compensation is no way to manage partners

man counting $100 bills into three piles6 ways to combine it with personal interventions.

by marc rosenberg
the role of the managing partner

too many firms’ primary way to manage partner performance and hold them accountable is with compensation. their reasoning is this:

more: make sure partners focus on two things | manage partners with goal setting | overarching authority that managing partners must have | herding cats: advice for managing partners
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if partners perform well, they will see their reward in the form of higher compensation. if partners perform below expectations, they will get the message in the form of a disappointing compensation number. other methods are not necessary. it’s all about the money.
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make sure partners focus on two things

mentor showing project presentation to mentee9 ways to help partners manage their clients.

by marc rosenberg
the role of the managing partner

cpa firm partners have a tendency to get sucked in to many activities. there is a macho aspect to their personalities that says, “bring it on, i can handle it.”

more: manage partners with goal setting | clarify partner expectations | how the managing partner manages the partners | overarching authority that managing partners must have | exceptional managing partners offer their advice | why management is the #1 key to the firm’s success
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no. no. no. they cannot handle it well. the notion that multitasking is an efficient, desirable mode of conduct is pure myth and has been debunked by numerous studies.
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manage partners with goal setting

includes 20 sample goals.

by marc rosenberg
the role of the managing partner

the purposes of goal setting are to help the firm achieve its overall goals and to help individuals achieve their performance goals.

more: clarify partner expectations | how the managing partner manages the partners | overarching authority that managing partners must have | exceptional managing partners offer their advice | why management is the #1 key to the firm’s success | herding cats: advice for managing partners
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when individuals and organizations create goals, put them in writing, assign deadlines, follow up and establish a means of accountability for achieving the goals, they are more likely to achieve the goals than if they merely talk about the goals or have the goals in mind.
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clarify partner expectations

two women talkingit makes managing them easier.

by marc rosenberg
the role of the managing partner

over the years, during countless partner interviews, many have told me they aren’t sure of their role and what is expected of them.

more: how the managing partner manages the partners | overarching authority that managing partners must have | exceptional managing partners offer their advice | why management is the #1 key to the firm’s success | herding cats: advice for managing partners
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here is a basic, universal technique for improving performance and providing feedback:
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how the managing partner manages the partners

silhouettes of three business partners talking against a window in an officeit’s a people job.

by marc rosenberg
the role of the managing partner

this is a saying i developed about partners that stands as tall today as it did 20 years ago: “as the partners go, so goes the firm.”

more: overarching authority that managing partners must have | exceptional managing partners offer their advice | why management is the #1 key to the firm’s success | herding cats: advice for managing partners
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this means that the partners are the drivers of the firm’s success. to be sure, nonpartner personnel are critically important to the firm’s success, but nowhere near the level of the partners, who

  • bring in the clients
  • keep the clients
  • help clients grow
  • satisfy clients’ needs by cross-selling services
  • mentor staff, helping them learn and grow
  • embrace the firm’s core values and spread the word to others
  • manage the firm and provide leadership to all

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overarching authority that managing partners must have

senior businesswoman holding portfolio16 items that don’t require formal votes. 7 that do. and 25 best practices.

by marc rosenberg
the role of the managing partner

there is no better way to start this post than with a quote by tony kendall, managing partner of mitchell & titus, a large cpa firm with offices in new york, philadelphia, chicago and other cities. tony said:

“i can’t manage this firm if i have to take a vote every time i want to make a decision.”

for managing partners to be effective, they must have the authority and flexibility to make decisions without first getting approval and without subjecting those decisions to the nitpicking and negativity that may occur when management decisions are open for debate and discussion.

more: exceptional managing partners offer their advice | why management is the #1 key to the firm’s success | herding cats: advice for managing partners
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there are two caveats to this:
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four tips for new partners

young businesswoman using a tabletthey also work for new solo practitioners.

by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor

question: a few months ago i became a partner in my firm but i don’t seem to know what to do as a “partner.”

more: before you sell your practice | price your practice by gross | advising estate executors: the newbie guide to getting started | how’s your overhead?
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nothing seems to have changed except my title and compensation arrangement, which hasn’t even started yet. do you have any suggestions of what i should do?
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exceptional managing partners offer their advice

senior businesswoman studying proposalalso: the job description in 14 points.

