | radical tenet #1: embrace the cloud | radical customers are on their way | 5 radical transparencies; are you ready? | 4 questions radical firms must face | being radical starts with being the change | why start being radical now? | going radical: the 4 tenets of a ‘new firm’ | the roots of ‘radical’ cpas | the first 3 questions i should have asked before starting my own practice

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

the technology is only getting faster and better. eight years ago my payroll only took two minutes using paycycle. i had to ask myself: how could i make money on it? i believe that the pricing model finally is going to change. ron baker was the early adopter and started this 20 years ago. i believe the technology has now caught up. if firms don’t change our pricing model, we’re either going to have 25,000 customers or we’re not going to make any money if we continue to charge by time.

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do cpa firms need management or leadership?

differentiating between the two, and the two most common styles of management.

by bill reeb and dominic cingoranelli
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 / succession institute

let’s start out with a straightforward question. what is the difference between management and leadership?

from one point of view, leadership is far different than management. for example, leadership might be all about developing a vision for the organization, being innovative, motivating others, empowering those around you, focusing on developing the people around you instead of just developing yourself, looking for positive ways to change, doing the right thing, and keeping the forest in view and not just see the trees.

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clear billing procedures make collecting easier

tips for handling everything from late payers to extra services to minimum fee schedules.

by ed mendlowitz

question: can you give me some suggestions on overall firm pricing and billing methods?

more practice doctor q&a: there’s more to growth than marketing | how to make staff a team again | before you even think about selling your practice | how to make annual staff evaluations work | change your thinking about ‘small’ clients | why adopting new technologies is a must | when fees don’t keep up with cost increases | lowballing and why it (usually) doesn’t work | what goes in a client’s permanent file? | why the average fee doesn’t matter | how to apply value pricing to bundled services | 6 ways to take a client beyond tax prep

goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

answer:  here’s how we’ve handled the billing and collection process at my firm.

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how to build a growth-centric pricing strategy


with an eight-point analysis of your firm’s pricing strategy.

by august aquila
creating the effective partnership

all you need to do is think of any services, professional or commercial, that you have purchased over the last few years. would you pay a premium rate to a bonsai gardener just to trim a regular tree or shrub? most likely not, since there would be many a gardener available to do this simple task. however, the price of an open heart surgery would not matter, if the operation would save your life.

more for pro members: how to combine two firms after merger: carefully  |  six new year’s tips for leaders in tax and accounting  |  mirror, mirror on the wall  |  6 steps to handle staffing problems in a merger  |  new times call for new cpa firm metrics  |  6 reasons why cpa firms fail in innovation  |  7 signs your firm is headed for an implosion  |  why is it always about partner compensation?  |  why merge and what to watch out for  |  13 steps to fool-proof mergers and acquisitions  |  13 questions to ask yourself for personal growth  |  partner problem? first, ask yourself these 21 questions  |  12 reasons cpa firm staff meetings are a waste of time  |  the managing partner’s secret weapon in change management  |  the 10 basic ways to boost profits at an accounting firm  |  12 must-do items for your partner retreat agenda

when pricing your services you need to carefully analyze the three key factors

  1. demand,
  2. competition and
  3. costs.

for example, it’s hard to get a premium price for a basic 1040 return because there are thousands of competitors offering the same service as very competitive prices. however, if you are offering litigation services for high net worth divorce cases, then you need to look at the unique characteristics of your services, what is potentially at risk for your clients and the firm’s overall marketing and pricing strategies.

to find out how marketing oriented your firm’s pricing strategy really is, just complete the following brief pricing strategy questionnaire. there are no incorrect answers. the purpose of the survey is to give you a snapshot of where you are today. you goal, then, is to lay out a plan to get you where you want to be tomorrow. read more →

cpa firms show strength in raising and holding fee rates

auditing and tax rates continue to inch upward.

chart of july 2015 ppi, cpa offices
cpa firm pricing index

pricing strategies and trends in tax and accounting
join the survey. get the details.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the pricing index at cpa firms stands at 116.8, just one-tenth of one point below the six-month average for the year, suggesting firms are maintaining their strong grip on fees. read more →

tax leads accounting industry in price hikes

ppimay15thumbnailaccounting industry shows healthier pricing power than most other industries — and its own clients.

next question: which pricing strategies are best for today’s market? join the survey; get the answers.

by rick telberg
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

following hefty hikes in billing rates during tax season, the tax, accounting and bookkeeping industry is pushing through price increases three times faster than the rest of the nation’s economy, according to a new 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 study.

more: fees and pricing reports for pro members only
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while most other industries — and, by implication, most of the profession’s clients — are barely managing to maintain price levels, the accounting industry is forging ahead aggressively. the industry’s powerful position in pricing suggests huge demand for the complex services that only accountants can provide. and many practitioners appear to be taking every opportunity possible. to be sure, costs are rising as well, with talent, technology and retirements putting pressure on many firms.

in this report, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 analyzes pricing trends and billing rates for:

  • cpa firm services in general,
  • auditing and assurance services in particular,
  • tax preparation and planning, and
  • bookkeeping and compilations

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tax preparation fees and services

screen shot 2015-06-09 at 9.19.17 pmthe national trends and averages

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

while tax professionals taking a well-deserved break this summer, they are also carefully assessing how well – or poorly – they fared in tax season 2015 and they are beginning to lay plans for tax season 2016. chief among their concerns will, no doubt, be a thorough review of their mix of services and fees.

fortunately, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 has compiled authoritative data in an easy-to-use set of charts, graphs and infographics to guide the strategizing for 2016.

in this report, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 reveals:

  • the average time it takes an amateur do-it-yourselfer to do a 1040 – useful information in understanding and communicating to clients the true value of a professional.
  • how many tax professionals give away over $100 per client in free consultations – and how competitive the market may be for practitioners.
  • prices by type of form: itemized 1040; state; schedule c’s; 940s; 1065s; 1120ss.
  • prices by region: west, midwest, northeast and south.
  • how many preparers charge to file an extension and how much they charge.
  • trends in 1040 business.
  • practitioners’ age ranges and years in business.
  • the characteristics of the communities in which they operate.

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selling on value vs. fees

what’s the difference? compliance sells on fee; advisory sells on value.

by martin bissett
understanding selling

i’ve been asking you to believe in yourself, to get your potential clients to open up to you and to demonstrate to them the outcomes that working with you and your firm would create in their personal and professional lives.

more on selling: 3 ways to convert scheduling practices to new fees | selling vs. attracting to build relationships | when selling, don’t chase new fees, attract them | selling accounting services doesn’t have to be hard! | ‘selling’ isn’t a dirty word | 8 factors in practice development success | in sales, perception is reality | success begins with accountability | do you realize you’re failing? | winning your first client

now here’s a checklist for you to run through before you begin your next business development initiative, and before each new business appointment that you have. read more →

how much should you pay to buy, sell or merge an accounting practice?

here are just 19 factors.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: i am in process of buying a practice and would like to know how much to pay.

more practice doctor q&a: when fees don’t keep up with cost increases  | when large (or any) clients need backup assurances | 18 ways to blow a partnership opportunity | 10 do’s and don’ts for making small business clients happy | 10 ways to get new 1040 clients | before you even think about selling your practice…

answer: an alternative question is how much to sell it for. this is a complicated issue with many important variables, some of which are:

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when fees don’t keep up with cost increases

ed mendlowitz cpa the practice doctor q and ait’s not too late in the year to make changes.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: my expenses have crept up greater than my fees. what should i do?

more practice doctor q&a: lowballing and why it (usually) doesn’t work | when is it time to merge? | what goes in a client’s permanent file? | why the average fee doesn’t matter | no more printouts at cpe programs? | how to apply value pricing to bundled services | 6 ways to take a client beyond tax prep | 18 ways to blow a partnership opportunity | when experience doesn’t add up | 8 times when hourly billing trumps value pricing | 6 ways to know what you don’t know | 10 do’s and don’ts for making small business clients happy | client’s difficult daughter balks at bill | 6 simple steps to impress a prospect

answer: very important to increase fees at least enough to keep up with your increasing costs. here is a story i have told dozens of times at speeches. this is one of the things i wrote that i really like. in case you wonder, i have given a copy to freddie.

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