by marc rosenberg
the role of the managing partner

i always tell new clients that i’m “one firm smarter than the last firm i worked with.” that’s because i learn something from each firm i work with, one of the great joys of my 20-year consulting career. i’ve worked with many of the most talented, accomplished managing partners in the u.s. and canada and meticulously observed their style. no two managing partners are the same. each brings a unique style or attribute to the table.

more: why management is the #1 key to the firm’s success | herding cats: advice for managing partners
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as a result of these observations, i’ve pieced together the optimal job description for a managing partner, posted below. though i first put this together 10-15 years ago, i fine-tune it every year as times change and differences in managing partner duties are observed.
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why management is the #1 key to the firm’s success

do you want to get by, or be the best possible?

by marc rosenberg
the role of the managing partner

there are three critically important words in the title of this post:

  • management
  • #1 key
  • success

more: herding cats: advice for managing partners
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this post drills down on each of these words to help drive home our central theme: why management is the single most important factor in a cpa firm’s success. it matters even more than bringing in business, more than having great clients and staff, more than doing quality work.
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entitled rainmakers and other practice development errors

can retired partners stay involved? only if it benefits the firm.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

this post explains the rock-solid link between bringing in business and partner compensation.

more: 13 ways to make the most of your website | five social media do’s and don’ts | is it time to hire a marketing consultant? | how to manage the practice development function | networking for fun and profit | 14 marketing activities needed now more than ever | now is the time to activate your referral network | the 4 marketing disciplines | why you have to kill the old paradigms
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here are the major factors firms consider in compensating partners:

  • bringing in business
  • managing a large client base profitably
  • providing great service to your client base
  • holding management and leadership positions in the firm
  • nurturing and mentoring staff; helping them learn and grow
  • living and breathing the firm’s core values

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herding cats: advice for managing partners

goldfish forming an arrow“effective leaders get people to follow without making them feel they are being told what to do.”

by marc rosenberg
the role of the managing partner

“few things are more important to human activity than leadership. it helps countries prosper. it makes businesses successful. parents help children become successful adults.

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“the absence of leadership is equally dramatic. without leadership, organizations move slowly, stagnate, and lose their way. we are taught that if decision-making is timely and correct, things will go well. yet a decision by itself changes nothing. more important is implementation, and that’s where organizations often fail.

“implementation is about how leaders influence behavior, change the course of events, and overcome resistance. leadership is crucial in implementing decisions successfully.” – quinn mills, harvard business school professor

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managing information overload

woman yelling into bullhorn and newspapers flying outthe right decisions depend on it.

by steven e. sacks
the new fundamentals

it’s a non-stop world of information, data and knowledge shared by anyone from anywhere. it overwhelms, frustrates, confuses, provokes, guides, influences, paralyzes and spurs action. what we research informs the areas we want to investigate further based on the level of knowledge that we need – or how seductive the messaging is, piquing our curiosity even more.

more: make your writing count | trust: one building block of success | make your presentations memorable | have a real-life conversation | is your message open to interpretation? | why proper communication is critical | how to select your firm’s board | real influence vs. immediate gratification | 4 ways to boost job satisfaction
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newspapers, magazines, cable, radio, social media and a multitude of in-person events create this 24/7 world of information gathering. for business leaders, deciding where to look for information influences their approach to learning more. leaders who seriously take their role of decision-making want to learn; they collect the relevant data and anecdotal information so they can contemplate the pros and cons of certain actions to take.
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seven deadly sins that will destroy your firm

businessman in an umbrella sails in storm in the nightthe pandemic actually brought us a positive.

by august j. aquila

my experience has been that firms suffer not only economically, but also professionally. clients and staff also suffer because the following behaviors hurt client service and staff development.

more: the morning after the merger | 6 action steps for a smooth retirement transition | the eternal riddle of being an effective leader | 7 pieces of leadership advice | tomorrow’s leader in 9 bullet points | 5 ways to get clients to accept a new pricing philosophy | 11 alternative pricing methods

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if you notice any of these in your firm, act today to change the culture.

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